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Deputy President Ramaphosa arrives in London for Team SA presentation of South Africa’s bid to host Rugby World Cup 2023

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has today,  25 September 2017, arrived in London for the presentation, to the World Rugby Council, of South Africa’s bid to host the prestigious Rugby World Cup 2023 tournament.
Deputy President Ramaphosa is supported by Sport and Recreation Minister Thulas Nxesi and Deputy Minister Gert Oosthuizen. The South African presentation will take place at the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington, London, today, Monday 25 September 2017.

Ireland and France are the other contenders for the 2023 tournament that will take place 200 years after the invention, according to legend, of the game of rugby by William Webb Ellis.
President Jacob Zuma has requested Deputy President Ramaphosa to lead Team South Africa, in view of the President’s recent participation in the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, and the national celebration of Heritage Day.
The high-powered rugby delegation led by Deputy President includes SA Rugby President Mark Alexander and Chief Executive Officer Jurie Roux, who will lay out South Africa’s technically and commercially compelling case to host the tournament 28 years after late President Nelson Mandela handed the Webb Ellis Cup to Francois Pienaar at a packed Ellis Park Stadium in Johannesburg.
Deputy President Ramaphosa’s participation in this visit and his leadership of the mission to London symbolises and demonstrates government’s deep commitment and support to return the tournament to the African continent in the 21st century.
Contractually, this commitment is demonstrated by the fact that the South African government has, as the lead partner in the bid process, signed off on all the requirements stipulated by the World Rugby Council, satisfying more than the required minimum guarantee in the process.
Deputy President Ramaphosa has congratulated Team South Africa on its preparations to date for the presentation of the bid and has called on all South Africans to show their support for Team South Africa as the delegation enters the final stages of securing the Rugby World Cup 2023.
The World Rugby will announce the host of the 2023 Rugby World Cup on 15 November 2017.

Enquiries: Tyrone Seale on 083 575 7440

Issued by: The Presidency

Presidency confirms receipt of notice from Public Protector

The Presidency confirms that President Cyril Ramaphosa has recieved a notice in terms of section 7(9) of the Public Protector Act with respect to an investigation into allegations of violations of the Executive Ethics Code.

In terms of the Public Protector Act, a section 7(9) is issued “If it appears to the Public Protector during the course of an investigation that any person is being implicated in the matter being investigated and that such implication may be to the detriment of that person or that an adverse finding pertaining to that person may result, the Public Protector shall afford such person an opportunity to respond in connection therewith, in any manner that may be expedient under the circumstances.”

The President has responded to the Public Protector requesting an extension of the period given to him to respond to the matters raised in the Public  Protector’s provisional report. The Public Protector has granted such extension until 21 June 2019.

The President has further requested to exercise his entitlement to question the complainant, Mr Maimane and several witnesses which had appeared before the Public Protector during the course of her investigation in terms of section 7 (9) (b) (ii) of the Act.

The President remains committed to fully cooperating with the Public Protector in the course of her investigation and to ensuring that this matter is speedily brought to conclusion.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa to address the National Youth Day event

President Cyril Ramaphosa will, on Sunday 16 June 2019, deliver the keynote address at the National Youth Day event to be held at the Peter Mokaba Cricket Club in Polokwane, Limpopo Province.
The month of June has been declared Youth Month and it is a period set aside to pay tribute to the youth of 1976 for their activism. 
It is also a time to reflect on the progress made and address the challenges identified in order to drive the youth development agenda in South Africa.
This year’s Youth Month coincides with the commemoration of 25 years of Freedom and Democracy and it takes place under the theme “25 Years of  Democracy: A Celebration of Youth Activism”. 
The theme seeks to encourage young people to join the ranks of active and responsible citizens by participating in democratic processes.
President Ramaphosa will commence the day by engaging with the youth in a Youth Development and Career Expo at a venue within the Polokwane Cricket Club.
The day will culminate with the President delivering a keynote address to the nation at the National Youth Day event at the Peter Mokaba Cricket Club.
During this month of youth, government and its agencies such as the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) will host a number of engagements, including youth expos, dialogues and youth entrepreneur hubs to showcase opportunities available to young people. A list of Youth Day build-up events can be accessed on
Venue: Peter Mokaba Cricket Club, Polokwane, Limpopo Province
Time: 09h00
Date: 14 and 15 June 2019 
Time: 09h00 – 17h00
Date: 16 June 2019
Time: 07h00 – 10h00
Venue: Polokwane New Council Chambers, Polokwane Central
For collections, please contact Garnet Maswanganyi on 078 650 3545
NB: Media Accreditation is closed.  

