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Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 20 June 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 20 June 2018, at the Union Buildings, Pretoria.

A. Issues in the environment

1. United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

1.1. Cabinet extends appreciation to the members of the United Nations (UN) that  overwhelmingly supported South Africa to serve as a non-permanent member on the UNSC for the term 2019 until 2020.

1.2. The election comes after a unanimous resolution to convene a Global Peace Summit in honour of former President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela in September 2018, which is the centenary year of South Africa’s founding father. Our  membership in the UNSC is dedicated to honour the legacy of Madiba.

1.3. South Africa will use its membership to advance the priorities of the African Union Agenda 2063, which is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years.

2. Eskom wage negotiations

2.1. Cabinet welcomes the intervention made by Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan in the wage-negotiations dispute between the Eskom management and labour. The supply of electricity is one of the critical levers in growing our economy and creating more jobs.

2.2. Cabinet appeals to all parties to work expeditiously in resolving the wage-increase negotiations for the sake of stability and the economic well-being of the country.  

3. Protests on highways

3.1. Cabinet strongly condemns the recent blocking of several highways by protestors in some parts of the country. Highways are a critical part of our transport infrastructure that supports the transportation of goods and services of the various sectors of the economy. Our constitutional democracy provides for platforms wherein people can raise their issues without causing any disruptions.

3.2. Criminal acts of aggression and disruptions will not be tolerated and Cabinet calls on law-enforcement officers to take the necessary steps, within the confines of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996, to ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.
B. Cabinet decisions

4. Programme of Action Briefing Week

4.1. Cabinet was apprised on the bi-annual performance progress reports for the period starting 1 October 2017 until 30 March 2018. Cabinet appreciated the progress made in a number of sub-outcomes of the 14 priority targets and also approved the proposed interventions in some of the areas that showed less progress. All the clusters will conduct media briefings to unpack the progress and areas that require interventions.  

4.2. The GCIS will coordinate the cluster media briefings and publish the schedule on in due course.

5. Briefing on the mining consultations

5.1. Cabinet was briefed by Mineral Resources Minister Gwede Mantashe on the two-day meeting held in March 2018 with social partners represented by   organised business and organised labour. All the social partners agreed on the need to resuscitate social dialogue in the mining sector and identify critical interventions required to ensure the mining sector is placed on a trajectory of inclusive and sustainable growth.

5.2. The social partners further reflected on the last quarter decline in the mining production as well as the broader trends regarding mining investment, production and employment. They agreed on the need to reflect on the shared vision for the mining sector, and re-endorsed the complementarities and interdependencies between transformation and competitiveness. 

5.3. Cabinet was also briefed on the two multi-stakeholder teams established to finalise the Mining Charter. Once all the consultation processes have been finalised, the charter will be presented to Cabinet for final adoption.

6. Draft National Budget Framework for 2019 (Mandate Paper)

6.1. Cabinet approved the release of the Budget Prioritisation Framework for Budget 2019 and also the timelines for the completion of the Budget Prioritisation Framework for Budget 2020.  

6.2. The framework proposes the priority programmes for Budget 2019 that will enable government to tackle the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality within the available resources.

7. Energy  

7.1. Cabinet approved the Decommissioning and Decontamination liabilities attached to the past Disused Strategic Nuclear Facilities (Stage 1) and current operating facilities (Stage 2) at Phelindaba site.

These liabilities are currently reflected in the books of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation. Cabinet approved that the process should be taken forward in consultation with the National Treasury.

C. Upcoming events

8. World Economic Forum (WEF) Roundtable

8.1. President Cyril Ramaphosa will host the WEF Roundtable at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Rosebank on 28 June 2018 under the theme: “Shaping South Africa’s Economic Renewal - the role of Business.” The event will bring together about 100 local and foreign business people and South African Government officials to engage on investment opportunities and partnerships.

8.2. The meeting with the WEF business community is a precursor to government’s Investment Conference planned for later in the year, which aims to mobilise investment of US$100 billion over five years.

9. Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Summit

9.1. President Ramaphosa will lead a delegation that will attend the SACU Summit to be held on 29 June 2018 in Botswana. The President will use the gathering to meet the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat to discuss the implementation of regional programmes.  

9.2. As the current Chair of SADC, South Africa has consistently supported broader regional integration through the SACU and SADC, and champions regional industrialisation and integration through various potential growth paths.

10. Water Institute of South Africa (WISA) Conference

10.1. The WISA 2018 Biennial Conference and Exhibition will be held from 24 to 27 June 2018 in Cape Town. The Southern African region faces increased uncertainty and vulnerability regarding water supply, and many parts of South Africa have recently experienced prolonged drought conditions.

10.2. The conference is expected to attract 2 000 delegates who will discuss ways to ensure the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal number six, which centres around providing access to clean water and sanitation for all by 2030.

D. Messages

11. Condolences

Cabinet expressed its deepest condolences to:

11.1. The family and friends of Honourable Sibusiso Radebe, an African National Congress Member of Parliament from Mpumalanga, who was killed during a hijacking attempt in Gauteng. Honourable Radebe will be remembered as a youth activist who worked hard to improve the lives of South Africans.

11.2. Family and friends of Ms Joyce Mashamba, who at the time of her passing was the MEC for Agriculture in Limpopo. The former freedom fighter served as an MEC in different provincial portfolios since the dawn of democracy.

11.3. Family and friends of Mr Billy Modise, who was South Africa’s former Chief of State Protocol and recipient of the National Order for Luthuli. He is well known for his work in building the anti-apartheid movement in the Nordic countries during the 1960s.  

11.4. The families of the three miners who died at Sibanye-Stillwater’s Kloof Ikamva Mine near Westonaria in Gauteng and calls on all stakeholders in the sector to continue to prioritise safety in our mines.

11.5. The Amampondo community on the passing of the Queen Mother of Amampondo aseNyandeni, Queen Fikelephi ‘Bongolethu’ Ndamase.

11.6. The families and friends of Mr Ismail Bassa and Mr Sayaad Hitig, who were killed during an attack on the Malmesbury mosque in the Western Cape.

12. Congratulations

Cabinet extends its congratulatory message to the following:

12.1. Dr Robert Gess, a leading South African researcher on Devonian marginal marine ecosystems and early vertebrates or ancient fish and early tetrapods. He uncovered what is believed to be a 360 million-year-old fossil. The two new species, named Tutusius and Umzantsia, are Africa’s earliest known four-legged vertebrates dating back a remarkable 70 million years. This discovery further cements our place as a world leader in science and research.

12.2. Bongumusa Mthembu for defending his Comrades Marathon title and Ann Ashworth for winning the women’s race. Cabinet also congratulates Xolani Luvuno for his determination and perseverance to finish the marathon using his crutches.

12.3. Dr Siyabonga Cwele, the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, following his election as the Chairperson of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (ITSO).  South Africa is chairing ITSO for the first time and will hold the position for two years. The country will use its chairpersonship to advance the interest of the African continent and developing nations in multilateral organisations.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 4 July 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 4 July 2018, at the Union Buildings, Pretoria.

A. Issues in the environment

1. Mandela Month

Cabinet calls on all South Africans to “Be the Legacy” as we approach Nelson Mandela International Day on 18 July 2018. The United Nations (UN) adopted this day, which allows South Africans and the global community to honour our former President and an international icon, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

Government has declared July as Mandela Month, which falls on his birthday month. As part of the centenary celebration various sectors have embarked on a number of initiatives to pay tribute to the work and legacy of the late President Nelson Mandela. On Friday, a special tribute to his concerns about jobs and young workers will be paid, when the Wear South Africa initiative, with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the SA Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU) launches the Nelson Mandela t-shirt in Durban.

The T-shirt is locally made, is available at leading retail stores and profits from the sale of the T-shirt will go to the Nelson Mandela Foundation to fund activities consistent with his vision and life. The Minister of Economic Development will address guests on behalf of Government. Cabinet urges all South Africans to support the buy local campaign and to wear locally-made clothing with pride.

Cabinet calls on all people to become part of the movement for change. By working together as a united, non-racial and non-sexist society, we can uphold the legacy of Madiba. Cabinet calls on all South Africans  to dedicate their 67 minutes of their time on 18 July to contribute to making a change for the needy.
2. Investment

Cabinet welcomes the recent primary listing of Old Mutual on the JSE. This listing by a company with a market capitalization of $10bn (R130bn), is a significant vote of confidence in South Africa and the local financial markets.

Cabinet appreciates that the primary listing in South Africa returns Old Mutual to its African roots and ends its period as a London-based financial services group. The commitment by Old Mutual to create a Fund of R500 million to promote local economic development, particularly by small, black-owned businesses, will boost the country’s efforts to build an inclusive economy. We call on other corporates in the financial sector to develop similar developmental funding instruments through dialogue with Government.

The recent World Economic Forum Roundtable on Investment served to showcase the potential of South Africa as a destination for increased and new investment. The Roundtable was attended by a large delegation of Chief Executive Officers of domestic and international firms, who interacted with President Ramaphosa and a delegation of Cabinet Ministers. The discussions were helpful in identifying measures to increase levels of investment and is a significant step towards the Investment Conference that will be convened by the President later this year.

3. Land expropriation

Cabinet appreciates the start of the Parliament’s public participation process to review Section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 which will allow for the expropriation of land without compensation. Parliament set up the Constitutional Review Committee to conduct public hearings countrywide after passing a motion on the expropriation of land without compensation. These public hearings will take place in all the nine provinces until August 2018.

Cabinet calls on all interested parties to participate peacefully in these hearings and appeals to the public to remain tolerant of varying views that may be expressed, in order to ensure that all have a fair opportunity to participate in the hearings.

Cabinet also reflected on the concerns expressed by traditional leaders on land issues. As a result, it has appointed a team of Ministers to interact with the traditional leaders to discuss and seek an amicable solution to their areas of concern. The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Zweli Mkhize, is the convener and is supported by Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Senzeni Zokwana, Rural Development and Land Reform Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane and Communications Minister Nomvula Mokonyane.

4. Tax season

Cabinet encourages all taxpayers to submit their annual tax returns for the 2017/18 tax season, which opened for filing on 1 July 2018. Proper and efficient revenue collection ensures fiscal sovereignty, and timeous and accurate submissions ensure that taxpayers remain compliant. Tax revenue helps government to fund the country’s service-delivery projects and other socio-economic development programmes.

5. Petrol price increase

Cabinet has noted the recent fuel increases, which follows from another price increase in the past month. Another fuel price increase is anticipated next month. The Brent Crude Oil Dollar denominated price has been affecting the general prices of petrol, diesel and paraffin. Our currency’s exchange rate to the US dollar has fallen by more than one percent since the beginning of May this year.

These cyclical currency changes, which result in price fluctuations, have impacted negatively on the consumers, particularly the poor. The rise in petrol prices directly affects transport costs, food prices particularly the cost of staple food and medicine.
Cabinet assures South Africans that government is making an effort to alleviate the challenges faced by poor communities. National Treasury has appointed a nine-member panel of experts to review the current list of Value-Added Tax (VAT) zero-rated items currently consisting of 19 basic food items. President Cyril Ramaphosa is leading the team, comprising representative from both government and private sector, to draw in more investors into the country so as to grow our economy and create much-needed jobs, particularly for unemployed youth.

Cabinet appeals to the private sector to lend a hand, by delaying to transfer the impact of the fuel prices to the consumer. This will go a long way in cushioning the poor, who will be directly affected by these price fluctuations. Growing our economy will go a long way in stabilising our economy. Cabinet also appeals to the private sector to partner with government for the benefit of all affected South Africans, particularly the poor.

6. Payment of social grants

Cabinet was briefed by the Minister of Social Development, Susan Shabangu, on the recent widespread delays in scheduled social grant payments to beneficiaries. Cabinet appreciates that social grants are a lifeline to the most vulnerable members of our society and therefore such inconvenience is very much regrettable. It expressed its sincere apology to all affected beneficiaries.

Minister Shabangu has assured Cabinet that the technical glitches were a result of the transition of the payments from an old system to a new South African Social Security Agency/South African Post Office system. She has assured Cabinet that most, of the affected beneficiaries have since been paid. Meanwhile, dedicated teams are working hard to stabilise the systems to prevent a recurrence of such delays in the future.

7. Health Inquiry

Cabinet welcomes the release today of the interim report by the Competition Market Inquiry into the private healthcare industry. The Inquiry is chaired by the ex-Chief Justice, Sandile Ngcobo and has heard evidence from a number of stakeholders in the past three years. The provisional report will be open for public comments for a period of two months. The final report will be submitted to the Minister of Economic Development, by the end of 2018, and will be tabled in parliament.

