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Keynote Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Constitution Hill, Johannesburg

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Michelle Bachelet,
Ambassador of the European Union to South Africa, Mr Marcus Cornaro,
Members of the diplomatic community,
Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Advocate Michael Masutha,
Justices, Ministers and MECs,
Members of the Mandela and Sisulu families,
Chairperson of the South African Human Rights Commission, Advocate Bongani Majola 
Chairperson of the Board of the Foundation for Human Rights, Ms Thoko Mpumlwana,
CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Mr Sello Hatang,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honour and a privilege to be here this morning as we join countries around the world in marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

I would like to particularly welcome the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Michelle Bachelet, and congratulate her on her appointment. 

We look forward to working with you in advancing the aims of your office, and to playing our part in entrenching a culture of human rights not just in South Africa but across the globe.

Today, we stand on ground heavy with history, a place of both tragedy and triumph. 

Once a prison where the apartheid regime enforced control and terror, this is now the seat of our Constitutional Court. 

Constitution Hill is more than a monument to the past, it is testament to the resilience and unshakeable strength of the human spirit.

The founder of democratic South Africa, President Nelson Mandela, was incarcerated twice at the Old Fort in the early 1960s. 

When he returned decades later to open the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and Commemoration he spoke poignantly of his experience, and of the former jail being turned into a place of commemoration “so that future generations will remember what their freedom has been built on”.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted at a time when the nations of the world were etched with the scars of war. 

It too is a reminder to current and future generations of what our freedom has been built on. 

The values it espouses – of equality, freedom and dignity – bind us together as the universal fellowship of humanity. 

They commit us to building a world free of oppression and discrimination. 

The Declaration is an implicit rejection of movements, ideologies and doctrines that seek to divide us.

It is a rejection of racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and all other forms of bigotry and prejudice.

This historic declaration, this manifestation of humanity’s common conscience, significantly influenced the development of South Africa’s constitutional order. 

It is no coincidence that our Constitution was signed into law by Nelson Mandela on the same day that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights had been adopted by the UN General Assembly 48 years earlier.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Twenty-four years since the birth of democracy in South Africa, our constitutional order is vibrant, dynamic and in good health. 

Our Constitution, with its Bill of Rights, underpins all our actions as a government working hard to improve the material conditions of our people, uphold the rule of law and safeguard fundamental freedoms. 

It was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that contributed most to entrenching human rights principles into our law, perhaps more than any other international legal instrument.

I had the privilege of being part of the team that was given the momentous task of drafting South Africa’s first democratic Constitution. 

It was a heady and exhilarating time, but a daunting responsibility. 

Across the table were some of our former enemies, representing political parties still firmly stuck in the past – a past where a racial minority enjoyed rights and freedoms to the exclusion, and at the expense, of the majority. 

There we were – revolutionaries, communists, white supremacists, nationalists, religious parties and the like – each bringing a particular world view, and a particular set of interests, to the negotiating table. 

We heard from delegations representing business, labour, traditional leaders, gender activists and many other interest groups who wanted to have their say on a range of issues, from labour rights, to land and property rights, to reproductive health, to minority language protection. 

Foremost among our concerns was that the voices of the South African people should be heard. 

The Constitution was anchored in 34 constitutional principles agreed to in the multi-party negotiations that adopted the interim Constitution. 

They were the foundations of the Constitution’s architecture, and form the bedrock of the constitutional order we wanted to realise.

Principle Two was a practical expression of the values that underpin the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

It said that everyone in South Africa would enjoy all universally accepted fundamental rights, freedoms and civil liberties, which would be provided for and protected by the Constitution. 

The centrality of human rights in our law, and the importance of having a Bill of Rights included in our Constitution, is in no small part thanks to the enduring impact of a declaration that has proven to be as relevant as it is timeless.

Seventy years since it was adopted, South Africa reaffirms its commitment to upholding this pact between the peoples of the world. 

The same collaboration and consensus that defined the period during which we drafted our first Constitution, is what we seek to harness now. 

While we have one of the most progressive constitutions in the world, particularly as it relates to socio-economic rights, there is a great deal of unfinished business. 

There is a disjuncture between what the Constitution promises and reality.

For example, the right to gender equality promised by our Constitution is rendered meaningless unless the state and all social actors fulfil their obligation to put instruments in place to support the advancement of this right. 

Whether it is with the setting up of specialised Sexual Offences Courts, or repealing laws that uphold discrimination against women, there must be a practical manifestation of this right.

Similarly, outlawing discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation is only effective if action is taken against those who continue to use discrimination as a means of exclusion, be it in schools, in the workplace or in places of worship.

The burning issue of land – of access to land and ownership of land – has brought into sharp focus the reality that we still have to extend the property rights enshrined in the Constitution to all South Africans. 

It has also raised the issue that in order to fulfil the obligations contained in the Constitution, it may be necessary in certain circumstances to amend certain provisions of the same Constitution. 

We will all be aware of the robust and welcome debates that have been taking place around land and land ownership in South Africa. 

It is a sign of the health of our democracy that an extensive and wide-ranging process of public participation preceded the decision of our Parliament to adopt the recommendations of a committee with regards to land expropriation.

At the same time, this process has been a barometer of public sentiment and an affirmation of the resilience of our constitutional order. 

Our citizens have participated with enthusiasm, showing that across the length and breadth of the land, they still retain the utmost faith in our Constitution as the primary means by which their rights can be promoted, advanced and enforced.

South Africa is a relatively young democracy. 

The gains we have registered are all the more extraordinary when considering the legacy we have been tasked with correcting.

But we know that for those who are still afflicted by poverty, by the legacy of dispossession and by underdevelopment, our progress has not been fast enough. 

We know that transforming our economy, that transforming patterns of ownership in South Africa, is an imperative. 

We recognise that whether it is access to land or the provision of basic services, we have to give expression to the rights of our people as entrenched in our Bill of Rights. 

For a Constitution to be relevant, it has to live and breathe. 

It is neither static nor sacrosanct. 

It can, and indeed it must be, responsive to the circumstances and conditions of the day – while remaining true to the principles and values that underpin it.

We are proud of the human rights culture that prevails in South Africa today, and which guides all our endeavours. 

Our constitutional order was won through the sheer determination of our people, and many paid a harsh price to see it realised. 

We owe it to the memories of Nelson Mandela, of Albertina Sisulu and of the many other freedom fighters of our country, to keep the faith in constitutionalism alive. 

Far too many of our people still live in squalour and misery, denied opportunity and a chance to better their lives because of poverty, lack of education and other forms of disadvantage.

In delivering the landmark Grootboom judgment 18 years ago, which concerned a group of people who occupied private land earmarked for low-cost housing, Justice Yacoob wrote: 

“The issues here remind us of the intolerable conditions under which many of our people are still living….it is also a reminder that unless the plight of these communities is alleviated, people may be tempted to take the law into their own hands to escape these conditions.”

This is a reminder that our Constitution is the most potent instrument we have to change the lives of our people.
It is the means through which we protect the vulnerable against the abuse of power.

The Constitution must never be seen as a constraint to progress or a barrier to transformation.

The Constitution is a means by which we maintain our commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The need to protect the inalienable right of every human being to live a life of freedom and of dignity is what brought the nations of the world together 70 years ago. 

It was also the fibre that connected the drafters of our Constitution. 

It is what energises and motivates us today as we seek to advance these rights not just for our own people, but for all of humankind.

We should take great pride that a culture of human rights continues to take root across the globe, even in parts of the world once associated with repression. 

Human rights are universal, they are not relative. 

For as long as only some enjoy them, and others don’t, our task is not over.

For as long as some still face discrimination, oppression and exploitation, none of us can be truly free.
Let us join hands in promoting human rights across the globe, so that all people can enjoy the freedoms that we so dearly cherish, and so that we can bequeath a better, fairer world to the generations that will follow.

Today, we celebrate a great moment in the history of humankind that took place 70 years ago.

At its essence, however, this occasion is not so much about the past. 

It is about the future.

I thank you.

Eulogy by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Special Official Funeral of the late Mr Mendi Msimang, Christian Revival Church, Pretoria

Programme Directors,
Former President Kgalema Motlanthe,
Ministers, Deputy Ministers,
Premiers, MECs,
Members of the Judiciary,
Members of the Msimang family,
Fellow South Africans, 

We are gathered here in solemn mourning to pay our last respects to a great South African whose life was dedicated to the cause of freedom. 

Mendi Msimang was the embodiment of an idea that is simple in conception, but revolutionary in application – the idea that one’s purpose in life is to serve others. 

Throughout a rich and meaningful life, wherever he found himself, whatever responsibilities he was given, he was bound by a determination to serve others. 

He had no need for riches. He had no need for recognition. 

His only need was to break the shackles of the oppressed; to feed, house and comfort those who had nothing. 

His only need was to forge unity where there was division, to bring calm where there was chaos, and to promote understanding where there was intolerance. 

His only need was to liberate his people from the bondage of apartheid and the enduring tyranny of poverty. 

Mendi Msimang was one of a remarkable generation of freedom fighters, a generation whose deeds will reverberate across the ages. 

It was a generation that transformed the national liberation movement and changed the course of our struggle, a generation that endured the hardship of exile and prison and banishment. 

It was a generation that not only held the liberation movement together as the forces of apartheid sought to dismember it, but which built it into a formidable mass movement at the head of a global campaign for a democratic South Africa. 

It was this generation that was prominent among those who led the country to democracy and freedom. 

Today, as we mourn the passing of one of the great leaders of that generation, it would be a mistake to relegate them to history. 

Certainly, most of the members of that generation may have exited the political stage, but the principles they fought for, the values they lived by and the means by which they sought their objectives still find resonance at this moment in our history. 

As we confront new and daunting challenges, as we attend to the erosion of the revolutionary morality that long defined our struggle, we must draw strength and inspiration and guidance from the deeds of those leaders. 

The time for leaders like Mendi Msimang has not passed. 

It has barely begun. 

The material temptations of political office have never been greater than they are today. 

As our people have realised, and as our movement has acknowledged, there are those among us who seek positions of authority not to serve the public good, but to advance private interests. 

There are those who are prepared to undermine the institutions of our young democracy, to subvert the rule of law and to steal from the people to enrich themselves. 

This cannot be countenanced and this cannot be allowed to continue. 

It is at precisely this moment that we need leaders, cadres, public servants and business people of the calibre of Mendi Msimang. 

We need people who, like him, are truly selfless in their service. 

We need people like him, with an abiding honesty and an essential integrity. 

For 10 years, he served as the Treasurer-General of the African National Congress, a position more difficult and more hazardous than any other in the movement. 

In that time, he was scrupulous in his determination that not one cent go missing, that no resources meant for the transformational programmes of the organisation be misappropriated or wasted. 

It is this quality that we seek in our leaders today. 

Comrades and Friends, 

Mendi Msimang was an envoy for freedom. 

As the chief representative of the ANC in the United Kingdom, he was a dedicated and capable advocate for the cause of the South African people. 

Especially when faced with hostile opinion, he sought – patiently and with deliberate care – to explain the positions of the African National Congress. 

He was not one to dismiss others because their views may be reactionary or ill-informed. 

He sought to persuade them, understanding that it was the responsibility of his revolutionary movement to win to its cause the broadest possible range of social forces. 

But that was not the only reason. 

He sought to persuade others because he was not prepared to give up on another human being. 

He was driven by a firm conviction that every person has the capacity to do good, to see sense, to make a meaningful contribution to society. 