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa meets with the Board of the SARB

President Cyril Ramaphosa has today met with the Board of the South Africa Reserve Bank (SARB) at the Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse   in Tshwane .
The meeting, which was attended by the Deputy Minister of Finance, representatives of the non-executive component of the SARB Board and the Governor of the Bank was called to discuss vacancies which have arisen in the executive leadership of the central bank. 
The vacancies are occasioned by the resignation of Deputy Governor Francois Groepe  in January 2019 and the expiry of Deputy Governor Daniel Mminele’s term at the end of June 2019. Governor Lesetja Kganyago’s legislated term of office expires in November 2019.
According to the South African Reserve Bank Act, the Bank is managed by a board of fifteen directors including the Governor, three Deputy Governors and three other directors, all of whom are appointed by the President after consultation with the Minister of Finance and the Board.
The President has welcomed the engagement with the Board and will be applying his mind to its recommendations. 
The President has reiterated his commitment to safeguarding the high reputation the SARB enjoys in the international financial community and markets and committed to ensuring directors of a high calibre befitting the importance our country attaches to the SARB are appointed. 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko: Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa announces reconfigured departments

On 29 May 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the appointment of a reconfigured national executive following the recently held general elections. 

Delivering the announcement, the President committed to a process of further reforms to “promote coherence, better coordination and improved efficiency” of government. 

As part of these measures, the President has commenced with the process to conclude performance agreements with Ministers and Deputy Ministers. To strengthen accountability, further directed that the areas of responsibility of all Deputy Ministers must be clearly delineated. 

In the departments with two Deputy Ministers, the Ministers will be responsible for the overall functioning of the Ministry and Department and under the Minister’s direction and guidance, the responsibilities between the Deputy Ministers are delineated as follows:

Ministry of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development

•    Land Reform - Deputy Minister Mcebisi Skwatsha
•    Rural Development - Deputy Minister Sdumo Dlamini

Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

•    Local Government - Deputy Minister Parks Tau
•    Traditional Affairs - Deputy Minister Obed Bapela

Ministry of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

•    Human Settlements - Deputy Minister Pam Tshwete
•    Water and Sanitation - Deputy Minister David Mahlobo

Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services

•    Correctional Services - Deputy Minister Nkosi Phathekile Holomisa
•    Justice and Constitutional Development - Deputy Minister John Jeffery 

Announcements relating to the Ministries of International Relations and Cooperation and Trade and Industry will be made in due course.

The President has further announced the reconfiguration of old departments or the establishment of new departments to align them with the Ministries. 

Some departments remain mainly unchanged, but require changes to nomenclature to conform to Ministerial portfolio designations. The total number of departments has been reduced by five, stemming from mergers and the transfer of functions. 

The Ministers will oversee the following departments and entities as per their delegated portfolios:

The Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development is responsible for the newly reconstituted Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD). This is a new department arising from a merger between the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR).

The Minister of Basic Education is responsible for the Department of Basic Education (DBE).  The DBE will lead an integrated ECD function in collaboration with the Department of Social Development (DSD) and the Department of Health (DoH).

The Minister of Communications is responsible for the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT). This is a new department arising from a merger between the Department of Communications (DOC) and the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS).

The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is responsible for the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) and the Department of Traditional Affairs (DTA)

The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans is responsible for the Department of Defence (DoD) and the Department of Military Veterans (DMV).

The Minister of the Environment, Forestry and Fisheries is responsible for the Department of the Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF). This department arises from the transfer of the functions of forestry and fisheries from the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

The Minister of Employment and Labour is responsible for the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL). This department will coordinate all government efforts to create jobs and reduce unemployment, and will be required to change its approach from mere compliance enforcement to facilitating job creation.

The Minister of Finance is responsible for the National Treasury (NT), the South African Revenue Services (SARS) and the Government Pensions Administration Agency. The Infrastructure Development Management System (IDMS) function, currently under the National Treasury, is transferred to the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure.
The Minister of Health is responsible for the Department of Health (DoH)

The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology is responsible for the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI)

The Minister of Home Affairs is responsible for the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and the Government Printing Works (GPW)

The Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation is responsible for the Department of Human Settlements (DHS) and the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) 

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation is responsible for the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO). 