8. Khartoum Declaration

Cabinet welcomes the agreement on a permanent ceasefire between South Sudan President Salva Kiir and Riek Machar, and the signing of the Khartoum Declaration. This raises hope of a deal to end their country’s devastating war.

The declaration stipulates that the ceasefire arrangement includes disengagement, separation of forces in close proximity, withdrawal of all allied troops, opening of humanitarian corridors and the release of prisoners of war and political detainees. The agreement also allows members of the African Union (AU) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development to deploy forces to supervise the ceasefire.

Cabinet encourages all parties to work together to ensure that the ceasefire finally leads to ending the war and ensure the return of peace and economic development in South Sudan.

9. African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFRA)

Cabinet welcomes South Africa’s signing of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement with the AU. The signing of this agreement by South Africa brings the number of countries who have signed to forty nine.

The AfCFTA takes the continent closer to the creation of the world’s biggest free trade area. It is expected to yield great socio-economic benefits for all countries in the continent.

According to the UN, it is estimated that the AfCFTA will boost intra Africa trade by 53% by eliminating import duties and non-tariff barriers. This agreement is potentially poised to create an African market of more than 1.2 billion people with an economy worth US$2.5 trillion.

The Minister of Trade and Industry will commence the process to get the Agreement ratified through Parliament.

10. African Agenda

Cabinet welcomes the 6th Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Summit held on 29 June 2018 in Botswana, which was attended by President Ramaphosa. The summit underscored the importance of the regional integration agenda that promotes economic integration, industrialisation and economic diversification of the SACU economies.

President Ramaphosa also led a delegation to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, for the 31st Ordinary Session of the Assembly of AU Heads of State and Government. The summit took place from 1 to 2 July 2018 under the theme: “Winning the Fight against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation”. It presented a unique opportunity to reflect on and address specific challenges related to the fight against corruption in the continent.

President Ramaphosa is currently hosting a State Visit by his Ghanaian counterpart, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, from 4 to 5 July 2018, to further strengthen bilateral relations between the two nations. South Africa and Ghana continue to enjoy strong relations anchored by a shared history of friendship and solidarity. Trade and investment cooperation between the two nations includes mining, retail, insurance, science and technology,  transport, tourism, banking, telecommunication, construction, services, franchising, manufacturing, fishing, advertising, aviation and energy.

B. Cabinet decisions

11. Cabinet approved the concept paper and plan for National Women’s Day and Month in August 2018. The theme for this year is “100 Years of Albertina Sisulu: Women United in Moving South Africa Forward”. This year’s programme coincides with the triple centenaries of the birth of Nelson Mandela, Albertina Sisulu and the formation of the Bantu Women’s League.

The Women’s Month activities will mobilise society and build partnerships to decisively address key issues facing women and girls, particularly gender-based violence, women’s economic empowerment, access to land, harmful practices and other sectoral issues in the context of the National Development Plan (NDP) and South Africa’s international commitments. The Minister in The Presidency responsible for Women, Bathabile Dlamini, will unpack the full programme at a later stage.

C. Bills

12. Cabinet approved the submission of the National Gambling Amendment Bill of 2018 to Parliament. The Bill has already gone through public consultation with all the relevant stakeholders.

The Bill makes intervention in the electronic gambling, advertising of gambling and location of the gambling premises. It also replaces the current National Gambling Board with the National Gambling Regulator (NGR). Working with the provincial authorities, the NGR will develop the standard operating criteria that will serve as a mini standard to guide self-regulating bodies such as in the horse-racing sector.

13. Cabinet approved the submission of the Competition Amendment Bill of 2018 to Parliament. The amendments provide for an extension of the mandate of the competition authorities and the Executive to address high levels of economic concentration, limited transformation in the South African economy and abuse of market power by dominant firms. The Bill has already been gazetted for public comment and discussed with all the relevant stakeholders.

D. Upcoming Events

14. 100 Men March

Under the umbrella of the national “Send Me – Thuma Mina” campaign led by the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), a historic “100 Years of Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu: Men’s March against Violence on Women and Children” will take place on Tuesday, 10 July 2018.

The march, which is being coordinated by the GCIS, will start at 10:00 from Church Square and end at the southern lawns of the Union Buildings in Pretoria.

Cabinet invites all men and boys to respond to the “Send Me – Thuma Mina” rallying call by participating in the march, and taking a stand against the scourge of violence against women and children. Men from diverse sectors, racial, political and religious backgrounds will be united in their stance to stop violence against women and children.

15. National Imbizo Focus Week

Government will embark on its National Imbizo Focus Week from 9 to 15 July 2018, where members of the Executive will engage directly with citizens across the country.

One of the cornerstones of democratic South Africa has been government’s steadfast commitment to embark on regular participatory and responsive public-engagement programmes to outline government policies and plans.

Cabinet encourages all communities in the spirit of “Thuma Mina” to participate in the izimbizo with government officials and use the opportunity to address service-delivery challenges.

16. 10th BRICS Summit

South Africa is ready to host, in the spirit of Ubuntu (Humanity), the 10th summit of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) bloc from 25 to 27 July 2018, at the Sandton Convention Centre in Gauteng. On Friday, 6 July 2018, President Ramaphosa is scheduled to engage with Team South Africa over breakfast on the readiness to host the 10th BRICS Summit.

The theme: “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution”, reflects the core priorities of the BRICS members, notably to strive towards the creation of an inclusive society and global partnerships that will bring prosperity to all humankind. The theme also aligns and ensures strategic continuity with South Africa’s chairship of both the Southern African Development Community and the Indian Ocean Rim Association.

South Africa will use its chairship to ensure continuity for BRICS and bring specific focus to the opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

17. Roundtable of African Ministers of Arts and Culture

The Department of Arts and Culture is hosting the Roundtable of African Ministers of Arts and Culture in Durban from 5 to 6 July 2018. The event seeks to report on information access to profile the impact of library and information services within the context of the AU Agenda 2063, which is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years.

18. MeerKAT telescope/Square Kilometer Array (SKA)

President Ramaphosa is expected to launch the 64-dish radio telescope, known as the MeerKAT, as a precursor to the SKA telescope. The MeerKAT is located 90 km outside the small town of Carnarvon in the Northern Cape.

The MeerKAT telescope will be instrumental in significantly increasing knowledge of how the Universe was formed, how it works and what may shape its future. The completion of the instrument is a significant milestone that should be celebrated by South Africa and Africa at large.

E. Messages


19. Cabinet sends its heartfelt condolences to the  former President Jacob Zuma and his  family and friends on the death of his  son, Vusi Nhlakanipho Zuma, earlier this week.

20. Cabinet expresses its condolences to the family and friends of the late renowned photographer, David Goldblatt. Our country remains proud of his work that exposed the abuse and brutality of apartheid.

21. Cabinet also expresses its condolences to the family and friends of the miner who died at the Sibanye-Stilwater’s Khomanani Mine in Driefontein in Mpumalanga and remains concerned over the safety of miners at the mine.


22. Cabinet congratulates the National Library of South Africa (NLSA), which celebrated 200 years of its existence. Earlier this year, the NLSA marked this milestone by hosting an open exhibition titled “Treasure House of Knowledge”.

23. Cabinet welcomes the decision by the UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation to declare the Makhonjwa Mountains in Mpumalanga, also known as the Barberton Greenstone Belt, as a World Heritage Site. This is South Africa’s 10th World Heritage Site.

Cabinet calls on all stakeholders in the tourism sector to market all the heritage sites in South Africa as tourism is one of the accelerators towards developing our economy and creating jobs for local people.

24. Cabinet commemorates with pride the 63rd anniversary of the historic adoption of the Freedom Charter which formed the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

Today its core principles are reflected in the principles of the then Organisation of African Unity (now AU) and the United Nation has aligned its Universal Declaration of Human Rights to these principles.


All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

25. Mr Sibusiso E Bukhosini as the Chief Executive Officer for iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority.
26. Adv Mmadikeledi Suzan Malebe as the Deputy Director-General (DDG): Mineral Regulation, in the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR).
27. Ms Buyisiwe Faith Ntokozo Ngcwabe as the DDG: Mineral Policy and Promotion, in the DMR.

Cabinet also made appointments to the following bodies:

27.1. Financial Reporting Standards Council
27.2. South African National Biodiversity Institute Board
27.3. South African National Parks (SANParks)
27.4. Road Accident Fund

Extension of term of members of the Financial Reporting Standards Council:

a. Mr Garth Dennis Coppin;
b. Ms Dumisani Manana;
c. Ms Christine Ramon (Deputy Chairperson);
d. Ms Dawn Earp;
e. Mr Khaya Dludla;
f. Mr Bruce Mackenzie;
g. Ms Tania Wimberley;
h. Dr Suresh P Kana (Chairperson); and
i. Adv. Rory Wayne Voller.

South African National Biodiversity Institute Board:

a. Dr Lesley Thulani Luthuli;
b. Ms Thandiwe Godongwana;
c. Prof Brian William van Wilgen;
d. Dr Crispian Garth Olver;
e. Ms Ntsoaki Mngomezulu;
f. Ms Venete Jarlene Klein;
g. Ms Beryl Ferguson;
h. Ms Judy Hermans;
i. Department of Science and Technology representative;
j. Ms Skumsa Mancotywa (Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) representative); and
k. Dr Moshibudi Rampedi.

South African National Parks (SANParks) Board members:

a. Ms Joanne Yawitch;
b. Dr Kungeka Njobe;
c. Ms Sophie Molokoane;
d. Ms Tanya Abrahamse;
e. Adv Tshepiso Mphahlane;
f. Ms Tasneem Essop;
g. Dr Urshanie Govender;
h. Prof Elizabeth Mokotong;
i. Mr Tale Daniel Motsepe;
j. Mr Lourence Benard Mokgakane (People and Parks representative);
k. Mr Shonisani Munzhedzi (DEA representative); and
l. Mr Fundisile Mketeni.

Non-Executive Directors to the Board of the Road Accident Fund (RAF):

a. Dr Peter Mathebula – Chairperson
b. Ms Koko Mashigo
c. Dr Fanie Bale
d. Mr Moses Nyama
e. Dr Nomonde Mabuya-Moloele
f. Mr Thulani Tshabalala
g. Ms Dineo Molefe
h. Dr Mohamed Fazel Randera
i. Mr Khotso Mothobi (re-appointment)
j. Dr Maria Peenze (re-appointment)

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 22 August 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at Tuynhuys in Cape Town.

A. Issues in the environment

1. Economy

1.1. The recent economic developments in Turkey have led to a large depreciation of emerging market currencies, including the South African Rand.

1.2. Capital outflows from these markets have accelerated and bond yields have risen, slowing down economic growth and job creation. Turkey’s large foreign currency denominated liabilities and relatively low levels of foreign currency reserves predisposed the country to large and damaging capital outflows, as monetary policy started to normalise in advanced economies.

1.3. Cabinet notes that South Africa has a number of strengths, including an independent central bank, an inflation-targeting regime with inflation consistently within the target range, low levels of foreign-currency debt and a clear fiscal consolidation plan. Cabinet is committed to maintaining these strengths.

1.4. At the same time, government will continue to implement reforms to increase the growth potential of the economy and improve the credibility of our policy decisions.

1.5. Government will continue to collaborate with business, labour and civil society to restore confidence in the economy and address the structural constraints to economic growth. Working together we can translate our plans into concrete actions to move the South African economy forward.

2. Value-Added Tax (VAT)

2.1. Cabinet welcomes the report by the Ministerial Panel of Experts which reviewed the list of zero-rated VAT items and recommended the inclusion of white bread, bread flour, cake flour, sanitary products and school uniforms.

Cabinet encourages South Africans to voice their opinions on the report, which is open for public comment until 31 August 2018. The Minister of Finance, Mr Nhlanhla Nene, will then make an informed choice on which proposals to implement. Submissions can be made in writing to

3. Women’s Month

3.1. Cabinet calls on all citizens to continue with the drive to ensure the safety and empowerment of women in our society.  We commend all sectors of society for heading up initiatives aimed at fighting gender-based violence (GBV).

3.2. As Women's Month draws to a close, Cabinet continues to honour women in the same spirit that we honour the women of 1956 who marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria in defiance of a brutal regime that sought to use discriminatory pass laws to undermine their dignity.