He had a remarkable ability to see beyond their prejudice, their anger, their frailties and to recognise their essential being. 

For that, he was much loved and widely admired. 

When he returned to London, this time as the democratic South Africa’s first High Commissioner to the Court of St James’s, he did so with a completely different mandate, but employed many of the same methods. 

While it is certainly true that he no longer organised protests outside South Africa House, he used his good offices within the building to advance the cause of a free and democratic South Africa. 

He argued with great eloquence and conviction that while it was true that the South African people had achieved the overthrow of apartheid and established a democratic state, the legacy of centuries of dispossession and exploitation endured. 

He sought the support of the British government and people – and indeed the broader international community – for the reconstruction of South Africa, for the growth and transformation of its economy, and for the empowerment of its people through skills and jobs. 

Over two decades later, these remain the most important tasks that we, as a nation, must undertake. 

We must attend to these tasks with the same vigour and application that Mendi Msimang did. 

We must seek, as he always did, to build consensus on the measures we must necessarily take to transform our economy and our society. 

We must confront, as he would have, the difficult choices that need to be made to turn around an economy that has faltered and to fix the public institutions that have been weakened. 

We must retain, as he would have, our focus on the overriding task to create jobs and tackle poverty. 

We must forge a social compact that is founded on the incontrovertible reality that none of us can prosper unless we all prosper. 

We must forge a social compact that recognises that the enormity of the challenges ahead of us require that we all pull in the same direction. 

This is what Mendi Msimang was good at, building bridges, forging alliances and resolving differences. 

That is why we say that the time for leaders like Mendi Msimang has not passed. 

He was a person of great modesty and dignity. 

He treated others with respect, was moderate in demeanour and measured in his address. 

These may be commendable personality traits, but they are also profoundly political. 

They are among the qualities that we should seek in a revolutionary. 

One cannot be a revolutionary if one does not respect others. 

One cannot be a revolutionary if one is intolerant of other views, or if insult and invective are the only means of persuasion one can marshal. 

Those who worked with him remember both fondly and sometimes with frustration how meticulous he was. 

They recall his commitment to proper syntax and correct spelling and his ability to debate the placement of a comma. 

This was a sign not only of a sound education, but also of a rigorous discipline that extended from the writing of a letter to the prosecution of the struggle. 

Like many of his generation, Mendi Msimang paid a heavy price for his commitment to the struggle. 

The nation owes his family a debt of gratitude for the sacrifices they made and the absences they endured. 

We extend to the family our deepest condolences for their sad loss and their selfless sacrifice of giving up their parental claim to their father, grandfather, brother, and patriarch to the service of the people of South Africa. 

The family, like all of us, assume a great responsibility to carry forward his legacy, characterised by a deep sense of loyalty, commitment, love and selflessness to all the people of our country, especially the poor. 

Mendi Msimang, stalwart of our movement, giant of our struggle, unassuming hero of our people, is no more. 

As we mourn his passing, we commend and we celebrate a life lived in the service of others. 

As we bid him farewell, we repeat that the time for leaders like Mendi Msimang has not passed. 

In his memory, let us pledge, as our forbearers did in Kliptown, that we will strive together, sparing neither strength nor courage, until we reach our goal of a united, free and prosperous South Africa. 

May his soul rest in peace. May his abundant legacy endure. 

Hamba Kahle, Qhawe lama Qhawe. 

I thank you.

Remarks by President Cyril Ramaphosa on the occasion of the presentation of Credentials by Heads of Mission accredited to South Africa, Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guesthouse, Tshwane

Programme Director,
Your Excellencies, High Commissioner and Ambassadors,
Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good afternoon.
It is my singular honour to welcome you to the Republic of South Africa as Heads of Mission charged with the responsibility to strengthen the friendship that exists between our countries.
We are officially welcoming you to South Africa as the centenary year of the founding President of our democratic nation, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, draws to a close.
Together with many across the world, we have used this year to reflect on the values by which President Mandela lived and the ideals for which he was prepared to die.
We remain inspired and guided by his vision of a better world that is more inclusive, more democratic and more humane.
It is a vision of a world that is built on social justice and the enjoyment of fundamental human rights by all.
We are welcoming you to South Africa as part of a progressive humanity that observes and respects the equality of all people and of all sovereign states.
We are firmly committed to the pursuit of global peace and properity through cooperation and partnership, through multilateralism and through the consistent and fair application of a rules-based global architecture.
We maintain this position at a time when unilateral action is threatening to undermine this multilateral architecture.
The emergence of unilateralism is taking place against the backdrop of rising nationalism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.
It takes place at a time when the problems facing the world – from climate change to terrorism, from migration to poverty – require ever-closer collaboration among the countries of the world.
We should not abandon the institutions that have been set up over the last 70 years to mediate and manage international relations.
Rather we should strengthen them and, where necessary, reform them to become more effective and inclusive.
While we have a responsibility to advance and protect the national interests of our respective countries, we must work together to discharge such responsibility without arousing animosity among nations.
Like Nelson Mandela, we must strive always for the peaceful resolution of conflict and improve our capacity to prevent conflict.
We must work collectively to address the leading causes of conflict: poverty, inequality and political marginalisation.
We must accept that lasting peace and security will not be achieved unless we create a world that is conducive to sustainable development and shared prosperity.
Your Excellencies,
We welcome you to our country at a time of renewed hope. 
We are emerging from a period of stagnation and strife.
Over the past few years, our economy has performed poorly relative to others of the same size. 
Policy uncertainty, the weakening of public institutions and high-level corruption undermined investor confidence and public trust.
We are now firmly on the path of renewal and rebuilding.
We have acknowledged the errors of the past few years and are working hard to correct them.
We are restoring trust in public institutions by appointing the right people for the right jobs, by tackling corruption and holding those responsible to account.
Our economy is showing signs of recovery, having just emerged from a technical recession with 2.2% GDP growth in the third quarter of 2018.
We are working with our social partners – business, labour and communities – on a range of measures to significantly increase employment over the next few years.
We held a highly successful investment conference in October, at which several companies announced new investments in the economy.
It was a clear indication that investors have confidence in our economy and are excited about the opportunities it offers.
We have moved with speed to resolve many of the concerns of investors.
These concerns include policy inconsistency, the cost of doing business, labour instability, a burdensome regulatory framework and limiting visa regulations.
At the same time, we are working to address some of the structural challenges in our economy, specifically the extremely unequal distribution of skills, land, assets and opportunities.
We have a higher education enrolment of nearly a million students and almost universal school attendance, but there is much more that needs to be done to improve the quality of our educational outcomes and ensure that graduates are prepared for the workplace.
We are accelerating land reform to unlock the economic potential of this important asset and bring more South Africans into the productive economy.
In approaching this issue, we are determined to adhere to the rule of law and the principles enshrined in our Constitution.
We want to use this process to stimulate economic growth, reduce rural poverty, increase agricultural production and give poor urban dwellers ownership of homes close to economic opportunities.
It is our sincere hope that you will convey to investors in your countries that South Africa is open for business.
We are keen to work with you to ensure that South Africa becomes known as an investment destination that offers great returns.
Let me thank you for the role you have played and will continue to play in strengthening the relations between South Africa and your respective countries.
I wish all of you well in the execution of your duties to your countries and to the betterment of all peoples.
Working together, and in memory of Nelson Mandela, let us spare neither effort nor strength in our mission to make the world a better place for all to live in.
I thank you.

Statement on the virtual Special Cabinet Meeting of Tuesday, 19 January 2021

1.1 Cabinet held a virtual Special Meeting on Tuesday, 19 January 2021 to discuss the progress report from the National Coronavirus Command Council. Cabinet was briefed on the rate of infections in the country and the surveillance work being conducted by the Department of Health, supported by the Ministerial Advisory Committee. Though still early, Cabinet appreciated the downward trend of infections across the provinces, with the exception of the Free State and Northern Cape.   

1.2 Cabinet thanks all South Africans who continue to play their part by adhering to the health protocols adopted to minimise infections, such as wearing masks at all times when in public, maintaining social distancing, washing their hands at all times with water and soap or using an alcohol-based sanitizer and avoiding gatherings.

2.1 Cabinet was also briefed on the national COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out Programme. The vaccination programme is the key intervention to mitigate the public health and economic impact of the COVID 19 pandemic. The roll out programme entails procurement, distribution, actual vaccination, monitoring, communication and mobilisation. 

2.2 Cabinet approved the setting up of the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on Vaccination to assist with the quick decision-making from all the relevant departments that contribute towards the smooth roll-out of the vaccination programme. The IMC, to be chaired by Deputy President David Mabuza, will meet weekly to receive reports and intervene in unlocking any challenges that may be encountered during the implementation. President Cyril Ramaphosa will chair its first inaugural meeting.

2.3 Members of the IMC are the Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize; Minister of Finance, Mr Tito Mboweni; Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma; Minister in The Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Mr Jackson Mthembu; Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele; Minister of State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo; Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande; Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr Pravin Gordhan; Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi; Minister of Public Service and Administration, Mr Senzo Mchunu; Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Mr Ebrahim Patel; Minister of Social Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor. 

Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on virtual Cabinet Meeting of 10 February 2021

1. State of the Nation Address (SoNA)

1.1. President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver the 2021 SoNA on Thursday, 11 February 2021 from 19:00. The SoNA comes at a time when we all have to stand together to overcome the impact of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, improve the lives of South Africans and grow our economy. Cabinet encourages all sectors of society to work together to ensure a new social compact that will set us on a path to make South Africa a better place for all.
1.2. All South Africans are urged to use the President’s address as a rallying point to turn around our economy, end gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF) and tackle the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment. The Post-SoNA media briefings will unpack government’s Programme of Action for 2021/22. 
2. Investment 

2.1. Cabinet welcomed the R16-billion investment by the Ford Motor Company of South Africa in its Silverton plant. This investment will increase the country’s automotive export output and create about 1 200 direct jobs.
2.2. It forms part of the Tshwane Automotive Special Economic Zone that was launched in 2019 to create the biggest manufacturing hub in Africa. It has attracted 12 automotive component suppliers and the construction of their factories have commenced, to the value of R4.33 billion. These investments affirm South Africa’s attractiveness as an investment destination and demonstrate the confidence that global automotive producers have in our country.
3. COVID-19 vaccine roll-out 

3.1. Government has prioritised the country’s vaccination programme to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Cabinet reassures South Africans that this programme remains on track. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine will now be used instead of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
3.2. This change follows the comprehensive research conducted by medical scientists which showed that the AstraZeneca had a minimal efficacy against the COVID-19 501Y.V2 variant. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine has proven effective against the 501Y.V2 variant that is predominately found in the country.
3.3. Cabinet commended the work of the scientists and researchers who made the breakthrough on the efficacy of the vaccines against the 501Y.V2 variant. This affirms the country’s well-established scientific capability that is recognised the world over. 
3.4. The procurement of the AstraZeneca vaccine was based on its proven efficacy before the discovery of the 501Y.V2 variant in the country. The consignment that was received from the Serum Institute of India on 1 February 2021 has not expired and was within the period of the roll-out of the first phase of the vaccination programme. 
3.5. Cabinet expressed confidence on the planned vaccine roll-out that will commence with the more than 1.2 million frontline healthcare workers. The Department of Health, working with National Treasury, will continue to procure more vaccines to ensure the country achieves its population immunity.  
3.6. To ensure the smooth vaccine roll-out, the Department of Health has launched the Electronic Vaccine Data System that can be accessed at Cabinet encourages those eligible for the first phase to self-register for their  vaccination. 
3.7. Cabinet urges all people in South Africa to continue adhering to the safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections by avoiding large gatherings, washing hands with water and soap or a 70% alcohol-based sanitiser, wearing masks in public places and maintaining the 1.5 metres social distance.
4. GBVF Response Fund

4.1. Cabinet welcomed the launch of the GBVF Response Fund set up by the private sector. The fund will strengthen the country’s response to GBVF and the implementation programme of the adopted National Strategic Plan on GBVF.