The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services is responsible for the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DoJ&CD), the Department of Correctional Services (DCS), and the Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ).

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy is responsible for the new Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE). This department arises from a merger between the Department of Mineral Resources and the Department of Energy.

The Minister of Police is responsible for the South African Police Service (SAPS), the Independent Police Investigation Directorate (IPID) and the Civilian Secretariat for the Police Service (CSPS)

The Minister in the Presidency is responsible for the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) including the National Planning Secretariat, Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) and Brand SA

The Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities is responsible for the new Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (DWYPD) and the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA). The DWYPD arises from the transfer of the youth function from the DPME and the function of people with disabilities from the Department of Social Development.

The Minister Public Enterprises is responsible for the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE). 

The Minister for the Public Service and Administration is responsible for the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), the National School of Government (NSG) and the Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI).

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure is responsible for the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI). Over and above what it was previously responsible for, the department will assume coordinating responsibility for all public infrastructure development. 

The Minister of Small Business Development is responsible for the Department of Small Business Development (DSBD)

The Minister of Social Development is responsible for the Department of Social Development (DSD). 

The Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture is responsible for the new Department of Sports, Arts and Culture (DSAC). This department arises from a merger between the Department of Sport and Recreation and the Department of Arts and Culture.

The Minister State Security is responsible for the State Security Agency (SSA). Processes are already under way to reorganize the SSA, based on the recommendations of the Review Panel Report on the State Security Agency. These changes will be communicated in due course.

The Minister of Tourism is responsible for the Department of Tourism (DT)

The Minister of Trade and Industry is responsible for the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic). The Economic Development Department (EDD) is disestablished and incorporated into the dti. The Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC) is transferred from the EDD to the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI).

The Minister of Transport is responsible for the Department of Transport (DoT) 

The President is, in line with the Public Service Act, the Executive Authority of the department, The Presidency. 

The Public Service Commission is responsible for the department, the Office of the Public Service Commission (OPSC).

All state-owned entities, development finance institutions (DFIs) and national regulatory institutions attached to ministries and departments of the Fifth Administration will move to the relevant ministries and departments of the Sixth Administration in line with the reconfiguration indicated above. 

National Macro Organisation of the Government (NMOG) governance structures have been set up to support the reconfiguration process. Consultation and ongoing communications shall be undertaken with the affected departments, clients and organised labour.

The redesign of organisational structures is limited to the realignment of macro organisational structures and exclude restructuring. Staff will transfer to new departments with their existing conditions of service. 

The reconfiguration of the national government in the sixth administration has seen a reduction of five departments from the fifth administration, stemming from mergers and the transfer of functions. To summarise what is stated above, the following ten departments are merged into five departments respectively:

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (without the forestry and fisheries portfolios) is merged with the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform to form the new Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD);
The Department of Communications and the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services are merged to form the new Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT);
The Department of Mineral Resources and the Department of Energy are merged to form the new Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE);
The Department of Sport and Recreation and the Department of Arts and Culture are merged to form the new Department of Sports, Arts and Culture (DSAC); and
The Economic Development Department is merged into the Department of Trade and Industry to form the new Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic).

As previously stated by His Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa, the project of reconfiguring government and the state is an ongoing process and there will be continuing review and monitoring of the work of the new departments. 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

REMINDER: President Ramaphosa to address the National Youth Day event

President Cyril Ramaphosa will tomorrow, Sunday 16 June 2019, deliver the keynote address at the National Youth Day event to be held at the Peter Mokaba Cricket Club in Polokwane, Limpopo Province.
President Ramaphosa will be supported by Deputy President David Mabuza, Ministers Nathi Mthethwa, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabatha and other Cabinet Ministers and members of the Limpopo Executive Council.  
The month of June has been declared Youth Month and it is a period set aside to pay tribute to the youth of 1976 for their activism. 
It is also a time to reflect on the progress made and address the challenges identified in order to drive the youth development agenda in South Africa.
This year’s Youth Month coincides with the commemoration of 25 years of Freedom and Democracy and it takes place under the theme “25 Years of Democracy: A Celebration of Youth Activism”. 
The theme seeks to encourage young people to join the ranks of active and responsible citizens by participating in democratic processes.
President Ramaphosa will commence the day by engaging with the youth in a Youth Development and Career Expo at a venue within the Polokwane Cricket Club.
The day will culminate with the President delivering a keynote address to the nation at the National Youth Day event at the Peter Mokaba Cricket Club.
During this month of youth, government and its agencies such as the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) will host a number of engagements, including youth expos, dialogues and youth entrepreneur hubs to showcase opportunities available to young people. A list of Youth Day build-up events can be accessed on
Date: Sunday, 16 June 2019
Venue: Peter Mokaba Cricket Club, Polokwane, Limpopo
Time: 09h00
Date: Saturday, 15 June 2019 
Time: 09h00 – 17h00
Date: Sunday, 16 June 2019
Time: 07h00 – 10h00
Venue: Polokwane New Council Chambers, Polokwane Central
For collections, please contact Garnet Maswanganyi on 078 650 3545
NOTE: Media Accreditation is closed.  