3.3. Since the start of our democracy in 1994, great strides have been made to ensure that women enjoy the same rights as their male counterparts in education, employment, property, inheritance and justice. In driving an inclusive economy, we are working hard to ensure the full participation of women in the economy and driving an inclusive economy.

3.4. As part of celebrating Women’s Month, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries – in partnership with the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, and Total South Africa – will on Thursday, 23 August 2018 hold its 19th Annual Female Entrepreneur Awards in East London in the Eastern Cape.

3.5. Government, together with its partners, will hold a National Gender Summit to forge consensus on how best to deal with GBV.

3.6. The Minister of Police, Mr Bheki Cele, has recommitted members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) to prioritise cases that involve the abuse of women and children. When a woman or a child reports a crime or abuse, it must be followed up with the urgency it deserves and taken to its full conclusion.
4. Land expropriation

Cabinet thanks South Africans who participated in the parliamentary public hearings into the possible review of Section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation. Parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee has concluded hearings in all Provinces. The deliberations on these hearings as well as written inputs will now be considered by Parliament.

Discussions on the issue of land ownership in South Africa is vital and working together we can ensure that land reforms can further assist in growing our economy particularly in the agricultural sector and address the land ownership inequalities in our country.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed an Inter-Ministerial Committee chaired by Deputy President David Mabuza to coordinate and implement measures to accelerate the redistribution of land, the extension of security of tenure, the provision of agricultural support and the redress of spatial inequality, within a broad and comprehensive land redistribution and agricultural development programme.

5. Sanitation Appropriate for Education (SAFE) Initiative

5.1. Cabinet welcomes the launch by President Ramaphosa of the SAFE Initiative, as part of government’s response to the sanitation challenges facing some of the country’s poorest schools.

5.2. The SAFE Initiative is led by the Department of Basic Education, in partnership with the National Education Collaboration Trust and the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

5.3. Cabinet calls on all sectors of society, including big business and non-governmental organisations, to support the initiative that is aimed at alleviating infrastructure backlogs for schools in poor communities.

6. National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)

Cabinet was briefed by the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Ms Naledi Pandor, on the challenges facing the NSFAS. In order to stabilise and decisively address the challenges faced by the NSFAS in the disbursement of funds to deserving students, Cabinet supported the appointment of the Administrator, Dr Randall Carolissen.

The appointment of the Dr Carolissen effectively dissolves the current NSFAS Board. The Administrator together with the management will work towards dealing decisively with backlogs and other challenges facing the entity so as to ensure student funding is administered optimally for 2019, and that all outstanding issues for 2017 and 2018 are resolved.

7. Retrenchments

Cabinet is concerned by recent announcements over possible retrenchments and job losses in some industries, including mining and media.  We reiterate our appeal to business to consider retrenchment only as a last resort, and to explore other available and innovative ways to sustain jobs.  

Government continues to partner with business and labour, and remains convinced that working together, we can grow our economy and create new jobs.

8. Broadcasting

Cabinet welcomes the news that the SABC will screen English Premiership League games. While this may be a revenue opportunity for the SABC, government hopes that the screening of these games will not sacrifice local sports and also worsen the financial position of the public broadcaster, given its current liquidity challenges.

Cabinet notes the Invitation to Apply for the licensing of spectrum for the provision of subscription broadcasting services by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa.

While matters pertaining to licensing are the exclusive domain of the regulator, consistent with Section 192 of the Constitution, the licensing process should be done in a manner that does not destabilize the free-to-air platform during the transition from analogue to digital or encourages uncompetitive behaviour. It should ensure that new licensees are able to compete fairly and openly.

B. Cabinet Decisions

1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area to Parliament for ratification. This agreement will result in access to new and dynamic markets in the rest of Africa, in particular new markets in West Africa and North Africa. It will also provide export opportunities for South African products. This will also be in line with the integrated development approach in the continent. It will stimulate industrial development, investment and the creation of jobs in the continent.

2. Study on spectrum licensing

Cabinet approved the outcome of the commissioned study by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, which sought to determine the amount of spectrum for open access and licensing to the industry.  The study confirms that spectrum can be licensed to both the Wireless Open Access Network (WOAN) and the industry.  

This will, amongst others, achieve the national policy obligations, cost of communication; remove the entry barriers for small and medium companies, and sustain the current investments. The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Dr Siyabonga Cwele, will hold a full media briefing to unpack this report.

3. Progress on North West

Cabinet received the fourth progress report on the Section 100(1) intervention in North West. Cabinet is satisfied with the implementation stage, with several milestones reached in terms of the institutionalization of the project in the province.

  • The Memorandum of Understanding between the national and provincial government has been signed from the Inter-Ministerial Task Team (IMTT) on North West;  
  • Five administrators for the departments placed under Section 100(1)b have been appointed and formally installed as accounting officers;
  • The protocols and directives between the respective National Ministers and provincial MECs have been signed in line with Section 100(1)(b); and
  • An overall coordinator for the management of the North West intervention has been appointed.

Cabinet further expressed appreciation to the immediate intervention by the South African National Defense Force (SANDF) and the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent to the sewage crisis in the Ditsobotla Local Municipality in North West. The spillage of the sewerage, which had become a health hazard to the community, has been cleared.

Cabinet commended the work that has been done to date by the Administrators under the leadership of the IMTT, chaired by Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma.

4. Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)

Cabinet approved the publication of the updated Integrated Resource Plan for public input.
The National Development Plan identifies the need for South Africa to invest in a strong network of economic infrastructure designed to support the country’s medium- and long-term economic and social objectives. Energy infrastructure is a critical component that underpins economic activity and growth across the country; it needs to be robust and extensive enough to meet industrial, commercial and household needs.
The finalisation of the IRP will provide the necessary certainty to industry players as well as consumers in so far as security of electricity supply in the medium to long term is concerned.
The Minister of Energy, Mr Jeff Radebe, and the department will engage the National Economic Development and Labour Council EXCO on Friday, 24 August on the draft report, which will also be published in the Government Gazette and the Department of Energy’s website ( by not later than Monday, 27 August 2018.

5. Cabinet approved the Government Communication Policy, which will be applicable across government. The policy sets norms and standards for government communication practitioners. It also compels all government departments to provide a communication budget and a fully funded personnel capacity. The policy will complement the current Code of Conduct for the Public Service.

6. Cabinet approved the Final Strategy to Addressing Air Pollution in Dense Low-Income Communities of South Africa for implementation. The strategy provides a coordinated approach in reducing air pollution associated with fossil fuel in dense low-income communities.

The current air circulation in these communities exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards set out in the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act 39 of 2004). The strategy provides for interventions to reduce pollution and recommends an   awareness programmes that will highlight the health impact of continued pollution. It also provides for alternative energy options.

7. Cabinet approved the Green Transport Strategy, which will contribute  towards reducing the emission of greenhouse gas (GHG) in the environment. Currently, the transport sector accounts for 10, 8% of the total GHG emissions, with road transport being responsible for 91.2% of these GHG emissions.

The strategy introduces a number of interventions that will provide less emissions. It recommends alternative modes of transportations that emit less GHG in the environment. The strategy has already gone through public consultations in 2017.

8. Cabinet approved submission of the charter establishing the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Aviation Safety Organisation (SASO) to Parliament for approval. The charter provides a legal and institutional framework to establish SASO, to assist SADC Member States with their civil aviation safety oversight. It will also facilitate the development of efficient and effective civil-aviation infrastructure in SADC Member States.

9. Cabinet approved the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage of 2018. The White Paper revokes elements of the White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage of 1996. The White Paper is a culmination of the review of the 1996 White Paper, which appreciated the achievements in all the facets of arts, culture and heritage and reflected on areas that remained a challenge in advancing nation-building and social cohesion in our democracy.

The White Paper aims for a dynamic, vibrant and a transformed South African arts, culture and heritage sector that will contribute towards nation-building, social cohesion and socio-economic inclusion.

10. Cabinet approved the National Policy Framework on Underwater Cultural Heritage, which synergizes the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Convention, the National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (Act 25 of 1999) and other relevant national legislation.

The policy is underpinned by the principle that cultural heritage belongs to all people of South Africa. It identifies a range of stakeholders and actions to promote underwater cultural heritage, and to create awareness of its significance and capacity building.

11. Cabinet approved the 2018 and 2019 Annual Stamp Programme from the South African Post Office. The stamps reflect South Africa’s diverse culture, national identity, history, rich heritage, heroes and heroines, the environment as well as socio-economic development. The stamps further serve as small ambassadors for South Africa as they travel across the world through the postal network.

12. Cabinet approved the designs of the commemorative collectors’ coin series to be issued in 2019 by the Mint Company.

C. Bills

1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Electoral Laws Amendment Bill of 2018 to Parliament. The Bill amends three pieces of legislation, namely the Electoral Commission Act, 1996 (Act 51 of 1996); Electoral Act, 1998 (Act 73 of 1998) and the Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act, 2000 (Act 27 of 2000).

The Bill makes a number of amendments to adjust the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) election processes. Some of the proposed changes provides that the IEC can use all available sources of data to obtain information necessary to compile and maintain the national common voters’ roll. It also provides for the prohibition of the use of the name and its acronym, logo designs or material use or owned by the IEC.

2. Cabinet approved submission of the Electronic Communications Amendment Bill to Parliament. The Bill amends the Electronic Communication Act, 2005 (Act 36 of 2005) to give effect to the National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper, for the transformation of South Africa into an inclusive, and innovative knowledge and digital society. It also provides for the transformation of the sector through enforcement of broad-based black economic empowerment.

Amongst others, it provides for the lowering of the cost of communications. It also reduces infrastructure duplications and encourages service-based competition through a WOAN service.

3. Cabinet approved for the publication of the Financial Matters Amendment Bill of 2018 for public comment. The amendments are in five  pieces of legislations:

  • The Insolvency Act of 1963, to strengthen the regulation of over-the-counter derivative market, in line with G20 commitments;
  • The Military Pensions Act of 1976, to address discriminatory provision and ensure gender neutrality to recognise different types of relationships;
  • The Banks Act of 1990, to allow for qualifying state-owned companies to apply for banking licences, subject to Executive approval;
  • The Government Employment Pension Law of 1996, to change the clean break principle in the case of divorce, ensuring that members’ pension pay outs to former spouses on divorce are not converted to a debt obligation; and
  • The Auditing Profession Act of 2005, to address challenges and limitations that the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors faces in discharging its regulatory and oversight responsibilities.

4. Cabinet approved the submission of the Military Discipline Bill of 2018 to Parliament. It addresses the administration of military judicial system, creation and appointment of military police services, and disciplinary hearings.

The Bill will repeal the current Military Discipline Supplementary Measures Act, 1999 (Act 16 of 1999). This Bill will align SANDF Military Discipline to the UN, especially on soldiers in peacekeeping missions.

5. Cabinet approved publication of the Companies Amendment Bill of 2018 in the Government Gazette for public comment. The Bill amends the Companies Act, 2008 (Act 71 of 2008). It reduces the regulatory and administrative burdens to business owners and enhances South Africa’s attractiveness to potential investors.

D. Upvoming Events

1. Tourism Month in September was launched on 16 August 2018 in Tsitsikamma in the Eastern Cape, under the theme: “Tourism and the digital transformation”, which mirrors the theme of the UN World Tourism Organisation World Tourism Day taking place on 27 September 2018.

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council report released in November 2016, tourism employs 1.55 million people directly and indirectly in South Africa, and its direct contribution to the gross domestic product is R118 billion.

Cabinet calls on all South Africans to support this vital sector of the economy. It is also important that we work towards a more inclusive tourism sector that unlocks entrepreneurship, economic opportunities and jobs in our communities.

2. Cabinet approved the 2018 Public Service Month Programme under the theme: “Thuma Mina: Taking Public Service to the People: Batho Pele: “We Belong, We Care and We Serve”. The full-month programme of activities will be made available through the government website (
3. SAPS National Commemoration Day on 2 September 2018, with commemoration activities commencing from 31 August. This is in memory of police officials and reservists who were killed in the line of duty, having paid the highest price in service of the nation.

Cabinet calls on all South Africans to recognise and celebrate the lives of these heroes and heroines who died in the line of duty. It calls on all communities across the country to fly the flag at half-mast, and to observe a moment of silence in all religious ceremonies during the period 31 August to 2 September 2018, as a symbol of support to the SAPS.

4. South Africa will host the International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, organised by the Research World, from 24 to 25 August 2018 in Cape Town. The conference, which will provide opportunities for participants to share their ideas and experiences with a global audience, reaffirms that South Africa is a premier destination for global events.

5. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to participate in activities to celebrate Heritage Month in September. Heritage Month is observed annually to encourage the public to celebrate their unity in diversity and to continue to build a country where its people care for each other and respect one another.

E. Messages

1. Nominations for National Orders

Cabinet reiterates President Ramaphosa’s invitation to members of the public to nominate citizens and eminent foreign nationals that they believe deserve to receive the country’s highest honours, the National Orders. The deadline for nominations is 7 September 2018.

2. Eid

Cabinet conveyed best wishes to the Muslim community in South Africa and around the world on the celebration of Eid-ul-Adha yesterday, Wednesday 22 August 2018. More than 2 500 Muslims from South Africa have travelled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to join an estimated two million Muslims from around the world for the Hajj pilgrimage.

3. Condolences

3.1. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in expressing condolences to the family and friends of Mama Zondeni Sobukwe, who was affectionately known as “Mother of Azania”. President Ramaphosa has declared a Special Official Funeral Category 2 for her. She was a heroine of resistance and a fighter for the freedom of all South Africans, who continued her activism into our democratic dispensation. On 28 April 2018 – and as an extension of Freedom Day celebrations – President Ramaphosa bestowed the National Order of Luthuli in Silver on Mama Sobukwe. She was also the wife of Pan Africanist Congress founding President Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe. The year 2018 also marks the 40th anniversary of the death of Mr Sobukwe.  Mama Sobukwe will be laid to rest on Saturday, 25 August 2018, at the Kroonvale Cemetery in Graaff-Reinet in the Eastern Cape.

3.2. Cabinet also joins President Ramaphosa in expressing condolences on the passing of His Excellency Kofi Atta Annan, former UN Secretary-General (UNSG). Mr Annan was the first black African to become UNSG and he used his position to advance the African agenda. His death is a great loss to the global community.
3.3. Cabinet also expresses its condolences on the passing of world-renowned singer and United States civil-rights activist, Aretha Franklin.

3.4. Cabinet joins the international community in sending condolences to the Italian Government and people, and the families of the victims, following the collapse of the Morandi motorway bridge in the north-western Italian city of Genoa. Cabinet also wishes the injured a speedy recovery.
3.5 Cabinet expresses its condolences to the family and friends of world-renowned political economist and African academic Samir Amin, who passed away on 12 August at the age of 86. Throughout his life he was a tireless advocate for Third World liberation, and his thinking transformed the way we understand capitalism and imperialism.

3.6 Cabinet also conveys its condolences to the government and the people of India on the loss of lives during the recent floods and landslides in the state of Kerala.

3.7 Condolences were also sent to the government and people of Sudan following the drowning of 24 school children in the Nile River.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Ms Deshni Subbiah as Director to the Board of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa SOC Limited.
2. Ms Thezi Rosemary Mabuza, reappointed as Deputy Commissioner of the National Consumer Commission.
3. Non-executive directors on the Land and Agricultural Development Bank Board of Directors:

  • Adv Sandra Coetzee (reappointment); and
  • Ms Mathane Eveline Makgatho (reappointment).

4. Non-executive directors to the Board of the Airports Company South Africa:

  • Dr Nolulamo Nobambiswano Gwangwa (Chairperson);
  • Ms Phydelis Ntombifuthi Mvelase;
  • Mr Yershen Pillay;
  • Mr Bonang Francis Mohale;
  • Mr Pascalis Mathealira Mokupo;
  • Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo; and
  • Mr Nqobizitha Irvin Phenyane.

5. Non-executive members to the Board of the South African National Roads Agency Limited:

  • Mr Themba Barrange Mhambi (Chairperson);
  • Mr Alderman Robert Haswell;
  • Ms Nkareng Mpobane;
  • Mr Thamsanqa Piet Matosa; and
  • Ms Dladla.

6. National Advisory Council on Innovation:

  • Ms Claire Busetti (reappointment);
  • Mr Paul Steenkamp (reappointment);
  • Ms Thulile Mthethwa;
  • Mr Isaiah Clive Engelbrecht;
  • Rejoyce Gavhi-Molefe;
  • Prof. Derrick Ian Swartz (Chairperson);
  • Dr Tiisetso Elizabeth Lephoto;
  •  Ms Ilse Karg (reappointment and Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) representative);
  • Dr Molapo Qhobela (reappointment);
  • Prof Crain Arthur Soudien (reappointment);
  • Dr Thulani Humphrey Dlamini (reappointment);
  • Mr Dhesigen Pydiah Naidoo (reappointment);
  • Dr Shadrack Moephuli (reappointment);
  • Prof Roseanne Denise Diab (reappointment);
  • Dr Boitumelo Phakathi; and
  • Ms Mamello Matikinca.

7. South African National Space Agency:

  • Ms Xoliswa Kakana (Chairperson);
  • Prof Azwinndini Muronga;
  • Mr Johan Prinsloo (reappointment);
  • Mr Willie van Biljon (reappointment);
  • Mr Eugene Jansen (reappointment);
  • Mr Ashley Naidoo (reappointment and Department of Environmental Affairs representative);
  • Mr Lindelwa Simphiwe Hamilton (reappointment and Department of Defence representative);
  • Ms Nomfuneko Majaja (the dti representative);
  • Ms Mariam Paul (Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services representative);
  • Ms Leago Stella Takalani;
  • Ms Lumka Msibi;
  • Adv Icho Kealotswe Matlou;
  • Ms Matsie Matooane (reappointment);
  • Ms Innocentia Mmule Pule (reappointment); and
  • Ms Mbaliyethu Mfeka (reappointment).

8. National Research Foundation:

  • Prof Tinyiko Maluleke (reappointment);
  • Prof Nadine Felicity Petersen;
  • Dr Sarah Mosoetsa (reappointment);
  • Dr Nompumelelo Obokoh (Chairperson);
  • Prof Haroon Bhorat;
  • Prof Zebion Vilakazi;
  • Prof Sinah Saurabh;
  • Prof Nomalanga Mkhize;
  • Prof Glenda Elisabeth Gray;
  • Dr Bongani Ngqulunga;
  • Ms Mpho Letlape (reappointment);
  • Mr Mashangu Ronny Lubisi (reappointment); and
  • Ms Claire Busetti (reappointment).

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 5 September 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at Tuynhuys, Cape Town.
A.    Issues in the environment

1.    Economy

1.1.    Cabinet calls on all sectors of South Africa to rally behind government-led initiatives to boost economic growth following the release of growth figures showing our economy contracted by zero point 7 per cent in the second quarter from a revised -2.6 percent in the first quarter.

1.2. Although some sectors of the economy, such as mining, construction and finance, recorded an improvement in growth, this was insufficient to offset fully the contraction in other sectors, in particular the agricultural sector.  

1.3.  From the expenditure side, net exports recorded a strong recovery, however this was offset by a contraction in household expenditure and very large draw down in inventories. Investment growth by private companies increased, while investment by the public sector contracted.

1.4. The rising volatility in global markets and the GDP outcome require that government accelerates efforts to unblock constraints to economic growth while providing support to vulnerable groups.  

1.5.  Economic growth has slowed down significantly over the last four years. This reflects factors such as drought conditions in the agricultural sector and low commodity prices but also domestic structural constraints, which have discouraged investment and employment creation.

1.6. Government has committed, to amongst others, a complete overhaul of the visa system to support the tourism sector, the finalisation of key mining legislation to support the mining sector and further stabilise the finances of State-owned enterprises.

1.7. The upcoming job and investment summits, as well as the proposed government stimulus package, will provide details on reforms needed to drive growth.

1.8.  Cabinet affirms government’s commitment to fiscal sustainability and a revised fiscal framework will be presented in the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement.

2.  United Kingdom (UK) and Northern Ireland visit

2.1. Cabinet joins President Cyril Ramaphosa in welcoming the successful working visit by Prime Minister Theresa May of the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It will yield improved benefits for South Africa through strengthened bilateral trade and investment. The UK is one of the largest foreign investors in South Africa, with over 650 British firms present in our market. During the bilateral engagements, potential partnerships and efforts were discussed.

2.2. Prime Minister May also handed over the SS Mendi Bell to South Africa’s Commander-in-Chief, President Ramaphosa, and the people of South Africa, to commemorate the sacrifice of over 600 South Africans who perished when the SS Mendi sank in the English Channel over 100 years ago.

3. Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit

3.1. Cabinet considered the Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021), which details the outcomes of the FOCAC Summit co-chaired by President Ramaphosa and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

3.2. To build the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership, China committed to implementing 10 cooperation plans with Africa. These are in the areas of industrialisation; agricultural modernisation; infrastructure; financial services; green development; trade and investment facilitation; poverty reduction and public welfare; public health; people-to-people exchanges, and peace and security. Over the period, cooperation between the two sides will be underpinned by the theme: “China and Africa: Towards an even stronger community with a shared future through win-win cooperation.”

4. Fuel price

4.1. Cabinet welcomes the unchanged fuel price for this month as a once-off temporary relief for users of public transport, motorists and consumers, while other measures are being sought by the Department of Energy (DoE).   

4.2. Global factors including the increase of the price of crude oil and the negative sentiment around emerging markets have led to the cost of fuel rising rapidly in South Africa since April this year.   

4.3. Cabinet has expressed concern about increases and the detrimental effects on the general consumer, including amongst others, effects relating to the inflationary impact as producers pass on the increases to the retail sector.

4.4. Taking this into account, the Minister of Energy, Mr Jeff Radebe, made a special intervention on behalf of government to cushion the public against yet another steep increase in the fuel price, with the exception of the 4.9 cents per litre increase in the retail margin of petrol to cater for the annual salary increases of employees, such as petrol attendants, at fuel stations.

4.5. At a time when the economy is being impacted by global headwinds, Cabinet is pleased that this intervention has no impact on the fiscus as it uses funds that are already in the fuel-pricing structure.

5. Land reform  

5.1. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to use the debate around the issue of land reform to strengthen nation-building and social cohesion. The unfolding parliamentary process will bring clarity and allow us to move forward as a nation. The transparent, rules-based and constitutional process is in keeping with our commitment to jointly arrive at solutions for the betterment of society.

5.2. Cabinet is convinced this process will allow us to determine a land reform model that works for everyone.  

5.3. By working together, we can build a better nation where the dreams and aspirations of all our people are realised.  

6. Water

6.1. Cabinet is pleased that the Department of Water and Sanitation has completed the construction of the Cornelis River Dam in the Free State. The dam, which is set to benefit 2 690 households and an estimated 10 674 people, will ease water challenges faced by the community of Warden and Ezenzeleni under the Phumelela Local Municipality.

6.2. South Africa is still experiencing water shortages as a result of drought conditions and Cabinet appeals to all people to use this resource sparingly and to remain water wise.

7. Education

7.1. Cabinet congratulated the Department of Basic Education for successfully handing over the Delft South Primary School, outside Cape Town in the Western Cape.

7.2. The school was built through the department’s Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI) at a cost of R75 million. It consists of 45 classrooms, a computer and science laboratory, library as well as a nutrition centre. The new state-of-the-art facilities will provide a conducive learning and teaching environment to about 1 578 learners from the Delft community.

7.3. This is the final school out of 25 schools handed over to the Western Cape through the National Department of Education’s initiative. To date, the ASIDI programme has built 205 state-of-the-art-schools nationally. A total of 685 schools have been provided with reliable water supply, some 486 schools have been provided with decent sanitation facilities and 372 schools have been connected to the electricity grid for the first time.

8. 2019 National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) applications

8.1. Cabinet welcomed the overwhelming response from prospective students following the official opening of the 2019 NSFAS application process on 03 September. Over 45 000 potential and current students logged onto the NSFAS website on the first day. Progress has also been made to clear the backlog of outstanding payments to students.

8.2. The application process is based on a new system which makes funding decisions quicker while applications are now easily filled in by students regardless of their location.

9. Listeriosis

9.1. Cabinet welcomes the declaration that the Listeriosis outbreak is over and it strongly demonstrates the impact of the emergency collaborative response plan by the Department of Health (DoH) and the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, supported by the World Health Organisation, to control and end the outbreak.

9.2. The DoH has put in place a surveillance system to prevent a recurrence. All factories that make ready-to-eat processed meat and chicken need to have food safety management systems in place, according to Regulation R607 published on 14 June 2018. Inspections of factories remain ongoing, according to the updated hygiene regulations.

10. Allegations of fake and expired foods

10.1. Cabinet commends the swift action taken by the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, to look into the allegations of fake and expired foods in South Africa. The DoH has received a high volume of complaints and noted concerns about unauthenticated food-related videos that are circulating on social media.