4.2. This fund gives effect to one of the resolutions from the Declaration of the GBVF Summit held in 2018, which calls on all social partners in the country – including government, civil society and other role players – to work together to find lasting interventions to end GBV.

4.3. Cabinet welcomed the two life sentences handed down to Lungile Nxelelwa at the Palm Ridge Magistrates Court for the rape and murder of 27-year-old Keneilwe Pule of Sebokeng in 2019.

4.4. Cabinet also commended law-enforcement agencies for their good work after the Lebowakgomo Regional Court sentenced a 27-year-old man from Ga-Tamatis in Limpopo to life behind bars after he was found guilty of raping a 14-year-old disabled girl. 
4.5. Cabinet reiterated that it would continue working tirelessly to strengthen the country’s justice system to deal harshly with perpetrators of GBVF, ensure speedy justice for victims and provide for safe communities.  It also called on all sectors of society to join the fight to end the cycle of violence against women and children by reporting perpetrators to the police.
5. African Union (AU)

5.1. South Africa’s term as Chair of the AU has ended following an unprecedented year for the continent and the world. South Africa’s term was severely impacted by COVID-19, which has affected all the countries on the continent. Despite the many challenges posed by the pandemic, South Africa successfully moved the AU agenda forward, particularly how the continent responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.  
5.2. During South Africa’s chairship, the African Continental Free Trade Area was launched, heralding a new era of intra-African trade and economic integration. South Africa actively contributed to the AU’s peacekeeping initiatives in South Sudan and Ethiopia.
5.3. Cabinet congratulated President Ramaphosa for his leadership during this tenure and his unanimous appointment as the Champion of the AU Response Fund to COVID-19. Beyond South Africa’s tenure, Cabinet will support the continued fight towards the economic empowerment of women in Africa throughout the declared Decade of African Women’s Financial and Economic Inclusion to 2030.
6. Severe weather 

6.1. Cabinet received an update on the implementation of a disaster management national seasonal contingency plan as well as an integrated response to Tropical Cyclone Eloise and associated rainfall conditions. Cabinet conveyed its deepest condolences to all who lost loved ones during the recent heavy storms and wished those injured a speedy recovery. Government continues to work with communities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to assist those who lost their homes during the heavy rains.
6.2. The heavy rainfall resulted in damage of infrastructure in various provinces. The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has warned of further possible flooding in Limpopo, the Free State and North West in the coming days. Cabinet has urged people to exercise extreme caution during severe weather conditions. Members of the public are advised to rather stay indoors during heavy rain and stormy weather. 
6.3. The SAWS will continue to submit daily and weekly weather forecasts, and also alert the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) of any severe weather conditions. The NDMC will disseminate this information to relevant role players to alert all communities. 
6.4. Government is working with NGOs, a team of Ministers, members of the executive councils and local leaders – including the NDMC – to coordinate effective emergency services in affected provinces.  
1. National State of Disaster

1.1. Cabinet approved the extension of the National State of Disaster to 15 March 2021, in terms of Section 27(5) (c) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (57 of 2002).

1. Anniversary  

1.1. Cabinet commemorated   the 24th anniversary of the democratic Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996, which came into effect on 4 February 1997 after being promulgated by former President Nelson Mandela. This world-acclaimed Constitution solidified our hard-won freedom and democracy that we should all cherish.

2. Cabinet extended its congratulations and well-wishes to:

2.1. Advocate Dumisa Ntsebeza SC on being elected as a Judge to the African Court of Human and People’s Rights.

3. Condolences

Since this was its first sitting in 2021, Cabinet extended its belated condolences to the families and friends of:
3.1. Mr Jackson Mphikwa Mthembu, who was the Minister in The Presidency of the sixth administration. He was a dedicated activist and served in the public office with distinction.
3.2. Mr Jonas Gwangwa, the cultural icon who was a globally recognised composer, arranger, producer and jazz trombonist.
3.3. Dr Sibongile Khumalo, the multi-genre performer and music educator who contributed to the development of South African art and culture in the musical fields of jazz and opera. 
3.4. Mrs Rebecca Kotane, fondly known as MmaKotane, who played a crucial role in the country’s struggle for liberation. She is remembered for her participation in the 1956 Women’s March to the Union Buildings and she was also wife to the late leader of the South African Communist Party, Mr Moses Kotane.
3.5. Justice Khayelihle Kenneth Mthiyane, who served as the former Deputy President of the Supreme Court of Appeal.
3.6. Ms Thoko Ndlozi, the only surviving member of the female vocal group, Joy that made history with their chart-topping hit, Paradise Road.
3.7. Mr Wandi Nzimande, co-founder of the South African streetwear label Loxion Kulca, who gave us a blueprint of Mzansi streetwear.
3.8. Mr Knowledge Simelane, who was dedicated to the preservation of indigenous languages. He has left a void in the newspaper-publishing world.
3.9. Mr Welcome ‘Bhodloza’ Nzimande, who joined Ukhozi FM in 1978 and his love for Maskandi music unearthed many South African indigenous musicians.  
3.10. Mr Kabelo ‘KB’ Molopyane, the renowned broadcaster whose career dates back to 1996 and he became most prominent when he joined Motsweding FM.
3.11. Dr Sam Phillips, the internationally acclaimed and award-winning screen actor, writer, music composer and director.
3.12. Mr Edwin De Lille, the husband of Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia de Lille. 
3.13. His Majesty Thulare Victor Thulare III, King of Bapedi nation, who received a certificate confirming him as King from President Ramaphosa in 2020.  

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Advocate Doctor Mashabane – Director-General of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. 
Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on virtual Cabinet Meeting of 24 February 2021

A. Issues In The Environment

1. Class of 2020

1.1. Cabinet congratulated the Class of 2020 who persevered against all odds and obtained a sterling set of matric results. The 2020 exams which saw an increase in the number of learners who wrote their final examinations when compared to 2019, also saw an increase in the number of learners who attained a Bachelor’s admission pass.

1.2. Cabinet wishes all the learners well as they embark on their respective post-schooling years. In addition to university studies, learners are encouraged to also explore vocational skills training that is available through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges as part of strengthening South Africa’s technical skills base that is essential for our economy. Learners who do not qualify for the TVET colleges or universities are encouraged to explore the Second- Chance Matric Programme.

1.3. Cabinet also congratulated all officials and the management of the Department of Basic Education who – in addition to implementing health and safety measures at schools in 2020 to protect teachers and learners from the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic – worked tirelessly to achieve the impressive matric results.

1.4. Cabinet wishes to express its appreciation to all the teachers, school managers, officials within the basic education systems, teacher unions, learner organisations, the learners and their parents for their hard work and collective dedication to ensure that we achieve the kind of results we can be proud of despite the difficulties experienced in 2020.

1.5. Cabinet is pleased that the 2021 school year has officially started and is confident that the measures in place are sufficient for safe teaching and learning. Everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant and to strictly adhere to health and safety protocols, which are designed to safeguard the health and safety of teachers, staff and learners. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to support our learners and to ensure that they succeed.

2. State of the Nation Address (SoNA)

2.1. Cabinet welcomed the 2021 SoNA that was delivered by His Excellency, President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, to a hybrid Joint Sitting of the two houses of Parliament – the National Assembly and National Council of Provinces – in Cape Town on Thursday, 11 February 2021.

2.2. The SoNA and the President’s Response to the SoNA Debate offered a progress report on the implementation of the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP) and roadmap to the impactful implementation of government’s plans. Cabinet is resolute to fully implement all the commitments announced by the President.

2.3.  While acknowledging the socio-economic challenges confronting us, Cabinet remains confident that they will be addressed through the implementation of the ERRP and government’s Programme of Action (PoA), with a focus on achieving an inclusive growth and the goals of our Vision 2030 as set out in the National Development Plan (NDP).

2.4. In spite of the setback caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that started in 2020, the overall PoA remains on track though somewhat slowed down. On Wednesday, 24 February 2021, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni outlined the budget to fund this year’s plans.

3. NDP Review Report

3.1. Cabinet noted the report on the outcomes of the review of the NDP and will endeavour to restore progress on government’s contribution towards Vision 2030. The National Planning Commission will release the NDP Review Report.

4. Local vaccines development

4.1. Cabinet welcomed the efforts and progress made by our scientists, researchers and medical experts towards a national initiative of developing our own vaccines to deal with current and future pandemics. Our scientists, researchers and medical experts have been at the forefront of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and have led the genomic surveillance of COVID-19 virus, which resulted in the discovery of the 501Y.V2 variant. In this regard, Cabinet would like to congratulate all the South African scientists and researchers who managed to recreate the virus in the laboratory for purposes of enhancing research on the treatment of the COVID-19 pandemic.

4.2. Cabinet believes that our national science and innovation system is a valuable resource that should be nurtured and developed.

4.3. Even beyond the research on COVID-19, South Africa’s world-renowned scientists and innovators have delivered cutting-edge technology such as the world’s first digital laser and the Lodox full body x-ray scanner.   

5. COVID-19 vaccine roll-out

5.1. Cabinet appreciated the commencement of the national roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, with the first doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine being administered to healthcare workers (HCWs) in both the public and private sectors.

5.2. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our HCWs have been the shield that kept our nation safe. They have faced the virus head-on and have persevered against an unrelenting virus. Their selfless sacrifice has saved countless lives and our nation owes them an immense debt of gratitude.

5.3. Their vaccination will help protect them against infection and ultimately return our nation to normalcy. Cabinet is pleased that millions of additional vaccines procured from several sources will arrive at varying intervals in the coming months, beginning in March 2021.

5.4. Once HCWs have been vaccinated as part of Phase 1 of the vaccination roll-out strategy, Phase 2 will focus on essential workers and vulnerable groups, which include people over the age of 60 years, people with comorbidities as well as those living in places such as nursing homes and hostels.

5.5. Citizens are reminded that vaccination is free and voluntary, and remains our best defence against the virus, coupled with the continued adherence to the health protocols of avoiding large gatherings, wearing a mask in public, sanitising hands with water and soap or a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitiser and maintaining a social distance of at least 2,5 metres. These measures are critical to the health of our nation. 

6. 4th Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS)

6.1. The 4th QLFS released by Statistics South Africa on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 continues to remind us of the challenges of unemployment facing the country. Cabinet is however encouraged by the green shoots that our economy continues to demonstrate amongst the current harsh economic realities.

6.2. According to the recent statistics employment increased by 333 000 jobs, with the formal sector contributing the largest (189 000 jobs) between Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 in 2020. Furthermore, there has been a decline in the number of the Not Economically Active by 890 000 in Quarter 4 in 2020 compared to Quarter 3 in 2020.

6.3. Cabinet remains concerned that the rate at which the economy creates jobs remains slower than the rate the country sheds jobs by 701 000 between Quarter 3 and Quarter 4. Although Quarter 4 noted an increase in the unemployment rate, the percentage increase of 1, 7% is still lower than the Quarter 3 increase of 9% to the unemployment rate.