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko: Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707 
Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa deeply saddened by R81 road deaths

President Cyril Ramaphosa has this morning 17 June 2019, expressed devastation and sadness at the death of the twenty-four persons who lost their lives in a road accident on the R81 in Maphalle, Limpopo on Sunday.

It is understood the passengers were coming from the June 16 celebrations that took place in Polokwane. 

“The deaths of these people is heart breaking. It is absolutely devastating to lose so many young lives in this manner. On behalf of the government and the  people of South Africa, I send our deepest condolences to the bereaved families during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are also with the  injured, we wish them a speedy recovery”, said President Ramaphosa.

Whilst the cause of the accident is being investigated, Presisent Ramaphosa says for as long as we continue losing so many lives on the road, government can never exhaust urging all road users to obey the rules of the road. 

The President has directed all affected authorities to promptly step up their actions to assist where necessary. 

Media enquires: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa meets with the Board of Eskom on reforms

President Cyril Ramaphosa has today met with members of the Eskom board at Genadendal Residence, Cape Town.  

The meeting, which was also attended by the Ministers of Finance, Mineral Resources and Energy and Public Enterprises, was called to establish alignment across government on the actions to be undertaken to stabilise the energy utility in light of its financial and operational challenges.

The Board presented a report on the implementation of the nine point plan, focusing on its key priorities being the need to ensure an uninterrupted power supply, cutting costs, driving efficiencies and increasing revenue through, amongst others, higher collection rates.

The President has reiterated to the board that the energy utility, Africa’s largest producer of electricity and one of our nation's most strategic assets, is  critical to South Africa’s growth and development. 

It is expected that the President will announce further measures to support Eskom’s efforts at recovery and financial and operational sustainability.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa to interact with youth in a NYDA Presidential Youth Dialogue

President Cyril Ramaphosa will later today, Wednesday, 19 June 2019, interact with youth from various sectors and formations in a Presidential Youth Dialogue organised by the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) in Cape Town. 

The Dialogue will provide a platform for young people to engage first hand with the President ahead of his State of the Nation Address taking place on Thursday, 20 June 2019. 

Under the theme “25 years of democracy – celebrating youth activism” about 200 participants will have an opportunity to suggest practical solutions to  challenges confronting them including a high rate of unemployment. 

Members of the media are invited as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Time: 16h00 (members of the media to arrive at 15h30)
Venue: Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plain Street, Parliament, Cape Town.

Media RSVP: Terrence Manase – 082 338 6707 / Please provide full names, media house and ID/Passport number.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa appoints members of the CRL Commission

President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed 13 members to the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities for a period of five years.

The appointment was made in terms of section 9(1) read with 13(1) of the Commission Act, 2002 (Act No 19 of 2002) .

The appointed members of the Commission are:

1. Prof. Luka David Mosoma
2. Dr Sylvia Mmamohapi Pheto
3. Ms Sheila Khama
4. Ms Tsholofelo Mosala
5. Mr Sicelo Dlamini
6. Dr Oscarine Nokuzola Mndende
7. Ms Nomalanga Tyamzashe
8. Ms Ramokone Tryphina Kgatla
9. Dr Muneer Abduroaf
10. Adv. Richard Botha
11. Prof. Pitika Ntuli
12. Mr Renier Schoeman
13. Mr Mandla Langa

The President has further appointed, in terms of section 12 of the Act, Prof. Luka Mosoma and Dr Sylvia Pheto as Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Commission respectively.

President Ramaphosa has congratulated the Commissioners and wished them well in this critical role in ensuring social transformation and nation-building for the attainment of a truly united South African nation. 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

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