10.2. Since August, inspection blitzes have taken place at various food premises and they continue in different parts of the country.

10.3. In addition, the food industry has been requested to confirm the authenticity of potential counterfeit foodstuffs while other government regulatory authorities from the departments of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and Trade and Industry, including the National Consumer Commission, are involved in confirming public claims of compromised quality standards.  

10.4. Cabinet appeals to the public to be vigilant in differentiating terms related to food:

  • The best-before date refers to the long shelf life of dry and canned products, and is not an indicator of safety.
  • The sell-by date is used for perishable food usually stored in a refrigerator and from July this year became no longer relevant, according to global authorities.
  •  The use-by or expiry date is the expiry date and means that food bearing this mark is no longer palatable after this date. For perishable food, this means it can no longer be consumed.
  • “Counterfeit goods” are typically goods sold under another company’s brand name while the term “fake food” has been used by social media to refer to food that does not contain food substances.

10.5. Cabinet reiterates calls on members of society to produce tangible evidence of foodstuff made from potentially harmful substances and chemicals.

10.6. Furthermore, Cabinet condemns attacks on and looting of shops as a response to the sale of suspicious foods. Such criminal acts will not be tolerated and Law-enforcement agencies will not hesitate to arrest and prosecute persons found inciting or carrying out these criminal acts. Cabinet urges members of the public who are aware of suspicious foods to call the DoH hotline on 011 386 2003/6 and the National Consumer Commission hotline on 012 428 7000.

11. Payment of social grants

11.1. Cabinet welcomes the progress report by Social Development Minister, Susan Shabangu, on the partnership between South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) and the South African Post Office (SAPO) to take over the payments of social grants from Cash Paymaster Services with effect from 1 October 2018.  

11.2. SASSA has so far replaced about five and a half million old cards with the new SASSA gold card but thousands still need to be exchanged. Cabinet strongly appeals to holders of old cards to make the switch.

11.3. SAPO will also take over the payment of cash to those recipients who were unable to withdraw cash from ATMs or merchants. For further information, social-grant beneficiaries can call the SASSA toll-free number on 0800 60 10 11 during office hours.

12. Train accident

12.1. Cabinet wishes the commuters who were injured when two Metrorail trains collided at the Eloff Extension in Selby, south of Johannesburg, a speedy recovery and calls for the investigation into the cause of the accident to be fast-tracked to prevent a recurrence.

B. Cabinet decisions

1. Cabinet approved for the release of the 2017/18 National Crime Statistics by the South African Police Service.

1.1. The annual crime statistics enable government to monitor key targets, in particular the reduction of reported serious crimes, as set out in the Medium Term Strategic Framework 2014-2019. The crime statistics could also be used as early-warning indicators to strengthen crime-prevention operations and strategies of various government departments.

2. Cabinet was briefed on progress made in the management of discipline of public-service employees conducting business with an organ of state. Promoting just and fair administration actions by senior government officials is a critical part of building an open and accountable government, as envisaged in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 and the building of a capable state as envisioned in the National Development Plan (NDP): Vision 2030.

2.1. Progress has been made in terms of implementing Regulation 13(c) of the Public Service Regulations (PSR) of 2016, which prohibits public-service employees from conducting business with an organ of state, as well as Regulation 18 of the PSR of 2016, which requires members of the Senior Management Service (SMS) to disclose their financial and other private interests.

2.2. Cabinet also approved that relevant Executive Authority of government departments should monitor implementation of Regulation 13(c) of the PSR of 2016, take appropriate disciplinary steps and submit a report thereof to the Minister of Public Service and Administration (MPSA) by the end of each financial year. The first report is due for submission to the MPSA by the 31 March 2019.

2.3. In 2016 and 2017, the Department of Public Service and Administration identified public-service employees registered as suppliers on the Central Supplier Database, as supplied by National Treasury. Departments were requested to create awareness, to verify information and to report progress with implementation on the steps taken against transgressors.

2.4. By the end of April 2018, 96% of all SMS members submitted their disclosures using the eDisclosure System.

3. Cabinet was briefed on progress made on the National School of Government (NSG) Funding Model.

3.1. Cabinet approved a suit of mandatory and compulsory training programmes to be piloted by the NSG to undertake rapid capacity development interventions and to professionalize the public service. The direct payment for compulsory programmes to the NSG by relevant employing departments from their training budgets was also approved.

3.2. This will lead to a developmental public administration that goes further in attaining Vision 2030 of the NDP by “building a capable and developmental state, which working together with an active citizenry, leads a relentless drive against poverty, unemployment and social inequality.”

4. Cabinet approved the publication of the White Paper on Science, Technology and Innovation of 2018, for public comment. The Minister of Science and Technology, Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, will provide a full briefing in due course.

5. Cabinet also approved the publication of the National Protected Areas Expansion Strategy (NPAES) for public comment.

5.1. The NPAES is a 20-year strategic plan aligned to the NDP, focusing on expanding the protected areas estate, with specific focus on economic growth, transformation and sustainability.

5.2. The NPAES highlights how scarce human and financial resources can be efficiently and effectively allocated to achieve cost-effective protected area expansion, ecological sustainability and resilience to climate change.

5.3. South Africa’s protected area network includes world heritage sites, national parks, nature reserves, special nature reserves, protected environments, marine protected areas, mountain catchment areas, specially protected forest areas, and forest nature reserves.

6. Cabinet approved South Africa’s Negotiating Positions for the 13th Meeting of the Conference of Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar COP 13) to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 21 to 29 October 2018.

6.1. The broad objectives of the Ramsar Convention are to ensure the conservation and wise use of all wetlands. In South Africa, wetlands are the most threatened of all ecosystems, with 48% of them critically endangered.

6.2. This contributes to water resources management as part of a proactive approach to drought management.

C. Bills

1. Cabinet approved publication of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease Amendment Bill of 2018 for public comment.

1.1. The Bill, which amends the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act 130 of 1993) recognises domestic workers, who were excluded from the Act, as employees for the purpose of benefits, as well as improving existing benefits.

1.2. The amendments improve the benefits payable to employees and their dependents, and aim to assist injured and diseased employees to be rehabilitated and reintegrated into the workplace and society.

2. Cabinet approved the introduction of the Child Justice Amendment Bill of 2018 into Parliament.

2.1. The Bill amends the Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008) in order to review the minimum age of criminal capacity of a child by increasing it from the age of 10 to 12 years. The Bill goes further in upholding the rights of children in conflict with the law.

2.2. The Bill also de-links the issue of criminal capacity from diversion, by removing the requirement to prove criminal capacity for purposes of diversion and preliminary inquiries.

3. Cabinet approved submission of the Civil Aviation Amendment Bill of 2018 to Parliament.

3.1. The Bill, which amends the Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act 13 of 2009), will strengthen the aviation safety, security and environmental protection regulatory frameworks to ensure sustainability and stability of the civil-aviation industry.

3.2. This will ensure that South Africa continues to meet her international obligations in the civil-aviation arena, which strengthens support to our economic development as a catalyst for increased trade, tourism and job creation.

3.3. The Bill also provides for, amongst others, the operational independence of the aircraft accident and incident investigation, and to rectify inconsistencies and shortcomings.

D. Upcoming events

1. Thusong Service Centre Week

1.1. Within the context of Public Service Month, the annual Thusong Service Centre Week from 17 to 21 September 2018 under the theme: “Thuma Mina: Taking Public Services to the People”, provides another platform for government to take public services to the people.

1.2. Thusong Service Centres are one-stop centres for access to government services and information, and the 133 Thusong Service Centres countrywide are centres of hope, access, redress, equality and empowerment for those previously marginalised from the mainstream of socio-economic development.

1.3. Government is working on installing a Queue Management System that will reduce the process flow to enable reduction in waiting time. The system will be installed in all centres countrywide with focus also on information and communications technology (ICT) connectivity, which is an enabler for service delivery.

2. 2018 ITU Telecom World Conference

2.1. Cabinet welcomes the 2018 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecom World Conference in Durban from 9 to 13 September 2018, under the theme “Innovation for Smarter Digital Development”.  The event, which is coming to Africa for the first time, provides an opportunity for increased participation of African countries towards bolstering ICT in Africa as a driver of development and innovation.

2.2. The annual conference attracts more than 9 000 delegates from around the world, with government and industry leaders exploring and identifying investment opportunities and best practices for socio-economic development through ICT. Key issues for discussion include: 5G for smarter digital development, collaborating on cybersecurity, digital financial services and satellites for a smarter digital development.

2.3. The ITU Telecom World Conference 2018 is hosted at a time when South Africa is implementing key national projects which include the National e-Government Strategy focusing on digital transformation of government services and the National ICT Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME) Support Strategy, which seeks to unlock the potential of the South African ICT SMMEs sector. These tools are creating an enabling environment for the sector’s growth and ensuring their sustainability.

E. Messages

1. Condolences

1.1. Cabinet conveys its deepest condolences to the:

  • grieving family and entire Tshwane University of Technology community following the death of Katlego Monareng. Cabinet calls for calm while the police investigation is underway to ensure that whoever is responsible for the untimely death faces the full might of the law.
  • family and friends of the eight people who died in an explosion at the Denel munitions factory in Somerset West in the Western Cape.
  • loved ones of those who died in a fatal fire that broke out at a building shared by the Gauteng Provincial Government’s departments of Health, Human Settlements and Cooperative Governance.  

2. Congratulations

2.1. Cabinet congratulated the people of Zimbabwe for successfully transitioning into a new government led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was inaugurated on 26 August 2018. President Ramaphosa joined other African leaders in Harare to witness the occasion. Cabinet supports President Ramaphosa’s commitment to work closely with Zimbabwe to enhance the historical, political and fraternal relations, with particular emphasis on strengthening economic cooperation.

2.2. Cabinet commends the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, and specifically its female researchers, on health research being undertaken to improve the country’s healthcare system. These include: (i) a diabetes-detecting chip to monitor blood sugar levels by analysing breath; (ii) development of probiotics for use in the production of broiler chickens, dusky-cob and abalone, which will assist in the production of natural animal products, free of antibiotics, chemicals and growth stimulants; (iii) and further stem cell research.

2.3. Cabinet also congratulates Dr Evodia Setati, a senior researcher at the University of Stellenbosch’s Department of Viticulture and Oenology, who won the Distinguished Women Scientists Award at the annual South African Women in Science Awards held in Polokwane on 23 August 2018.

2.4. Cabinet congratulates Caster Semenya on her impressive performance in winning her third Diamond League final in the 800 metre event in Switzerland.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

  1. Mr Jacob Ganny Mbele as the Deputy Director-General (DDG): Energy Programmes and Projects in the DoE.
  2.  Ms Hilda Dikeledi Mhlongo as the DDG: Corporate Services in the DoE.
  3. Non-executive directors on the Land and Agricultural Development Bank Board of Directors:
  • Adv Sandra Coetzee (reappointment); and
  • Ms Mathane Eveline Makgatho.

Ms Phumla Williams, Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 19 September 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 19 September 2018 at the Union Buildings, Pretoria.

A. Issues in the environment

1. Economy

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the offer extended by business for the secondment of private-sector professionals to government. This emerged from a preparatory meeting held by President Cyril Ramaphosa with business leaders, special investment envoys and the CEO Initiative, ahead of the upcoming Job Summit and Investment Conference.  

1.2. The meeting agreed that South Africa’s economic recovery demands urgent implementation of the stimulus package and promised growth-enhancing reforms. Proposals were also discussed to establish an infrastructure-development initiative that draws in private-sector funding and delivery expertise.

2. Investment drive

2.1. Cabinet also welcomes the investment drive to Japan led by the Department of Trade and Industry. This is part of the broader drive that seeks to attract US$100 billion worth of investments into the South African economy over the next five years.

2.2. Japan has been a long-term Top 10 investment partner of South Africa, with more than 140 of its companies operating in our country, which is seen as a regional manufacturing hub into Africa. Cabinet encourages companies to both invest and expand in South Africa.

3. Training programmes

3.1. Cabinet welcomes the launch of the R22-million training project by the Minister of Labour, Ms Mildred Oliphant, which will create employment in the aviation, maritime commercial diving and agricultural sectors. The project is being undertaken in partnership with the Dr John Langalibalele Dube Institute and the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), an entity of the Department of Labour.  The project will focus on the former contributors to the UIF who lost their jobs.