6.4. It is disturbing that young people constitute the largest pool of the unemployed. African and coloured South Africans as well as women remain the most vulnerable groups in the economy of the country, and this strengthens government’s resolve to fast-track measures to support and enable the meaningful participation of youth, women and black people in the economy of the country. This is in line with the recommitment to economic reform and transformation made by the President in the 2021 SoNA.     

7. 2021 National Budget

7.1. The tabling of the 2021 National Budget is an important part of South Africa’s open and accountable system of democracy. Following President Ramaphosa’ s SoNA, the 2021 National Budget outlines government’s financial plan to support the implementation of the national PoA as outlined in the 2021 SoNA.

7.2. Cabinet welcomes the 2021 National Budget as the best available option in balancing fiscal sustainability whilst funding critical government priorities such as the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines, supporting the most vulnerable in our society through a comprehensive social assistance programme and the ERRP in order to rebuild the economy, support job creation and attract investment, albeit under a challenging economic environment.

8. Copper cable theft

8.1. Cabinet welcomed the recent sentencing by the Western Cape High Court of five members of a syndicate found guilty of copper cable theft to a cumulative 1 250 years’ imprisonment. We congratulate our law-enforcement agencies for the arrest and successful prosecution of those who are involved in copper cable theft.

8.2. Cabinet is hopeful that the recent arrests and sentences sent a strong message that those responsible for such economic sabotage and crimes will face the full might of the law. We call on the public to report criminals to law-enforcement agencies.

9. Gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF)

9.1. Cabinet welcomed the arrest of the man who brutally attacked Ms Dimakatso Ratselane, the journalist of Lesedi FM.

9.2. Cabinet also welcomed the sentencing of the murderer of the pregnant Tshegofatso Pule and the arrest of Nthuthuko Shoba, her boyfriend and father of her unborn child, for allegedly masterminding her murder.

9.3. Cabinet calls on the criminal justice system to ensure justice is served on behalf of Ms Ratselane, the late Ms Pule and other victims of GBVF. Ending violence against women and children requires all of us to take a stand to stop this scourge

10. Southern African Development Community (SADC) Media Awards

10.1. Cabinet called on the South African media to submit their entries for the 2021 SADC Media Awards competition. Interested journalists can access more information about the competition from is external) and

10.2. The awards promote regional integration and cooperation by encouraging media practitioners in SADC member states to cover issues pertaining to the region.

B. Cabinet decisions

1. National State of Disaster

1.1. Cabinet approved the decision to declare a National State of Disaster following the destruction caused by tropical storm Eloise and summer seasonal rains which left infrastructure and homes damaged in various provinces. This is done in terms of Section 27(1) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002).

1.2. The declaration will assist government to enhance existing measures undertaken by various organs of state to mitigate the impact of the national disaster.

2. Presidential Remuneration Review Commission (PRRC) Report 

2.1. Cabinet received and approved the PRRC Report. The PRRC was appointed to investigate the remuneration and conditions of service in the Public Service and the national and provincial public entities listed in Part A and C, Schedule 3 of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999).

2.2. The priority sectors covered in the report are educators, health, security sector and public entities (Schedule 3A and 3B of PFMA of 1999. The report will be made available through the Department of Public Service and Administration website (

3. South Africa’s Country Report to the United Nations (UN) on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 

3.1. Cabinet approved the submission of South Africa’s ninth to 11th periodic country report on the UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). South Africa signed the ICERD in 1994 and ratified it on 10 December 1998.

3.2. The report outlines progress made by South Africa in putting in place legislative, judicial and administrative measures to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination.

3.3. This periodic report focuses on the progress made in advancing equality, fighting xenophobia and other related intolerance, prevention of hate crimes, and highlights challenges that still remain. After its presentation to the relevant body, the report will be made public.

4. Accession to the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid 

4.1. Cabinet approved the tabling of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid to Parliament for accession. This is done in terms of Section 231(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. The convention, among others, declares apartheid as a crime against humanity and that it posed a serious threat to international peace and security.

4.2. Once approved by both houses of Parliament, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation will deposit the instrument of accession with the UN. 

5.  Amendment of the agreement between South Africa and the Netherlands on social security 

5.1. Cabinet approved the amendment of the agreement between the government of South Africa and the government of the Kingdom of Netherlands on social security cooperation.

5.2. The cooperation agreement on social security was signed in The Hague in May 2001. The agreement facilitates the export of social security benefits for the respective citizens. The Netherland Social Security Policy has made amendments to its export social security in respect to the Dutch children. The proposed amendment is to align the agreement to these changes. 

6. Ratification of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19)

6.1. Cabinet approved submission of the WRC-19 Final Acts to Parliament for ratification, in line with Section 231(2) of the Constitution. The WRC-19 is the outcome of the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) conference that are convenes annually to, amongst others, review and revise the radio regulations. South Africa is a signatory to the ITU. Once Parliament ratifies the WRC-19 Final Act, South Africa will amend the National Radio Frequency Plan accordingly.

7. Revised White Paper on National Transport Policy 

7.1. Cabinet approved the revised White Paper on National Transport Policy.  It replaces the 1996 National Transport Policy. The revised policy addresses the changes that have emerged over the years in the road, rail, maritime and aviation spaces. It broadly aligns the country to the international, regional and continental transportation trends.

7.2. The policy has gone through wide consultations with all the relevant stakeholders.  Once gazetted, the document can be accessed through the Department of Transport website ( 

C. Bills

1. Land Court Bill 

1.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Land Court Bill to Parliament for processing. The Bill establishes a specialist Land Court, with its judgements, orders and decisions appealable at the proposed specialist Land Court of Appeal.

1.2. The Bill will resolve the challenges that were experienced under the Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994 (Act 22 of 1994) such as backlogs in land claims and dispute resolution mechanisms when disputes arise. It will also contribute immensely in the implementation of the Land Reform Programme.

2. Gas Amendment Bill of 2020

2.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Gas Amendment Bill of 2020 to Parliament. The proposed Bill seeks to align the gas industry to, amongst others, new transportation technologies of natural and unconventional gases that were not catered for in the current Gas Act, 2001 (Act 48 of 2001). The amendments, which have been fully consulted with all the relevant stakeholders, will contribute to the ongoing investment infrastructure to ensure diversity of the country’s energy mix.

2.2. The Bill will undergo further parliamentary consultation processes to ensure it is widely endorsed for implementation once passed into law. 

3.  The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Amendment Bill of 2021

3.1. Cabinet approved the publication for public comment of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Amendment Bill of 2021. The proposed amendments seek to address the weaknesses that are in the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 (Act 4 of 2000). The proposed amendments will strengthen its ability to prevent discrimination and promote equality for all South Africans, as enshrined in Section 9 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996.

3.2. The Bill will be gazetted and made available through the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development’s website (

4. South African Postbank Amendment Bill of 2020

4.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the South African Postbank Amendment Bill of 2020 for public comment. The Bill amends the current South African Postbank Limited Act, 2010 (Act 9 of 2010).

4.2. The Bill provides for the establishment of the South African Postbank Holding Company in terms of the Banks Act, 1990 (Act 94 of 1990). The company will provide for the inclusion of financially excluded members of the public to participate meaningfully in the economic activities. It will also provide a facility for some of government’s financial services. 

D.  Upcoming events

1. International Women’s Day

1.1. Cabinet will join the world in celebrating International Women’s Day on 8 March 2021. This day is used to reflect on progress made in achieving gender equality and also coincides with the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996.

1.2. Since 1994, we have made strides in implementing policies and programmes aimed at advancing women’s rights and we remain committed to ensuring women are economically empowered.

1.3. In recognition of Struggle stalwart Mama Charlotte Maxeke’s individual and collective contributions to freedom and democracy in South Africa, government declared 2021 the Year of Charlotte Maxeke, to mark the 150th anniversary of her birth. She was a social and political activist with extraordinary courage and intellect.

2. India, Brazil, South Africa (IBSA) Women's Forum Ministerial Meeting

2.1. South Africa – led by Minister in The Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane – will participate in the IBSA Women's Forum Ministerial Meeting on 16 March 2021. The event is an important one for South Africa because when he was still Chair of the African Union in 2020, President Ramaphosa had prioritised women empowerment, entrepreneurship and the fight against GBVF.

2.2. The forum, which was established in 2007, will provide a platform for South Africa to advance its policies and key issues that impact on women.

2.3. The upcoming event will take place within the context of countries’ recovery plans related to COVID-19. It is generally acknowledged that women bore the heaviest burden of the devastating effects of the pandemic. 

3. Human Rights Month

3.1. President Ramaphosa will deliver the virtual keynote address at the 2021 National Human Rights Day commemorations on 21 March 2021 under the theme: “The Year of Charlotte Maxeke: Promoting and protecting human rights in the age of COVID-19”.

3.2. This year’s commemoration of Human Rights Month coincides with the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996, and it provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the bravery of men and women who protested on 21 March 1960 for the total abolition of the pass laws.

3.3. Cabinet calls on South Africans to use the day to remember and honour those who fought in the struggle for our freedom and democracy. 

E. Messages

1. Congratulations

Cabinet extends its congratulations and well-wishes to: 

South African filmmakers of the film, Address Unknown, for making it to the Official Selection of the 2021 Pan African Film Festival, which is America’s largest and most prestigious black film festival. The short film, which is dedicated to the people of District Six, was funded by among others, the National Film and Video Foundation, an agency of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.

Nigerian-born Dr Ngozi Okonjo-lweala, who was elected on consensus on 15 February 2021 as the seventh Director-General (DG) of the World Trade Organisation, with effect from 1 March 2021. She is the first woman and the first African to serve as DG of the international organisation that deals with the global rules of trade between nations.

2. Condolences

Cabinet sent condolences to the family and friends of:

Thovhele Ranwedzi Gilbert Tshikalange (87) of the Mphaphuli dynasty in Limpopo, a stalwart of the liberation struggle and a fierce opponent against the implementation of Black Administration Act of 1927. He led the Tax Levy Boycott from 1964 – 1969. He was banished and deported to Kuruman in the Northern Cape from 1969 to 1974. 

Upon his return to his territorial area, he was further imposed with a banning order and placed under house arrest in the township of Makwarela in the Sibasa Magisterial District from 1974 to 1976. In 1987, together with other veterans of the Struggle and progressive traditional leaders, they founded the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa) and he was elected its National Organiser.

Three ArcelorMittal workers – Mr Lesenyeho Mofokeng (31), Mr Thami Sampo Molefe (52) and Mr Mpho Meshack Madumisa (29), who died tragically when the building in Vanderbijlpark where they were working collapsed following an explosion on Wednesday, 17 February 2021. The Department of Employment and Labour’s Inspection and Enforcement Services have launched an investigation into the incident. Cabinet urges all companies to prioritise employee safety and to constantly test their systems to ensure that workers are not placed at risk.

Ambassador Themba Muziwakhe Nicholas Kubheka (72), who passed away in January in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. Ambassador Kubheka served as South Africa’s Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, Denmark and the Republic of Angola. He also worked as an Intergovernmental Relations and Cooperative Government specialist in the Office of the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces in Parliament. He went into exile in the 1970s and was trained in Angola in 1977 as a member of Umkhonto we Sizwe, known by his nom de guerre of Aaron Mnisi. 

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Board of Directors of Amatola Water

a. Mr Mncedisi Malotana;
b. Ms Buhle Tonise;
c. Mr Abraham Pieter le Roux;
d. Dr Mosidi Makgae;
e. Mr Zamikhaya Xalisa;
f. Nkosazana NomaXhosa Jongilang;
g. Dr Gaathier Mahed;
h. Ms Tabiso Wana;
i. Mr Mxolisi Joe Skosana; 
j. Mr Makgobi Ramushu; and
k. Ms Lebogang Letsoale.

2. Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Road Accident Fund Board of Directors: 

1. Ms Thembi Msibi; and
2. Dr Nomonde Mabuya.
3. Ms Nomkhita Mona – Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the South African Post Office.
4. Mr Moegamat Ishaam Abader – CEO of the South African Weather Service.
5. Mr Zolani Kgosietsile Matthews – Group CEO of Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa. 
6.  Ms Melanie Rambally – Chief Financial Officer of SENTECH.
7.  Advocate Boyce Mkhize – Chief Ombud: Community Schemes Ombud Service, Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation. 

Phumla Williams
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 12 May 2021

A. Issues in the environment

1. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) vaccine roll-out  

1.1. Cabinet has reconfirmed the commencement of Phase 2 of Vaccine Roll-Out programme on Monday, 17 May 2021.  This phase will commence with the vaccination of persons 60 years of age and older and the national and provincial departments of Health will communicate the information about the location of more than three thousand (3000) the vaccination centres.  The commencement of Phase 2 will run simultaneously with the continuing vaccination of health care workers (HCWs)whose vaccination was affected by the regulatory issues that beset the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in the USA and Europe.  The Sisonke vaccination plan which was expanded to 95 sites across the country has vaccinated to date 434,980 healthcare workers (HCWs) and will end on the 14 May 2021. Cabinet is pleased that the remainder  of the  HCWs will be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine until further notice.

1.2. Cabinet called on people who are 60 years and older to register on the COVID-19 Electronic Vaccination Data System Those without online access or a smartphone can register through SMS by dialling *134*832*your ID number#. If you do not have an ID number, dial *134*832#. Registration can also be done through the COVID-19 WhatsApp number by sending “REGISTER” to 0600 123 456. Citizens must ensure they enter their correct cellphone number and residential address to be able to receive information on the vaccination programme, when necessary. Those with no access to technology, can also register at their nearest vaccination site or with the community health workers who will visit various communities.

1.3. The registration is essential for people to participate in the vaccination programme and allow traceability for purposes of medical follow-up should such be required in the future. 

1.4.  You do not need data or airtime to access the zero-rated SMS and WhatsApp registration services. Those who encounter challenges whilst registering can call the COVID-19 hotline: 0800 029 999.

1.5. Cabinet was briefed on the prevailing situation relating to Covid-19 infections in India and supported the decision to donate ventilators to India as part of South Africa’s commitment that the fight against Covid-19 across the globe requires collective effort.

1.6. Cabinet is also aware of the concerns amongst South Africans about the Covid-19 situation in India, and wish to assure South Africans that the Department of Health and our scientist continue to monitor developments in that country and that necessary and appropriate precautions and protocols are implemented to protect South Africans. 

1.7. In addition, Cabinet was briefed about the slight increase in COVID-19 infections in the country and the application of necessary response measures to curb the spread. 

1.8. Cabinet  reminds all South Africans to continue adhering to non-pharmaceuticals health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 of continuing to wear masks when in public; maintaining social distance of at least 1.5 metres; always wash hands with water and soap or use a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitiser; and avoiding unnecessary travel and stay home.

2.  Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (IP) Rights (TRIPS) waiver on COVID-19 vaccines

2.1. Cabinet welcomed the support of the United States for the WTO to  waive TRIPS on COVID-19 vaccines. 

2.2. South Africa and India have been leading the initiative at the World Trade Organization (WTO) for the waiver of TRIPS. The waiver of TRIPS will enable access to technologies that will give impetus to the wider manufacturing of Covid-19 vaccines. The move has seen more than 100 countries, including China, supporting the effort to apply waivers to parts of the WTO’s TRIPS.

2.3. Poor access to COVID-19 have prevented majority of developing countries in particular within the African continent to make significant progress in the fight against COVID-19. Cabinet’s view is that preventing nations from developing their own vaccines in the face of high mortality rate as a result of the coronavirus is morally indefensible. 

2.4. In this regard, Cabinet welcomes the R3 billion commitment to transfer the latest technology for producing vaaccines and biological therapies to South Africa announced by Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong, The South African – American biotechnology entrepreneur.

2.5. Cabinet applauds the active support of Dr Soon-Shiong and other philanthropists to equitable distribution of COVID 19 vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics. 

2.6.  Cabinet also appreciate the acknowledgement by Dr Soon-Shiong of South Africa’s advancement in the science, the human capital, the capacity and the desire to produce second generation vaccines to address variants of the coronavirus that might make current vaccines less effective.

3. Covie community land handover  

3.1. Cabinet welcomed the handover of title deeds by Deputy President David Mabuza – in his capacity as the Chairperson of the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on Land Reform – to the Covie community in the Western Cape on Friday, 30 April 2021.  

3.2. The land handover to the Covie community is part of the ongoing work of the IMC on Land Reform to accelerate access to land as part of redressing the injustices of the Apartheid past. 

4. Workers’ Day  (1 May)

4.1. Cabinet affirmed that workers remain the economic backbone of society and are key to building a better tomorrow for all.

4.2. Cabinet noted that the negative impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on workers, with majority of workers experiencing job losses, reduction on incomes as employers reprioritised resources to initiatives to save lives.

4.3.  Despite the economic hardships, government remains steadfast in its commitment to ensure that South Africa continues to uphold and protect workers’ rights.   

5.  International Nurses Day (12 May)

5.1. Cabinet noted that its meeting was taking place on the day the world marked International Nurses Day and reiterated its message of gratitude to the nurses in South Africa, the continent of Africa and the world for their selflessness and dedication in the face of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

5.2. Nurses, together with other health workers, continue to be at the frontline in the fight against COVID-19 at personal risk to their own lives and risk of exposure to their families. Government remain indebted to the resilience, sacrifice and tenacity of South Africa’s nurses in the fight against COVID-19. 

6. Blood donations

6.1. Cabinet called on healthy South Africans to donate blood to the South African National Blood Service (SANBS), which is currently facing a severe shortage of blood. 

6.2. The SANBS has adopted extensive precautionary measures to ensure the safety of donors by thoroughly screening all persons accessing donor clinics. 

6.3. To obtain more information, potential donors can contact the SANBS at the toll-free number: 0800 11 9031 from Monday to Friday (07:00 – 17:00).

7.  Palestine

7.1. Cabinet strongly condemned the attacks on Palestinian protesters at Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome on the Rock and the unlawful evictions of Palestinians from their homes in the Sheikh al Jarrah in the annexed East Jerusalem to make way for Israeli settlements. Israel's actions are in stark violation of international law, and a total disregard of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions, (UNSC) including Resolutions 446 (1979) and 2334 (2016) which explicitly call for an end to Israeli occupation and the fulfilment of the rights of the Palestinian people, including to self-determination and independence.

7.2. Cabinet calls on Israel to  stop the barbaric attacks on Palestinians and commit itself to international efforts aimed at reviving a political process, leading to the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, existing side by side in peace with Israel within internationally recognised borders, based on those existing on 4 June 1967, with East Jerusalem as the capital Palestine. 

8. Measures taken by the United Kingdom (UK) to support efforts of South Africa’s law enforcement agencies

8.1. Cabinet welcomed measures taken by the UK in assisting South Africa in the fight against corruption by acting against individuals who are accused of having committed fraud and corruption in our country.

8.2. In this regard, Cabinet welcomed the arrest of Mr Michael Lomas in the UK in connection with the case in South Africa on the Kusile fraud and corruption matter and welcomed the imposition of very strict bail conditions by the courts in the UK. 

8.3. In addition, Cabinet welcomed the imposition of sanctions by the United Kingdom on brothers  Mr Ajay, Mr Atul and Mr  Rajesh Gupta, and their associate  Mr Salim Essa for their roles in “a persistent pattern of corruption in South Africa which caused significant damage” to the South African economy and its people.

9.  Conflict in Mozambique 

9.1. Cabinet remains concerned about the situation in Mozambique and continues to monitor developments. Accordingly, Cabinet expressed its full support to efforts of the Southern African Development Community  to bring about lasting peace and security, as well as reconciliation and development in Mozambique.

10.  ACWA Power securing funding for the Redstone Concentrated Solar Power Plant 

10.1. Cabinet welcomed the announcement that ACWA Power has secured the R11.6 billion funding for the Redstone Concentrated Solar Power Plant in Northern Cape. This plant is part of South Africa’s major infrastructure projects and the largest renewable energy investment in our country. 

10.2. Redstone plant is set to produce 100 Megawatts W of renewal energy that is expected to be delivered at the end of 2023 and it will reliably deliver a stable electricity supply to more than 200 000 households.

B. Cabinet decisions 

1. National Commemorative Programme for the 25th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996

1.1. This year marks exactly 25 years since South Africa adopted its Constitution on 8 May 1996, a Constitution that is still hailed amongst the best in the world. 

1.2. In this regard, Cabinet approved the year-long National Commemorative Programme for the 25th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 which implementation will be led by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. 

2. The 5th Ministerial Global Conference on the Eradication of Child Labour

2.1. Cabinet approved that South Africa hosts the 5th International Conference on the Eradication of Child Labour from 2 to 4 May 2022. The conference is convened every three years under the leadership of the International Labour Organisation. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was postponed from 2021 to 2022.

2.2. The conference will deliberate on the global efforts to eradicate the problem of child labour. Member states will get an opportunity to reflect on their respective interventions to stop child labour in their countries. South Africa has a Child Labour Programme of Action, which provides the country’s roadmap towards eliminating child labour. 

3. Social facilitation process for the implementation of infrastructure projects

3.1. Cabinet approved the proposed Social Facilitation methodology, mechanism and processes for implementing infrastructure projects, as presented by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI). The facilitation process will contribute to ensuring an orderly process of engaging communities in the construction of projects in communities  

3.2. The methodology provides standard operating procedures that when implemented will strengthen partnership and trust between government and communities. 

4.  Extension of the National State of Disaster 

4.1. Cabinet approved the extension of the National State of Disaster on COVID-19 until 15 June 2021. The extension is in terms of Section 27(5)(c) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002). The extension considers the need to continue augmenting the existing legislation and contingency arrangements undertaken by organs of state to mitigate against the impact of the disaster on lives and livelihoods. 

5. Lekwa Local Municipality intervention 

5.1. Cabinet received a briefing about a Court Order that instructed National Treasury to intervene in the administration of the Lekwa Local Municipality, Mpumalanga in line with the provisions of Section 139 (7) of the Constitution that provides for the joint intervention by National Treasury and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to address the governance and financial system failures of the municipality.  

5.2. Cabinet further ratified the dissolution of the Municipal Council of the Lekwa municipality. The Ministers of Finance and Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs will in due course announce institutional arrangements that will be implemented to stabilize the municipality and ensure the return to service delivery.

C. Bills

1. Firearms Amendment Bill of 2021

1.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the Firearms Amendment Bill of 2021 for public comment. The Bill proposes tighter controls and management of firearms and the establishment of the National Firearms Register. The changes will assist in reducing the number of firearms in private hands and consequently reduce incidents of violent crimes. The Bill also improves the processing, control of firearms and the application system. 

2. Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Amendment Bill

2.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Amendment Bill for public comment. The review seeks to align the South African legislative framework to international laws that seek to combat terrorism. 

2.2. The UNSC Security Council adopted numerous additional resolutions to strengthen measures to combat global terrorism. Member states have an obligation to domesticate these measures. 