3.2. The first group of beneficiaries includes 50 UIF contributors from the Durban Virginia Airport; 50 from the maritime commercial diving project in Scottsburg, KwaZulu-Natal, and 100 rural women from Emadungeni will be trained towards forming a cooperative to plant and grow organic fruit, vegetables and cotton, including value-chain processing. These cooperatives have signed an agreement with Pick n Pay for vegetable supply and with the Department of Social Development to source material for the manufacture of school uniforms.

4. Home Affairs

4.1. Cabinet welcomes the official opening by President Cyril Ramaphosa of new offices for the Department of Home Affairs at Hluhluwe in KwaZulu-Natal.

4.2. The expanded roll-out of civic services to marginalised communities plays a key role in enabling and deepening democracy and social justice. This forms part of government’s commitment to bringing services closer to the people.

5. Broadcasting Digital Migration Programme

5.1. Cabinet is satisfied with the progress being made in migrating the country from analogue to digital. As part of the countdown to December 2018 for the Free State Analogue Switch-Off, the first transmitter in Senekal in the Free State will be switched off on 20 September 2018. This is in line with the commitment agreed to with the International Telecommunication Union.

5.2. A communication campaign is underway to ensure that all households are ready for the switch-off. Households with analogue television (TV) sets looking to buy new ones are advised to choose those with an integrated digital tuner. Households with an income above the threshold of R3 200 per month have an option of buying a new integrated digital TV set with the built-in Digital Terrestrial TV decoder, which is available through major retail outlets.

6. Retrenchments

6.1. In line with President Ramaphosa’s call for a moratorium on job cuts resulting from the economic conditions in the country, Cabinet reiterates its appeal to employers that retrenchments must be a last resort, and that other available and innovative ways to contain costs be thoroughly explored to sustain jobs.

7. Crime statistics

7.1. Cabinet endorses the intervention by the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster to urgently engage on a comprehensive strategy to deal with various issues emanating from the recently released crime statistics.

7.2. This includes the recently held National Summit on Crime and Violence Prevention held under the theme “Building safer communities through an integrated, developmental approach to crime and violence prevention”, which developed a joint vision on safety as a collective responsibility, and provided a platform for key stakeholders and experts to engage on the effective implementation of the 2016 White Paper on Safety and Security across all sectors.

8. Incidents of violence

8.1. Cabinet is deeply concerned by the level of violence in our society and calls on all sectors, communities and law-enforcement agencies to work together to ensure that schools and public spaces are safe and secure.

8.2. The acts of violence that broke out in several parts of the country are unacceptable and go against our Constitution. Cabinet commends the South African Police Service for the swift responses in arresting those suspected of being involved in public violence and possession of suspected stolen goods.

9. Klebsiella outbreak

9.1. Cabinet extends condolences to the families of the six babies who died following an outbreak of Klebsiella pneumoniae at the Thelle Mogoerane Hospital in Vosloorus.

9.2. The outbreak is currently under control. The Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, has since announced the transfer of babies and their mothers to the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital and Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital respectively.

9.3. This gives the provincial health department an opportunity to scrub down and decontaminate the environment, and also address the structural issues, without any disturbance.

B. Decisions

10. Stimulus package

Cabinet deliberated and approved the proposed stimulus package which proposes measures to reignite our economy from a number of related portfolios. A media briefing led by President Cyril Ramaphosa will held on Friday, 21 September to present this package.

11. VISA related reforms

Cabinet also received a joint report from the Ministers of Home Affairs and Tourism respectively, on a number of visa-related reforms which will make it easier for tourists, business people and academia to come to South Africa.

The reforms include amendments to the regulations applying to foreign minors travelling to South Africa, which will be gazetted in October. Negotiations on visa waivers and relaxation of visa requirements for certain countries are also being finalised. Further details will be announced this week.

C. Bills

12. Cabinet approved the following Bills for publication for public comment:

12.1. Employment Equity Amendment Bill of 2017. The amendments seek to strengthen the compliance mechanisms and will allow for the setting up of employment equity sector-specific numerical targets. The Minister of Labour, in consultation with the sector’s stakeholders, will be able to set employment equity sector-specific numerical targets.

12.2. Financial Sector Laws Amendment Bill of 2018: The amendments seek to strengthen the curatorship provisions for banks, including mutual and cooperative banks, and certain non-banks. The changes will ensure that should these financial institutions experience difficulties, they can be assisted in a way that protects vulnerable depositors with minimal disruptions to the financial system and broader economy.

D. Upcoming Events

13. Heritage Day  

13.1. The 2018 National Heritage Day celebration under the theme: “The Year of Nelson Mandela: Advancing transformation of South Africa’s heritage landscape”, takes place at the Riverview Stadium in Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal. This is part of the month-long programme of activities which are addressing issues of transformation, promotion and preservation of South Africa’s rich and diverse heritage, national identity, nation-building and social cohesion.

13.2. The Heritage Day celebration is in honour of Adam Kok and the Griqua community for their courage, determination and fortitude in resisting colonial occupation.

13.3. Cabinet calls on the public to celebrate their unity in diversity as we work together to build a country where all its people care for and respect one another.

14. United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)

14.1. In contributing towards the centenary of former President Nelson Mandela, the UNGA will on 24 September 2018 hold a high-level plenary meeting on global peace known as the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit, in honour of the centenary of the birth of Madiba.

14.2. The plenary is scheduled to adopt a political declaration negotiated by UNGA Member States. This follows consultations by the Permanent Representatives of South Africa and Ireland, serving as co-facilitators, with governments on the content of the declaration. President Ramaphosa is also expected to participate in the UN High-Level Meeting on TB on 26 September 2018. TB is a major disease in Africa and some of the world’s high TB burden countries are on the continent.

E. Messages

15. Condolences

Cabinet sends its condolences to the families that lost their loved ones in a bus crash that occurred on the N1-25 near Tobias in the Waterberg Municipality District in Limpopo. Cabinet also wishes those injured a speedy recovery.

16. Congratulations

Cabinet congratulates the Minister of Small Business Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, for being admitted to the highest level of the Order of Rio Branco (Ordem de Rio Branco), and the Grand Cross from the Government of Brazil.

This is in recognition for the Minister’s continuous efforts to enhance bilateral relations between Brazil and South Africa. This honorific order of Brazil is granted to those who have distinguished themselves in acts of meritorious service and civic virtues. Minister Zulu was the South African Ambassador to Brazil between 2004 and 2008.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

17. Board of Rand Water:

a. Adv Faith Matshidiso Hashatse (Chairperson);
b. Ms Massacha Khulekelwe Glynnis Mbonambi (Deputy Chairperson);
c. Mr LL Makibinyane;
d. Ms Phindile Sweetness Mbanjwa;
e. Mr Ahmed Mohammed Pandor;
f. Ms Mahlatse Martha Kabi;
g. Ms Mankone Ntsaba;
h. Ms Nomsa Georgina Mbileni;
i. Mr Protas Thamsanqa Phili;
j. Ms Sophie Fende Molokoane;
k. Ms Savannah Nonhlanhla Maziya; and
l. Mr Ramateu Johannes Monyokolo.

18. Mr Percival Sechemane as the Chief Executive Officer of the Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 1039

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 10 October 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 10 October 2018 at Tuynhuys in Cape Town.

A. Issues in the environment

1. Economy and investment drive

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the practical interventions such as the commitment to buy local products, a more aggressive approach to increasing exports, interventions in agricultural value chains and support for small and medium enterprises. These announcements came out of the recent two-day Job Summit, which was convened under the National Economic Development and Labour Council.

1.2 The outcome of the Job Summit follows the announcement of the Economic Stimulus and Recovery Plan, which seeks to restore economic growth and create much-needed jobs. The new Mining Charter – which was finalised in consultation with the mining industry, labour, affected communities and other stakeholders – clarifies the imperatives of growth, sustainability and transformation.

1.3. Cabinet calls on all stakeholders to engage with the Mining Charter so as to finalise and create stability in the mining sector. 

2. Kokstad Home Affairs office and handover of title deeds

2.1. Cabinet joins President Cyril Ramaphosa in commending the Department of Home Affairs for successfully opening its Kokstad office in KwaZulu-Natal. The President opened the Home Affairs office as part of government’s programme to expand the footprint of Home Affairs service-delivery points to meet citizens’ demands for Smart ID cards and other documents.

2.2. Furthermore, President Ramaphosa handed over 443 title deeds to beneficiaries of the Franklin Housing Project. This is part of the restoration programme to ensure beneficiaries experience the full benefits of owning a house and are able to access the formal property market.

2.3. Cabinet also takes this opportunity to strongly encourage citizens to collect their IDs as soon as they receive a notification of collection.

3. Settlement agreement on spectrum

3.1. Cabinet welcomes the settlement agreement reached in the matter involving the Invitation to Apply for the allocation of high-demand spectrum. This provides policy certainty in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector.

3.2. The settlement agreement is in line with President Ramaphosa’s call to initiate the process for the allocation of high-demand radio spectrum licensing.

3.3. In further contributing to the implementation of the National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper, interested parties have until 8 November 2018 to provide written inputs on the proposed policy and policy direction to the authority.

4. South Africa’s first small-scale fisheries cooperatives

4.1. Cabinet welcomes South Africa’s first small-scale cooperatives in the fishing sector, namely the Port Nolloth and Hondeklipbaai cooperatives in the Northern Cape, which were launched by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Mr Senzeni Zokwana.

4.2. The launch marks the implementation of the small-scale fisheries policy. The fishing rights give dignity to local fishermen, who have been fishing illegally, in that they are now protected for the first time.

4.3 The two small-scale fishing communities who will be benefiting from this policy have received basic training on cooperatives and have been assisted to register cooperatives for the purpose of applying for 15-year fishing rights.

5. Tax season

5.1. Cabinet commends the close to three million taxpayers who have filed their tax returns, of which over half were submitted through eFiling. On 31 October, the 2018 tax season closes for non-provisional taxpayers and for those provisional taxpayers who opt to file at a South African Revenue Service branch. Provisional taxpayers who opt to file their returns through eFiling have until 31 January 2019 to do so.

5.2. Proper and efficient revenue collection ensures fiscal sovereignty, and timeous and accurate submissions ensure compliant taxpayers. Tax revenue helps government to fund the country’s service-delivery projects and other socio-economic development programmes.

6. Social-grant payments

6.1. Cabinet was brief by the Inter-Ministerial Committee: Social Grants, chaired by Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma. As of the 1st October 2018, more than 10 million beneficiaries were paid using either of these platforms - the South African Post Office (SAPO)/Postbank, Grinrod Bank as well as merchants such as Boxer, Shoprite, and Pick ’n Pay.

6.2. Government has successfully migrated social-grant payments from Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) as instructed by the Constitutional Court Judgement. All cash beneficiaries effected by CPS have been migrated and CPS has been notified of the termination of the contract as of 30 September 2018.

6.3. Cabinet extends its appreciation to the diligent oversight work led by the Inter-Ministerial Committee supported by the Technical Task Team of Directors General.   It further extends its appreciation to the work of the officials from SAPO, South African Social Security Agency and, the departments of Social Development; Telecommunications and Postal Services; Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation; National Treasury; South African Police Service and GCIS.

6.4. Cabinet thanks all the social-grant beneficiaries for their cooperation during this transition.

7. Albertina Sisulu Centenary

7.1. Cabinet was briefed on the preparations for the centenary celebration of Mama Albertina Sisulu that will take place during her birth month, October. Mama Sisulu was born on 21 October 1918 and the Chairperson of the IMC on Centenary Celebrations, Minister Jeff Radebe, is here to outline upcoming activities related to the centenary celebration.

8. Sentencing of Springs father

8.1. Cabinet welcomes the sentencing of the abusive man, commonly referred to as the Springs Monster. He was sentenced to 35 years in jail for the attempted murder of his son, child abuse and neglect, as well as using and dealing in drugs. Gender-based violence remains a serious challenge in our society, as demonstrated by the recent rape of a minor at a Dros restaurant in Silverton.  

8.2. Cabinet reiterates calls on law-enforcement authorities to leave no stone unturned in prosecuting perpetrators of these heinous crimes. It further calls on all of us to work together in stopping the violation of the rights of children and the most vulnerable members of our society.

9. Westbury protest

9.1. Cabinet welcomes the intervention in Westbury by Police Minister Bheki Cele, which is part of the broader strategy to fight the scourge of drugs and gang-related violence in the area.

9.2. The intervention includes the deployment of the Tactical Response Team and a greater visible policing presence. Importantly, there will also be an investigation into allegations of corruption at the Westbury Police Station.