2.3.  The amendments clarify some of the definitions in the Act and add additional offences, particularly on people who depart, in transit or arrive in any country for the purpose of joining or supporting terrorist groups. It prohibits publications with terrorist-related content. The amendments also respond to the gaps that where highlighted by the UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate.

3. Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Bill 

3.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Agricultural Products Standards Amendment Bill for tabling in Parliament. The Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act 119 of 1990) provides for the control of sales and exports of certain agricultural products and promotes food safety.

3.2. The interventions seek to protect consumers. The proposed amendments strengthen the regulatory framework for agricultural production, health and food safety of certain agricultural products. The Bill tightens the control systems in areas of labelling claims in products for sale, and introduces different inspections and auditing methods, amongst others. 

3.3. The Bill has gone through wide public consultations with all relevant stakeholders and it will go through another rigorous parliamentary process   before it is passed into law.

4. Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Bill of 2020

4.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Plant Health Bill of 2020 for submission to Parliament. The Bill seeks to promote safety regarding the movement of plant products for export and import. It amends measures that prevent the introduction of foreign quarantine pests and diseases, and regulates non-quarantine pests. These amendments are aligned to the international instruments that South Africa is a signatory to.  

4.2. South Africa is the signatory to the WTO Agreement on Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement and the International Plant Protection Convention. 

4.3. This Bill will repeal the current Agricultural Pest Act, 1983 (Act 36 of 1983) which does not take into account the WTO Agreement and the International Plant Protection Convention. It will promote safe export and import agricultural trade for South Africa.  

5.  National Nuclear Regulator Amendment Bill

5.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the National Nuclear Regulator Amendment Bill for public comment.  The Bill seeks to address the existing gaps in the current National Nuclear Regulator Act, 1999 (Act 47 of 1999). It strengthens the enforcement provisions of the inspectors and the occupational safety exposure risks for the air crews. It also seeks to align with the International Atomic Energy Agency prescripts and its best practice. South Africa is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

6. Draft Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Bill

6.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Draft Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Bill to Parliament. The Bill provides the legislative and regulatory framework to create a conducive environment for investment, growth and job creation in the upstream of petroleum resources market. It also provides clarity on, amongst others, the application system; permits and rights issuing; transferability of the rights; participation by black persons; participation of the State; the transitional requirements and the strategic stock requirements for petroleum rights holders to sell a percentage of petroleum at prevailing market price to the State Petroleum Company. 

D. Upcoming Events

1. Africa Day

1.1. South Africa will join the rest of the continent to mark Africa Day on Tuesday, 25 May 2021. The day is an opportunity to promote African unity, deepen regional integration and recommit Africa to a common destiny.

1.2. Africa Day and Africa Month help us to better understand one another as Africans, both on the continent and in the diaspora. As we commemorate Africa Day, we do so with the realisation that COVID-19 continues as a threat to all nations on the continent. We must all unite in fighting the virus and ensure the safety of all people on the continent.

2. Global Health Summit

2.1. On 21 May 2021, President Ramaphosa will participate virtually in a Global HealthSummit that will be co-hosted by the European Commission and Italy as Chair of the G20.

2.2 .The Summit is an opportunity for G20 and invited leaders, heads of international and regional organisations, and representatives of global health bodies, to share lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and develop and endorse a ‘Rome Declaration’ of principles. 

2.3. It is  anticipated that the principles will address further multilateral cooperation and joint action to prevent future global health crises, as well as a joint commitment to build a healthier, safer, fairer and more sustainable world.  

3. Presidential Working visit to France

3.1. President Cyril Ramaphosa will pay a Working Visit to Paris, France, from 17 to 19 May 2021, to participate in a Summit on Financing African Economies that will be convened by President Emmanuel Macron of France on 18 May.
3.2. The Summit arises from the realisation that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented health and economic crisis worldwide. However, African economies, in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa, have been deeply impacted by an historic recession in 2020 after 25 years of continuous growth, and  the projected recovery for 2021 remains weak. At the same time, the continent has several key strengths and prospects for growth.

3.3. The Summit will gather African and partner leaders, in the heads of international financial institutions, with a view to devise joint actions that will help boost a strong and inclusive recovery. This recovery will be   premised on a dynamic private sector and the fostering and expansion of entrepreneurship. The recovery plan will also seek to foster prosperity and accelerate the green and digital transition in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

E. Messages

1. Congratulations

Cabinet extended its congratulations to the: 

  • South African 4x100 metres relay team for winning the gold medal in the World Relay Championships in Silesia‚ Poland. 
  • Producers of the South African Netflix original documentary, My Octopus Teacher, which won an Oscar for Best Documentary Feature.
  • Tshakhuma Tsha Madzivhandila Football Club, for making history by beating Chippa United 1-0 in the prestigious Nedbank Cup final at the Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein on Saturday, 8 May 2021, in their first season in the DStv Premiership. The team will now represent the country in the CAF Confederation Cup next season.

2. Condolences 

Cabinet expressed condolences to the family and friends of: 

  • Mr Abderrahmane Benkhalfa (72), the financial expert and former Algerian Minister of Finance. During President Cyril Ramaphosa’s year-long term as Chairperson of the AU, he appointed Mr Benkhalfa as one of five AU COVID-19 Special Envoys to mobilise international financial and other support for the African continental effort against the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Ms Nadia Goetham (46), a publisher who carved her career in print journalism and went on to establish a fruitful career in the publishing arena, where she created a monumental impact. She was a champion of books and storytelling, and was extremely passionate about developing others.
  • Mr Isaac Mogase (78), who was elected as the City of Johannesburg's first democratic Mayor from 1995 to 2000. He was also a Struggle veteran and a stalwart of the civic movement. 
  • Her Majesty Queen Shiyiwe Mantfombi Dlamini Zulu (65), Regent of the Zulu Nation. She was appointed Regent of the Zulu Nation following the passing of her husband, King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu (73) in March 2021. 

F.  Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Council members for the National Agricultural Marketing Council 
(i) Mr Gerhard Schutte;
(ii) Mr Angelo Petersen;
(iii) Prof Mzukisi Qobo;
(iv) Mr André Jooste;
(v) Ms Thandeka Ntshangase;
(vi) Mr Sifiso Julius Mhlaba;
(vii) Ms Nonie Mokose;
(viii) Ms Shandini Naidoo;
(ix)  Ms Fezeka Mkile; and
(x)  Dr Sharon Thembi Xaba.

2. Ms Susan Clare Middleton as Deputy Director-General (DDG): Fisheries Management at the Department of Forestry and Fisheries and the Environment. 
3. Ms Thembisa Futshane as DDG: Community Education and Training at the Department of Higher Education and Training.
4. Mr Khumbula Ndaba as DDG: Corporate Support Services at the Department of Social Development. 
5. Ms Sebolelo Mercedes Zwane as DDG: Institutional Planning and Support at the Department of Science and Innovation. 
6. Dr Kgosientso David Ramokgopa as Head: Infrastructure South Africa in the DPWI. 

Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on virtual Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 10 March 2021

A. Issues In The Environment

1. Attacks and killings of police officers condemned

1.1. Cabinet condemned the continued attacks and killings of police officers as not only barbaric but also a threat to national security. Members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) and other law-enforcement agencies, including private security companies, put their lives on the line daily to keep us safe; and they also deserve our support and protection.

1.2. Cabinet welcomed the swift police investigation that led to the arrest of a suspect in connection with the murder of two Western Cape police officers on Sunday, 28 February 2021, who were also robbed of their firearms. All acts of criminality, including murder, will not be tolerated, and perpetrators will be hunted down and brought to book.

1.3. Cabinet also commended the SAPS action in seizing cocaine with a street value of over R500 million from a fishing vessel on the Saldanha coast. The operation was led by detectives from the Organised Crime Narcotics Unit, in collaboration with other SAPS units.

1.4. The SAPS was also commended for seizing 400 vials, equivalent to about 2 400 doses, of fake Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) vaccine at a warehouse in Germiston, Gauteng. Officers also recovered fake masks and arrested three individuals.

1.5. Cabinet urges the public to avoid buying fake vaccines from unscrupulous peddlers who endanger the lives of unsuspecting citizens. Through the Department of Health, government has started to implement a free vaccination programme that will reach all South Africans who volunteer to be vaccinated. To date, Phase 1 of the vaccination programme at designated vaccination sites throughout the country has covered over 100 000 people.

2. Unfortunate death of a man in Braamfontein, Johannesburg

2.1. Cabinet is saddened by the unfortunate death of a man who was killed during the Wits University student protest in Braamfontein in Johannesburg on Wednesday, 10 March 2021, and expresses its condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

2.2. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate is already conducting an investigation to determine the circumstances that led to the death.

2.3.  Cabinet urges the police to exercise restraint whilst ensuring public order during protests and never to use live ammunition.

3. African Swine Fever (ASF)

3.1. An outbreak of ASF has been reported at two farms in Mfuleni in the Western Cape. The Western Cape Department of Agriculture has imposed a ban on the sale and movement of live pigs from Mfuleni to limit the spread of the disease.

3.2. ASF is a contagious disease that affects domestic and wild pigs, but does not affect people. However, Cabinet calls for extreme caution to be exercised to prevent the spread of the disease to other parts of the country.

3.3. Farmers are advised to pre-cook any swill for at least an hour before feeding it to pigs, to ensure the inactivation of the ASF virus and other diseases of concern.

4. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures for the fourth quarter of 2020

4.1. Cabinet noted the GDP figures for the fourth quarter of 2020 that were released by Statistics South Africa on Tuesday, 9 March 2021. Real GDP grew by 6.3%, largely as a result of the further easing of COVID‑19 lockdown restrictions. The outcome reflected strong growth in household final consumption and manufacturing output. As a result, for the full year of 2020, real GDP contracted by 7.0% – a better outcome than expected.

4.2. The manufacturing sector grew by 21.1% in the fourth quarter of 2020. Nine of the 10 sub-sectors recorded increases (led by food and beverages, motor vehicles and parts, and metal and steel products), while trade growth (9.8%) was led by retail trade, motor trade, catering and accommodation. Agriculture posted its highest annual growth (13.1% for 2020) as a result of favourable weather conditions and improved performance in the grain, horticulture and livestock sub-sectors.

4.3. On an expenditure basis, household final consumption expenditure increased at a rate of 7.5%, led by restaurants and hotels; food and non-alcoholic beverages; and recreation and culture sub-sectors. Gross fixed capital formation increased by 12.1%, led by increased investment in transport equipment and construction works as road passenger and freight activities improved and civil engineering works resumed.

4.4. Cabinet remains confident that the economy will recover through the prioritised health interventions as well as continued collaborative efforts of government, business, workers and communities in implementing our Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan.

5. Proudly South African Buy Local Summit & Expo

5.1. President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered the virtual Keynote Address on Tuesday, 9 March 2021 to the 9th annual Proudly South African Buy Local Summit & Expo, held under the theme: “Localisation as a driver of Economic Growth”. Proudly South African is an agency of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition.

5.2. The summit was live-streamed across multiple online and social media platforms to allow wider participation in the discussions. A virtual expo allowed companies to showcase their products and services in a short video that provided an online meeting hub for those who want to trade.

5.3. Cabinet calls on South Africans and businesses to support our home-grown products and services, particularly during this economic recovery period, to boost economic growth and job creation.

6. Visit to the Biovac Storage facility

6.1. Deputy President David Mabuza visited the BioVac Storage facility in Midrand, Gauteng on Tuesday, 2 March 2021 as part of the work of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on COVID-19 Vaccines, which oversees the successful roll-out of the vaccination programme.

6.2. The Biovac Institute, a Cape Town-based biopharmaceutical company, is jointly owned by government and the private sector. It was formed in 2003 to be responsible of South Africa’s immunisation programmes in vaccine development, and the logistics of storing and distributing vaccines to various vaccination sites.

6.3. Over the years, Biovac has developed sufficient capacity to store and distribute vaccines. Cabinet was satisfied with its contribution towards the vaccination roll-out programme and the work being done with other pharmaceuticals to produce COVID-19 vaccines.

6.4. Cabinet calls on everybody to remain vigilant and continue practising the health protocols of wearing a mask when in public spaces, regularly washing hands with soap and water or using a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, maintaining social distancing of at least 1,5 metres and avoiding large gatherings. The prevention of the possible third wave is all in our hands.

B. Cabinet decisions

1. National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)

1.1. Cabinet received a briefing from the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dr Blade Nzimande, on the current funding shortfall challenges faced by the NSFAS. These challenges have delayed the finalization of the registration of first-year university students.

1.2. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the challenges of the scheme. Some of these being the extended academic year and a number of students qualifying for the fund due to parents having lost their jobs. To resolve this challenge, Cabinet approved additional funding and the details of which will be unpacked by Minister Nzimande immediately after this briefing.

1.3. Cabinet has directed that further work must be done to find a more sustainable approach to fund students for their tertiary education. Cabinet remains committed to ensuring that all deserving students are not excluded due to the lack of funding.

2. Draft Position Paper for Land Administration and Land Tenure Reforms in Communal Areas

2.1. Cabinet approved the draft Position Paper on Land Administration and Land Tenure Reforms in Communal Areas for further consultations with relevant stakeholders. The proposed reforms provide a legal framework to initiate the process of transferring communal land to persons or communities whose tenure of land is legally insecure.

2.2. These reforms will also expand the communal asset base to empower communities to engage in cultural, social and economic activities of their choice. The consultations will culminate in the convening of the envisaged National Land Summit.

3. Vaccine procurement

3.1. Cabinet received a briefing by Health Minister Zwelini Mkhize and Finance Minister Tito Mboweni regarding contract negotiations for vaccine acquisition with different pharmaceutical companies. Cabinet considered some of the difficult terms in the contracts that are not aligned to the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999) and acknowledged the deviations already granted by National Treasury in the interests of the lives of South Africans.

3.2. The deviations included prepayment provisions to ensure that South Africans have access to the vaccines as soon as possible. Cabinet supported the efforts of National Treasury and the National Department of Health to continue with the negotiations and ensure quick access to vaccines for all.

4. National State of Disaster

4.1. Cabinet approved the extension of National State of Disaster to 15 April 2021. This is done in terms of Section 27(5) (C) of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002). The public is urged to continue adhering to all COVID-19 health measures and restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus.

C. Bills

1. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Bill of 2020

1.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the OHS Bill 2020 for public consultation. The Bill seeks to amend the OHS Act, 1993 (Act 85 of 1993) and align it to international trends. It also seeks to strengthen the safety measures of workers in their respective workplaces.

1.2. The Bill introduces the provisions that empower employees to withhold their labour should they feel the environment is dangerous and unsafe, without being victimized by the employers.

2.  Housing Consumer Protection Bill

2.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Housing Consumer Protection Bill for tabling in Parliament. The Bill repeals the Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act, 1998 (Act 95 of 1998). The proposed amendments include expanding the protection afforded to housing consumers – including repairs, renovations, alterations and additions to an existing home. The Bill also proposes transformational programmes in the home-building industry.

2.2. A number of inputs have since been received from the industry stakeholders through public consultations. The Bill will go through further consultations with the parliamentary process before it is passed into law.

D. Upcoming events

1. World Water Day

1.1. South Africa will join the international community in marking World Water Day on Monday, 22 March 2021. The day raises awareness of the global water crisis and focuses on the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation for all by 2030.

1.2. The Department of Water and Sanitation has launched the #SaveWater campaign to remind all South Africans that every drop counts. Despite the recent good rainfall, the water-scarce country is still susceptible to sustained droughts exacerbated by climate change.

1.3. Cabinet calls on South Africans to use water sparingly as our wasteful behaviour today could impact future generations. Let us be the responsible generation that took the future into our collective hands by turning off the tap of water wastage.

E. Messages

1. Congratulations

Cabinet expressed congratulations to:

Ms Tshepho Faith Koopa, a local medical scientist from Pathology LabOne who discovered a COVID-19 testing antigen. The antigen is part of the COVID-19  test kits being rolled out by LabOne laboratories in Khayelitsha, Western Cape and Midstream, Gauteng. Pathology LabOne purchased the test kits in partnership with Prince Amon Moagi of the Bakgatla tribe in North West, Africapacity Investment Group and Brawne Capital.

2. Condolences

Cabinet expressed condolences to the family and friends of:

  • Ms Karima Brown (54), an exceptional veteran journalist and activist.  
  • Mr  Azwifarwi Dick Ralushi (71) a liberation struggle veteran.   Ralushi was a  member of the Black Peoples Convention (BPC ) and served as its Publicity Secretary.  He was a member of the Northern Transvaal Action Committee an affiliate of the UDF, and  an underground Activists of the African National Congress military wing Umkhonto WeSizwe under the Northern Transvaal Rural Machinery.
  • Mr Peter Matlare (61), an entrepreneur and Absa Deputy CEO who also held various executive roles at a number of top South African businesses and the SABC.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Ms Mamogala Jennifer Musekene – Deputy Director-General: Chemicals and Waste Management, Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries.

Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 0835010139

Statement on the virtual Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 21April 2021


1. Temporary suspension of the Sisonke Vaccination Programme and the recommendation to lift it

1.1 Cabinet was briefed on the temporary suspension of the Johnson and Johnson (J&J) Sisonke Vaccination Programme, which was a precautionary measure which allowed South Africa’s scientists to review the South African data on the J&J vaccine. This followed the suspension of the J&J vaccination roll-out programme in the United States of America (USA) after six people who received the J&J vaccine developed a rare type of blood clot. Another reason for the temporary suspension was the decision by J&J to voluntarily suspend the roll-out of their vaccine in the Eurozone.

1.2 The temporary suspension in South Africa was in line with government’s commitment to ensure that comprehensive safety measures are undertaken regarding the vaccine roll-out. The reviewed data had confirmed that South Africa had not experienced any rare blood clots with the already vaccinated healthcare workers (HCWs).

1.3 Cabinet welcomed the recommendation by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority to lift the suspension of the J&J Sisonke Vaccination Programme.

1.4 Our scientists will continue to monitor all South Africans as and when they are vaccinated. By mid-April 2021, more than 292 623 HCWs had been vaccinated under the Sisonke Vaccination Programme.

2. Vaccination roll-out programme

2.1 Cabinet welcomed the progress in the signing of the contract with J&J on the procurement of J&J vaccines for the full roll-out programme, and commended the Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize and the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Mr Ebrahim Patel, for resolving the outstanding matters relating to the procurement of the vaccines without compromising the position of South Africa.

2.2 Furthermore, Cabinet welcomed the successful negotiation of an additional 10 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which brings the total doses of the Pfizer vaccine to 30 million. This means South Africa will be able to vaccinate 15 million people with the Pfizer vaccine instead of just 10 million.

2.3 To prepare for Phase 2 of the vaccination roll-out programme starting on 17 May 2021, Cabinet encourages people aged 60 years and older to register  on the Electronic Vaccination Data System:

2.4 People without access to the internet can register in person at over 3 338 vaccination sites across the country. Mobile teams will also be deployed to assist the elderly, the homeless and people living in rural areas.

3. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) infections rates

3.1 Cabinet received an update on the COVID-19 infections across the country and commended South Africans for their continued adherence to the non-pharmaceutical health protocols of wearing a mask when in public spaces, maintaining social distancing of about 1.5 metres and always washing hands with soap and water or using a 70% alcohol-based hand sanitiser. 

3.2 However, the report also indicated a slight increase of 4,9% in persons testing positive in the past 14 days, by 18 April 2021. The cases increased from 14 113 in the preceding 14 days to 14 807 cases in the last 14 days.

3.3 The slight increase in cases is attributed to cluster resurgences in the Free State and Northern Cape, and rapid response teams have been activated to conduct contact tracing.

4. Economic recovery

4.1 Cabinet welcomed the 2021 Annual Front Office Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Omnibus Survey, which ranked South Africa first in the world as a destination for BPO.

4.2 The survey extended to over 600 executives from eight key sourcing markets, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom (UK) and the USA.

4.3 This affirms the proactive work of government and the sector in building the country’s BPO capacity, with a strong growth in call centres, technical support and back and front office services for major multinational and South African firms.

4.4 The country’s sophisticated digital infrastructure, skilled workforce, knowledge in technology and financial services, and proficiency in English, continue to make it an attractive destination for BPO.

5. Job creation

5.1 Cabinet is pleased that a number of government interventions to stimulate the participation of more South Africans in the economy, particularly young people, are starting to yield results.

5.2 The Presidential Employment Stimulus that was launched in October 2020 to respond to the economic impact of COVID-19  created or retained 360 010 jobs by the end of February 2021, mostly  for unemployed youth. In addition, the employment stimulus has supported the livelihoods of 60 539 beneficiaries through the transfer of support, including production vouchers for subsistence farmers.

5.3 Over 300 000 of these opportunities came from placing young people as assistants in schools across the country, through the Basic Education Employment Initiative. These school assistants have played an important role in strengthening the learning environment at schools during a difficult time.

6. Infrastructure development

6.1 Cabinet appreciated the progress made in enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of the Port of Durban that has resulted in a significant reduction of congestion and improved turnaround times.

6.2 His Excellency, President Cyril Ramaphosa, visited the Port of Durban on Thursday, 15 April 2021 to assess progress with port infrastructure improvement following his meeting with port users and stakeholders in October 2019.

6.3 Improving the performance of South Africa’s ports, particularly the Port of Durban, is central to government’s objective of maintaining South Africa’s position amongst the largest and most efficient trading ports and strengthen our position as the gateway for the region and the continent.

6.4 Cabinet also welcomed the report from an oversight visit to the Saldanha Bay Harbour in the Western Cape by Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia de Lille –  along with Deputy Minister Noxolo Kiviet and Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, Head of Investment and Infrastructure in The Presidency – on Tuesday, 6 April 2021. 

6.5 The Small Harbours Repairs and Maintenance Programme, which is a Strategic Integrated Project as part of the Infrastructure Investment Plan approved by Cabinet in May 2020, is currently 77% complete. It has created  a total of 611 job opportunities and various local small, medium and micro enterprise businesses have benefited to the value of R55 million. The project is expected to be completed in March 2022.

7. Monthly Statistical Reports

7.1 StatsSA continues to release a number of monthly reports on the performance of various sectors of the economy. Although some sectors continue to battle with the recovery, the resilience of the agriculture, manufacturing and mining industries continues to inspire confidence in the recovery of the South  African economy.

7.2 Cabinet is pleased that the implementation of the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan is making noticeable impact in South Africa’s recovery.

8. Bullying at schools

8.1 Cabinet expressed concern about the prevalence of bullying in our schools, which included the recent incidents at Mbilwi Secondary School in  Thohoyandou, Limpopo, Dinwiddie High School in Germiston, Gauteng and Mathole High School in KwaZulu-Natal.