9.3. Cabinet calls on the Westbury community and all communities to work with the police in ensuring that we root out acts of criminality, drugs and gangsters in their respective areas. 

10. Crime

10.1. Cabinet commends the law-enforcement agencies in carrying out an intensive multi-disciplinary investigation relating to incidents at shopping malls, retail stores and mosques which has resulted in the arrest of nineteen suspects. It involved the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster. Three of the suspects were arrested in relation to incendiary devices in the Durban area, including the Verulam Mosque. All the suspects are expected to face charges including murder and attempted murder and contravening the Explosives Act.

10.2. Cabinet reassures South Africans that fighting crime is a top priority and that government will continue to take necessary steps to ensure a safe and secure environment for all inhabitants of South Africa.

11. Name changes: Makhanda

11.1. Cabinet welcomes the name change of Grahamstown, in the Eastern Cape, to Makhanda, in honour of Xhosa prophet, philosopher and military man who fought against colonialism.

11.2. The change is an important part of our democratic journey and will help to foster greater social cohesion and build a deeper appreciation of our shared history.

B. Cabinet decisions

Cabinet approved a revised delivery model on implementation of the Broadcast Digital Migration Project. The model adopts a market/retail-driven approach through collaboration and partnerships with the private sector and industry. With this approach, government will no longer be involved in the procurement of set-top-boxes, warehousing, transportation and installation of devices. 

This provides South Africa with headway towards the completion of the project in a manner that is inclusive, affordable and efficient, and that reduces risk to government. This will push digital viewership migration to the 85% threshold and beyond, towards switching off all analogue broadcasts.

Cabinet approved South Africa’s Common Core Document, which will be deposited with the United Nations (UN). The document provides progress which contains information of a general, factual and statistical nature on South Africa’s adherence to the obligations attached to the signed nine UN treaties.

C. Upcoming events

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS)

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni will deliver the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) on Wednesday, 24 October 2018, which will reveal adjustments to the national budget to ensure fiscal sustainability.

Transport Month

This year’s Transport Month programme will emphasise the importance of transport infrastructure, such as the maritime, aviation, rail and road sectors as enablers of economic growth.

Cabinet calls on the public to use public transport and actively implement road safety initiatives throughout the year. Let us use the month to celebrate and restore the culture of lift clubs when travelling to work to reduce congestion in our roads. Road safety on our roads remains a challenge, and drivers and pedestrians should use public roads responsibly.

D. Messages


South Africa’s radio telescope, MeerKAT, will be joining Breakthrough Listen, an international initiative that is seeking signs of intelligent life in the universe. It demonstrates our internationally recognised expertise and infrastructure. South Africa’s 64-dish MeerKAT radio telescope, inaugurated in July this year, is the most sensitive telescope of its kind in the world.

Cabinet congratulates the team of researchers from Wits University who performed a historic and successful liver transplant from a HIV-positive mother to her HIV-negative child. The team of doctors included Professor Jean Botha, Dr Francesca Conradie, Dr Harriet Etheredge, Dr June Fabian and Professor Caroline Tiemessen.

Cabinet congratulates the people of Equatorial Guinea on their 50th independence celebration. South Africa has enjoyed full diplomatic relations with the Republic of Equatorial Guinea since 5 May 1993.


Cabinet extends its condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of the late Environmental Affairs Minister Bomo Edna Molewa. Minister Molewa distinguished herself in many capacities and causes, from her contribution to our liberation to fighting for the equality of women in our society. She was also a national and global champion for the environmental integrity of a sustainable planet which can be shared and enjoyed by all.

Cabinet sends its condolences to the government and people of Indonesia. Government has already pledged its support, where necessary, and Cabinet commends the South African aid workers who are involved in relief efforts in the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi, which was hit by an earthquake and tsunami.

Cabinet extends condolences to the family and colleagues of Ms Rowena Baird who passed away this week. Ms Baird was a renowned radio journalist and personality.


All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

International Trade Administration Commission:

  • Dr F Ismail (Chairperson);
  • Mr B Mokgatle;
  • Ms T van Meelis;
  • Mr ED Vlok;
  • Ms P Mbiko;
  • Mr JC de Beer;
  • Ms VNN Ncwaiba;
  • Mr W Sihlobo; and
  • Ms AV Hlatshwayo.

Ms Phumla Williams, Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 24 October 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at Tuynhuys in Cape Town.

A. Issues in the environment

1. Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS)

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the maiden MTBPS by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni, which is based on the strong conviction that South Africa can be renewed.

1.2. The 2018 MTBPS highlights the difficult economic and fiscal choices confronting government over the next three years. Economic growth for 2018 has been revised down from 1.5% to 0.7%, and the global environment remains challenging for emerging market economies. The 2018 MTBPS gives effect to the President’s growth economic stimulus and recovery plan, which will be underpinned by fiscal and monetary stability.

1.3. Government remains committed to fiscal sustainability, but there has been slippage since the tabling of the 2018 Budget in February this year. Government remains committed to stabilizing and bringing down debt. Against the backdrop of a difficult economic and fiscal environment, the proposed division of revenue continues to prioritise large social spending programmes that support basic education, health, social welfare, water, sanitation and electricity services.

2. Presidential Health Summit

2.1. Cabinet welcomes the outcomes of the Presidential Health Summit which aim to address the various challenges facing the public health system. The outcomes will strengthen the preparations for the implementation of the National Health Insurance.

3.  Land reform

3.1. Cabinet welcomes the consistent implementation of land reform and restitution programmes that redresses the past injustices and help to grow the economy.

3.2.  President Cyril Ramaphosa led a land restitution ceremony, where over 4 586 hectares of land were handed to the community of KwaMkhwanazi in Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal.

3.3.  The KwaMkhwanazi community will also receive post-settlement packages and support that will assist them to maximise the potential wealth of the land. This shifts communities from subsistence to commercial participants and owners of businesses across the value chains of the assets on their land.

3.4. Government is committed to supporting the sustainability of emerging agricultural enterprises, which includes 262 land reform-related projects to benefit youth and women across all provinces.

4. Destruction of public infrastructure

4.1.  Cabinet expressed concern on the destruction of transport infrastructure.  This undermines government's commitment to take services to historically disadvantaged communities. No amount of unhappiness should result in the destruction of public property. Such destruction serves to rob the poor of much-needed services.

4.2. Cabinet calls on members of the public to be vigilant and work with law enforcement agencies to bring those responsible to account. Cabinet further noted that the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster will deal with this matter accordingly. 

5. National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP) appointment process

5.1. Cabinet welcomed the new approach of appointing the NDPP. President Ramaphosa appointed the Advisory Panel to identify and conduct interviews with individuals worthy of consideration to occupy the position of the Head of the National Prosecuting Authority. The panel convened for the first time this week and is expected to submit shortlisted names to the President by 7 December 2018. 

6. Constitutional Court Judgement

6.1 Cabinet deliberated on the Constitutional Court Judgement on the use, cultivation and possession of cannabis by an adult person in private for his/her personal consumption and its impact. Members of the public are requested to familiarise themselves with the judgement as the use of cannabis in a public place is prohibited. Furthermore, the judgement did not decriminalise the dealing in cannabis.

6.2 Cabinet acknowledges that the judgement exists in the context of other laws which may be applicable to the use, possession and cultivation of cannabis.  Cabinet is taking advice on the matter.

7. School Safety Summit

7.1. Cabinet welcomes the recently held School Safety Summit hosted under the leadership of Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga. The summit brought together education and external stakeholders to find solutions to safety issues facing the country’s schools as well as to pave the way forward for safer environments in schools.

7.2. This follows incidents of violence at some schools, including the tragic death of the 24-year-old teacher, Mr Gadimang Daniel Mokolobate, who was fatally stabbed by a learner at the Ramotshere Secondary School in Zeerust, North West.

7.3. All stakeholders agreed that violence in general, and in schools in particular, is not acceptable and that further cooperation is required to ensure that schools become safer for both learners and teachers.

8. Matric exams

8.1. Cabinet wishes all learners, especially Grade 12 learners, well over this period. For the first time, the department will this year also administer an examination in South African Sign Language at Home Language level to 58 deaf candidates across 10 schools. The examination extends over five-and-a-half weeks and will conclude on 28 November.

8.2. Learners across the country will also sign a voluntary pledge to commit to upholding the integrity of the examinations by not participating in any malpractice. Parents and guardians are encouraged to support learners during this critical period in their academic journey. It is also vital to motivate learners to finish their schooling.

B. Cabinet decisions

9. Cabinet has approved the declaration of 20 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as part of the Operation Phakisa: Ocean Economy MPAs Representative Network.  

The benefit of the additional designation will, amongst others, allow for further development of the ecotourism and promotion of access to sustainably managed resources for small-scale fisheries. The proposed designations followed negotiations with all the relevant stakeholders. The MPAs will be published in the Government Gazette.

10.  Cabinet approved South Africa’s Revised and Aligned Second National Action Programme (NAP) to Combat Desertification, Land Degradation and Mitigate the Effects of Drought (2018-2030). The NAP seeks to contribute towards the conservation and sustainable use of our land and other natural resources.

South Africa ratified the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in 1997. In accordance with Article 9 of the convention, parties are required to develop, prepare and implement a NAP as the central element of the strategy to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought. South Africa developed its first NAP in 2004.

C. Bills

11. Cabinet approved the publication of the Children’s Amendment Bill in the Government Gazette for public comments. The Bill seeks to strengthen coordination of the child-care and protection system through interdepartmental and intersectoral collaboration. 

The amendments respond to the North Gauteng High Court Judgement of November 2017, wherein the Department of Social Development was ordered to prepare and introduce the necessary amendments to the Children’s Act, 2005 (Act 38 of 2005) in respect to the legal solution towards the management of the foster-care system.

12. Cabinet approved the introduction of the Postal Services Amendment Bill to Parliament. The Bill gives effect to the National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper that was approved by Cabinet in September 2016.

The intended outcomes are to have a competitive, viable and sustainable South African Post Office that provides/facilitates universal services and access as well as the transformation of the postal sector. The Bill also provides an approach to assigning physical addresses to rural and traditional communities.

This Bill has already gone through public consultation.

D. Upcoming events

13. South African International Investment Conference

President Ramaphosa will on Friday, 26 October 2018, preside over South Africa’s inaugural Investment Conference at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg. This is part of a combination of efforts to attract investments and grow our economy. 

Additionally, the four investment envoys who were appointed by the President will report back to the conference on progress made.

14. Group of Twenty (G20) Summit

President Ramaphosa has been invited by the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Dr Angela Merkel, to participate in the G20 Investment Summit – German Business and the Compact with Africa (CwA) Countries, and a Business Roundtable, both of which will be held in Berlin, Germany on 30 October 2018.

The G20 Investment Summit will bring together German business and CwA Countries to explore investment opportunities under the framework of the G20 Partnership with Africa. German investors will present flagship projects currently undertaken in the CwA Countries and explore further opportunities on the continent. The President will attend the summit in the capacity of Co-Chair of the G20 Africa Advisory Group.

The G20 Conference on the CwA will focus on ways in which the G20, African countries and development institutions can cooperate to promote private investment and economic participation in African states. The meeting will also undertake preparatory work in this field for the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

15. National Imbizo Focus Week

Members of the Executive will participate in the GCIS’s 9th National Imbizo Focus Week of the fifth democratic administration, which will take place from 12 to 25 November 2018. This coincides with the Cabinet Programme of Action Reporting Week. 

The Imbizo Focus Week will provide a platform for members of the National Executive as well as provincial and local government leaders to undertake community meetings and Izimbizo countrywide, over this period, to demonstrate government’s implementation of the 2014-2019 Medium Term Strategic Framework and to respond to issues being raised by citizens, which impact on the safety, growth and development of our communities.

The two weeks of activism takes place against the backdrop of celebrations of the centenaries of Struggle icons Mama Albertina Sisulu and Tata Nelson Mandela, both of whom epitomised the value of regular consultation and interaction with the communities they served.   

E. Messages


16. Cabinet congratulates the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, who received two prestigious Kochon prizes, at an award ceremony held at The Hague, The Netherlands. The first prize is in the Minister’s individual capacity for his role and political leadership in the fight against tuberculosis (TB) globally.

The second prize, which the Minister will share with the Right Honourable Nick Hebert, Member of Parliament (MP) in the United Kingdom, will be in their capacity as co-chairs of the Global TB Caucus of MPs from all over the world. The Kochon Prize is awarded annually to individuals and/or organisations that have made a significant contribution to combating TB either in their countries or globally.