8.2 Cabinet was saddened by the death of Lufuno Mavhunga (15) from Mbilwi Secondary School in Thohoyandou, Limpopo, and conveyed condolences to the Mavhunga family and her friends. Cabinet called on authorities to speedily investigate the matter and ensure effective justice.

8.3 Cabinet urged education stakeholders, including parents and guardians, to unite against bullying to create an environment that is conducive to learning. It is the responsibility of each one of us to speak up and report incidents of bullying to the relevant authorities, particularly where the victims are unable or afraid to do so.

9. Hate crimes

9.1 Cabinet strongly condemned the recent rise of LGBTIQ+ hate crimes that resulted in the deaths of Andile Ntuthela, Siphamandla Khoza and Nathaniel Mbele.

9.2 The Bill of Rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 calls on us to respect the rights of all members of society without any form of discrimination. These heinous crimes and acts of harassment have no place in our democracy, and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms by all of us.

9.3 Cabinet called on anyone who may assist with the arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes to contact the police through the toll-free number 10111 or visit the nearest police station.

10. African Swine Fever (ASF) and Avian Influenza 

10.1 Cabinet noted the outbreak of ASF on a farm in Potchefstroom in North West as well as Avian Influenza (bird flu) on a commercial farm in the East Rand in Gauteng.

10.2 The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and other relevant stakeholders have promptly stepped up security measures and imposed a quarantine.

10.3 ASF is a contagious disease that only affects domestic and wild pigs. Avian Influenza affects poultry and cannot be transmitted to humans.

11. Firefighting operations

11.1 Cabinet applauded the efforts of rescue personnel and firefighters who bravely worked around the clock to contain fires in Cape Town and at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital in Johannesburg respectively.

11.2 The Cape Town fires have destroyed historic buildings while the fire at Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital necessitated the transfer of more than 400 patients to other hospitals. Cabinet wished those injured in the fires a speedy recovery. Investigations to determine the cause of these fires have already started.

12. Mozambique conflict

12.1 Cabinet welcomed the efforts of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to bring about lasting peace and security, as well as reconciliation and development, in the Republic of Mozambique.

12.2 An Extraordinary Double Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government of the SADC held on Thursday, 8 April 2020 in Maputo directed an immediate technical deployment to Mozambique.

12.3 Cabinet is also satisfied that South African citizens in Mozambique have been offered consular assistance through the Department of International Relations and Cooperation’s 24-hour Consular Command Centre. A number of South African nationals have returned while others have been moved to safe areas in Mozambique.

13. Senseless killing of the Coka brothers

13.1 Cabinet condemned the recent senseless killing of two brothers, Zenzele and Amos Coka, on a farm in Mpumalanga. The siblings were part of a group of farm dwellers seeking employment as seasonal farmworkers.

13.2 Cabinet commended police for the quick response in arresting the alleged offenders who have since appeared at the Piet Retief Magistrate’s Court.

13.3 Cabinet called for calm in the community to allow justice to take its course and ensure that those found guilty face the full might of the law.

14. Resolution on the protestors in Cape Town

14.1 The Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, briefed Cabinet on the progress made by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to resolve the issue relating to the protestors in Cape Town, who are mainly citizens from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

14.2 The protesters were temporarily sheltered in Paint City and Wingfield in Cape Town under the COVID-19 National State of Disaster regulations.

14.3 The UNHCR offered to help all protestors to resettle in communities in and around Cape Town. The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) also offered those who wish to return to their country of origin a plane ticket .Cabinet welcomes this generous and reasonable offer, and urges the protestors to accept it.


1. Green Paper on Marriages

1. Cabinet approved the publication of the Green Paper on Marriages for public consultation. The Green Paper seeks to work towards the development of a new Single Marriage Bill. It also aligns the marriage regime with the constitutional principle of equality.

2. The paper makes proposals on unions of people from all sexual orientations, religious and cultural persuasions. It also proposes the complete removal of child marriages in our future marriage regime.

2. Tourism Sector Recovery Plan

2.1 Cabinet approved the Tourism Sector Recovery Plan. The plan represents the collective response by government and the tourism sector to the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The draft plan was released for public consultation in August 2020.

2.2 The plan proposes seven strategic interventions, which include stimulating domestic demand; launching investment and resource mobilisation programmes; and regional tourism integration. 

2.3 The proposed interventions are also aligned to the country’s ERRP. The objective of this plan is to preserve jobs and livelihoods, and create new job opportunities. The plan will also strengthen transformational interventions in the sector and drive the empowerment of women, youth and people with disabilities in the sector.

2.4 The Minister Mamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane launched this Tourism Recovery Plan together with the tourism industry earlier this morning.

3. Report on the Performance of the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive Programme

3.1 Cabinet approved the submission of the Report on the Performance of R&D Tax Incentive Programme for 2018/19 to Parliament as required by Section 11 D of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act 58 of 1962).

3.2 The tax incentive programme was introduced to help the country achieve about 1% of gross domestic product target on R&D expenditure by 2024. The report will be available to the public once it has gone through the parliamentary process.

4. No-Fault Compensation Fund Scheme

4.1 Cabinet approved the establishment of the No-Fault Compensation Fund. The Fund’s establishment is in line with the contractual agreements entered into with the pharmaceutical companies that will be supplying the South Africa with COVID-19 vaccines.

4.2 The Fund is also important for the protection of South Africans who may be affected by side effects of vaccines to access better support and treatment.

4.3 The fund will be established through the amendments to Section 27 of the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 57 of 2002). It will be chaired by a judge.

5.Report of the High-Level Panel (HLP) on Wildlife Management

5.1 Cabinet approved the report of the HLP on Wildlife Management, which was established by the Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment to review policies, legislation and practices on matters related to the management, breeding, hunting, trade and handling (welfare and well-being) of the country’s endangered wildlife species. These include elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros.

5.2 The Ministry is expected to release the recommendations of the panel for implementation and necessary consultation.


1. Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill

1.1 Cabinet approved the submission of the Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill to Parliament. The Bill amends Section 154(3) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1977), which a Constitutional Court judgement found to be failing to protect the identity of child victims of crime in criminal proceedings.

1.2 The current clause protects the identity of child offenders, victims and witnesses against the harmful effect of the publication of their involvement in criminal proceedings up to the age of 18 years.

1.3 The proposed amendments prohibit the publication of any information, which reveals or may reveal the identity of an accused or a witness who is or was under the age of 18 years at the time of the alleged offence.  Publication may only be done after it has been authorised by the judicial officer or presiding judge.


1. Freedom Month and Freedom Day

4.1 This year’s Freedom Month is being celebrated under the theme: “The Year of Charlotte Maxeke: the Meaning of Freedom under COVID-19”.

4.2 Cabinet calls on everyone to use the Freedom Month and Freedom Day celebrations to continue to fight the virus while striving for greater inclusion and social cohesion.

4.3 We all have the responsibility to use our democracy and freedom to work together and unite around a common agenda to build a united and prosperous South Africa.

4.4 This year’s celebration will adopt a hybrid model with the national celebration to be hosted in the Free State.

2. World Book Day

2.1 World Book Day, also known as the International Day of the Book, is marked annually on 23 April. The day is used to encourage people to embrace books and help establish a better reading culture.

2.2 Cabinet calls on South Africans to support the culture of reading and incorporate it into their daily lifestyles. Reading is a foundational skill on which all other learning is built and it creates the opportunity for access to career opportunities.


1. Condolences

Cabinet expressed condolences to the family and friends of:

  • Dr Sindisiwe van Zyl (45), the much-loved medical doctor and Kaya FM host who touched the lives of countless people and contributed immensely to the health and well-being of the nation.
  • Vukosi Ringani, Nhlaluko Maluleke, Freedom Rihlamfu, Aubrey Chauke, Temba Nyambi, and Thomy Masipenda the six pupils from the Jim Chavani Secondary School in Vhembe district, Limpopo who died when a bakkie they were travelling in crashed into a house.
  • His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (100) in the UK
  • Mr Bhekizizwe Vusimuzi  Mpila (43), who was the son-in-law of Deputy President David Mabuza.
  • President Idriss Déby Itno (69) of the Republic of Chad. Cabinet condemned the violence that has claimed so many lives, including that of President Déby, who succumbed to injuries he sustained while leading his military forces against a rebel attack.


All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Board of Directors of the Unemployment Insurance Fund:

  • Mr Zola Luswazi (Chairperson);
  • Mr Edward Malometje Thobejane;
  • Ms Martle Keyter;
  • Mr Donald Khumalo;
  • Ms Louressé Specht;
  • Ms Vuyiswa Miya;
  • Mr Thembinkosi Josopu;
  • Ms Thandiwe Mfulo;
  • Dr Hamilton Daluxolo Ntsinde;
  • Mr Takalani Musekwa;
  • Ms Brenda Sibeko; and
  • Ms Ogalaletseng Gaarekwe.

2. Extension of the term for members of the South African Tourism Board:

  • Mr Siyabonga Dube (Chairperson);
  • Ms Mojankunyana Gumbi;
  • Mr Aloysius Ikalafeng;
  • Mr Enver Duminy;
  • Ms Michelle Constant;
  • Mr Ravi Nadasen;
  • Ms Kathleen Elizabeth Rivett-Carnac;
  • Ms Lindiwe Sangweni-Siddo;
  • Mr Mduduzi Zakwe;
  • Ms Zola Baba Tshefu;
  • Ms Gloria Serobe; and
  • Ms Nomzamo Bhengu.

3. Board of Directors of the National Nuclear Regulator:

  • Ms Vuyiswa Miya;
  • Mr Allan Taylor;
  • Mr Peter Becker; and
  • Ms Khangela Baloyi.

4. Members to the Council of the Film and Publication Board:

  • Ms Zamantungwa Mkosi (Chaiperson);
  • Dr Siyasanga Mhlangabezi Tyali;
  • Ms Lungelo Nxele;
  • Ms Agalutchmi Pillay;
  • Mr Phosa Mashangoane;
  • Ms Gloria Zanele Nkosi;
  • Ms Mpho Sedibe;
  • Dr Andile Nontso; and
  • Adv Lufuno Tokyo Nevondwe.

5. Board of Trustees of the Independent Development Trust:

  • Ms Tebogo Magogodi Malaka;
  • Mr Krishen Sukdev;
  • Ms Lerato Kumalo;
  • Ms Karabo Siyila;
  • Ms Nthabiseng Mkhwanazi;
  • Prof Raymond Nkado;
  • Mr Mpilo Sakile Mbambisa;
  • Ms Zimbini Hill;
  • Mr Tim Sukazi; and
  • Dr Michael Sutcliffe.

6. Chief Delegate and Alternate Delegate of the Lesotho Highlands Water Commission:

  • Mr Teboho Nkhahle; and
  • Dr Musa Furumele.
  • Ms Thembelihle Mbatha as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Community Schemes Ombud Service at the Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation.
  • Ms Nonhlanhla Nyewula as CFO of SENTECH.
  • Mr Shonisani Mathews Munzhedzi as Chief Executive Officer of the South African National Biodiversity Institute.
  • Ms Nondumiso Mandisa Tshikwatamba as Deputy Director-General (DDG): Corporate Services at the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture.
  • Ms Constance Moitse as DDG: Counter Corruption and Security Services at the Department of Home Affairs.
  • Dr Nicholas Gilmour Crisp as DDG: National Health Insurance at the Department of Health. 
  • Mr Allan Golden Zimbwa as DDG: Technical Support at the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent.
  •  Mr Lindokuhle Cedric Mkhumane as Director-General at the Department of Small Business Development.

Enquiries: Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

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