17. Cabinet welcomes the World Travel Awards 2018 which voted South Africa as Africa’s Leading Destination. Durban in KwaZulu-Natal was also recognised as Africa’s Leading City Destination and scooped the prestigious title of Africa’s Leading Cruise Port. Cape Town, in the Western Cape landed the title of Africa’s Leading Festival and Event Destination.

18. Cabinet welcomes the premiering of a local film titled Nommer 37 by film-maker Joshua Bradley in the United States on 2 November 2018. The crime thriller set in the Cape Flats was funded by the Department of Trade and Industry through its South African Emerging Black Filmmakers Incentive scheme. This will contribute in attracting foreign direct investment into the South African film industry.


19. Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in expressing sadness and condolences:

19.1. at the tragic passing away of more than 27 people, in a multiple vehicle accident on the N1 North in Limpopo. Road users are urged to exercise caution on our roads and must ensure that they obey the rules of the road at all times.

19.2. at the passing of Struggle icon, Mama Agnes Msimang.  Mama Msimang was a committed gender activist and former Deputy President of the African National Congress (ANC) Women’s League.  She was amongst countless women who mobilised their communities across South Africa against the apartheid system. She will be laid to rest on Friday, 26 October. The funeral service will start at 8:00 at Our Lady of Cedars Catholic Church in Woodmead, Johannesburg.

19.3. at the passing Struggle stalwart and recipient of the National Order of Mendi for Bravery in Silver Eric “Stalin” Mtshali.

19.4. at the passing of ANC stalwart Moss Chikane. Mr Chikane became an MP in 1994 after the country's first democratic elections. In 2005, he was appointed as South Africa’s Ambassador to Germany.

19.5. to the people of Sweden as well as the family of Lisbet Palme‚ 87‚ who has passed on. Lisbet Palme was the widow of the former Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme who was assassinated in 1986 and whom President Ramaphosa has described as a “Friend of South Africa”.

20. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.


a. Ms Maureen Makole Manyama (non-executive director); and

b. Ms Precious Nompumelelo Sibiya (non-executive director).

22. Reappointment of Ms Gugulethu Brightness Nokukhanya (Poppy) Khoza as the Director: Civil Aviation of the South Africa Civil Aviation Authority Board.

23. Dr Molefi Motuku as the Chief Executive Officer of Mintek (South Africa’s national mineral research organisation).

24. Mr Terries Salani Ndove as Deputy Director-General: Land Redistribution and Development at the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet meeting of 7 November, 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at Tuynhuys in Cape Town.

A. Issues in the Environment

1. Presidential Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Summit 

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the successful deliberations of the Presidential Gender Based Violence and Femicide Summit held on 01 and 02 November. The Summit has confirmed the urgency of forging consensus on dealing with the crisis of gender-based violence, discrimination against women and gender disparities. 

1.2. Government has agreed to conduct a review of national plans to end gender-based violence and the development of a National Action Plan on gender-based violence. It remains committed to work with all stakeholders to ensure that we dramatically reduce levels of gender-based violence – and ultimately eradicate it. 

1.3. Cabinet calls on all South Africans to work together to fundamentally change attitudes, practices and institutions to end violence against women.

2. Investment

2.1. Cabinet welcomes the successful Investment Conference that took place in October in Sandton, Johannesburg. The Investment Conference enabled South Africa to garner in access of R290 billion in investment commitments across different sectors of the economy. This adds to the pledges of over R400 billion that were received during the investment drive by the special envoys and from various countries during state visits.

2.2. The Conference was attended by more than 1 000 delegates, drawn from more than 35 countries. The spirit and mood was upbeat and the country showcased new opportunities for investment and policy-initiatives that are helping to create an investment-friendly environment. 

2.3. Cabinet congratulates the team that worked on the Conference and looks forward to receiving regular update reports on implementation of the commitments made.  

2.4. As South Africa and the rest of Africa continues to move on a higher trajectory towards growing the economy of the continent, Cabinet also welcomes the inaugural Africa Investment Forum, currently taking place up until the 9th November, in Johannesburg. The Africa Investment Forum was convened by the African Development Bank. It aims to build on current successes by bringing together public and private sector investors to chart a new growth path for the entire African Continent.  

2.5. The recently held G20 Africa Conference further boosts our growth prospects through the various commitments that promote private investment and economic participation in African states as part of the Compact with Africa Initiative. The Compact with Africa Initiative is co-chaired by South Africa and Germany through the Africa Advisory Group. 

2.6. Cabinet also welcomed the recently launched R50 million Phuthaditjhaba Industrial Park in the Free State which will promote industrialization and increase local job creation and growth in that province.

2.7. Cabinet remains convinced that these interventions will ultimately begin to reduce the unemployment challenges facing the country, by igniting a renewed spirit of hope and optimism.   

3. Job Creation

3.1. Government is stepping up efforts to create more jobs for young people and South Africans as a whole, focused on township and rural economies, and enterprises of women and youth who often bear the brunt of challenging economic realities.

3.2. Cabinet is confident that the package of recovery measures, which will inject R50 billion into key sectors such as agriculture, public infrastructure, township and rural economies, will provide the necessary impetus for job creation and sustained economic recovery.

3.3. This adds to the practical outcomes of the Jobs Summit where government, business and labour committed to: buy local products; adopt a more aggressive approach to increasing exports; interventions in agricultural value chains and support for small and medium enterprises to boost jobs.

3.4. Cabinet believes that these interventions are critical in addressing the findings from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the third quarter of 2018, which showed both a growth in employment and an increase in the number of unemployed persons. For the 3-months period, 92 000 additional jobs were created. However, because about 131 000 previously ‘discouraged work-seekers’ re-entered the labour market in the quarter, the unemployment rate also rose, by 0.3 of a percentage point to 27.5 per cent.

3.5. According to Statistics South Africa employment growth was registered in business services trade and construction, while job losses were occurred in mining, manufacturing, transport and private households. Employment in the formal sector shrunk, whilst jobs in the informal sector grew.

4. 20th Anniversary of the Competition Act 

4.1. Cabinet notes that the Competition Act reached its 20th year since it was brought into operation in October 1998. Over the twenty-year period, the competition authorities have registered significant successes in the fight against cartels, abuse of market dominance and protection of public interest during mergers. The authorities imposed more than R8 billion in penalties on companies for breaches of the Act. The Ministry of Economic Development, through measures in the Competition Act, generated more than R5 billion in special funds to promote small business, local suppliers and the entry of black farmers into the economic mainstream. 

4.2. Cabinet congratulates the competition authorities for the work done to open the economy to new players and promote entrepreneurship and competition.

5. 18th Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Council of Ministers meeting

5.1. Cabinet congratulates the Department of International Relations and Cooperation for hosting a successful 18th Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Meeting of the Council of Ministers (COM) which was held in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal on 02 November 2018 under the theme: Uniting the Peoples of Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Middle East through enhanced cooperation for Peace, Stability and Sustainable Development”.

5.2. One of the outcomes of the 18th IORA meeting was a Special Declaration in honour of President Nelson Mandela who is also one of the founders of IORA. This led to the establishment of the “IORA Nelson Mandela ‘Be the Legacy’ internship programme” expected to be officially launched in July 2019. This initiative aims at empowering and capacitating young people of IORA with work experience in their fields of study.

6. Fighting Crime 

6.1. Cabinet welcomes the recently launched Anti-Gang Unit in Hanover Park, Western Cape, by President Cyril Ramaphosa. This added intervention by government will go a long way in dealing decisively with the problem of gang and drug related crimes that are plaguing communities.

6.2. The unit has members who are trained in handling high-risk situations as they come from the tactical response teams, the special task force as well as the national intervention unit.  In the pursuit of tackling crime, this particularly government-led intervention will be rolled out nationally.  

6.3. Cabinet calls on communities to work with law enforcement agencies to maintain safety and security which is critical for any community to develop. It remains committed in ensuring that communities are safe and feel safe in their respective areas.

7. Tax Season 

7.1. Cabinet thanks all taxpayers for promptly submitting their annual tax returns for the 2017/18 tax season, which closed on 31 October 2018. Revenue generated through taxes remains the main source of funds that ensures government can deliver services to the public. 

8. National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)

8.1. Cabinet reminds all learners wanting to apply to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for financial aid in 2019 that online applications close on 30 November 2018.

8.2. On 01 September 2018, applications opened to eligible students wishing to further their studies in 2019 on an approved course at any public university or Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college in South Africa.

8.3. Students are strongly encouraged to submit online applications or visit their nearest National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) centre before the closing date.

B. Cabinet decisions

9. Cabinet approved the Strategy Framework for the pursuit of South Africa’s strategic economic interests globally as it relates to trade, investment and industrialisation. The strategy aims to ensure that international engagements serve the country’s domestic policy imperatives such as poverty alleviation, unemployment and inequality. 

The strategy advocates that South Africa pursue development integration in the rest of Africa supported by an investment led strategy and build strategic alliances to advance its agenda. It also consolidates its trade and investment relations with developed countries and pursues inward investments, skills and technology transfer and value –added exports. 

10. Cabinet approved the cost-of-living annual salary adjustment for members of the South African Human Rights Commission. The South African Human Rights Commission Act, 2013 provides that remuneration, allowances and other terms and conditions of office be determined by the President in consultation with Cabinet and the Minister of Finance.

C. Upcoming events

11. International Labour Organisation

The International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) High-Level Global Commission on the Future of Work will hold its final session from the 15 to 17 November 2018. The Commission is  is co-chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa and his Swedish counterpart Stefan Löfven. The High-Level Global commission, set up by the ILO in 2017, is tasked with assessing the rapid transformations taking place in the world of work,identifying the key challenges and what must be done to make the future of work better and fairer.  The work of the Global Commission aligns with government's focus on the creation of decent and sustainable jobs, and efforts to ensure young South Africans have the skills necessary to thrive in the changing workplace. 

12. China International Import Expo (CIIE)

Cabinet welcomes the participation of South Africa as a country guest of honour in the China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai. Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies, is leading a delegation of 27 South African organisations. The delegation is being funded by the Department of Trade and Industry through the Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA) Scheme.

South Africa’s participation better enables the country to promote its trade and investment capabilities and we look forward to participating exhibitors from sectors, including agro-processing, footwear and leather, engineering, petro-chemicals, railway components, defence, as well as information and communication technology, returning home with procurement orders.  On the margins of the Expo, South Africa also hosted an investment seminar focusing on opportunities in the manufacturing sector. 

13. Imbizo Focus Week

The upcoming two weeks of activism by government will mark the 9th National Imbizo Focus Week, which is being coordinated by the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS). Members of the National Executive as well as provincial and local government leaders will undertake community meetings and Izimbizo countrywide. A programme will be posted on for the period 12 to 25 November 2018.

South Africans are encouraged to utilise this platform to engage with principals on service delivery issues to ensure that we work together in developing our communities. 

D. Condolences

14. Cabinet expresses its condolences to the families and loved ones of all those who lost their lives during a series of fires on the Garden Route and surrounding areas, as well as in the Eastern Cape. The fire claimed the life of Nico Heyns, who was a pilot for “Working on Fire”.  It also resulted in the death of nine other people and the displacement of approximately 2000. A number of properties and large areas of vegetation were also destroyed.  Cabinet commends the swift response of fire fighters and disaster management officials, together with the SA Air Force and “Working on Fire” who worked tirelessly to save lives and bring the fire under control. 

15. Cabinet expresses its condolences to the Government and the people of Indonesia following the plane crash that killed 189 people after takeoff from the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.

E. Congratulations

16. Cabinet congratulates South Africa for being elected with responding support to serve on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Council on Monday, 05 November 2018 during the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Dubai. 

Cabinet also congratulates Mr Mandla Mchunu of ICASA who has been elected to serve on the Radio Regulations Board of the ITU as well as Ms Doreen Bogdan-Martin on her election as the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau, and as the first woman to be part of the senior management of the ITU since it was established in 1865. 

South Africa is humbled by the confidence bestowed by other nation states to serve in these high structures of the ITU for the next four years. We will use these positions to push the developmental agenda and for an inclusive information society in the digital age.

17. Cabinet also congratulated the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for electing its first woman president, Her Excellency Sahle-Work Zewde, who is the only current woman president on the African continent. South Africa will continue to strengthen its bilateral relations with Ethiopia on a number of areas which include trade, political and economic relations.

18. Cabinet sends congratulations to Cameroon’s President Paul Biya, who was inaugurated for his seventh term in office. Cabinet calls on all people of Cameroon to work together towards a peaceful solution through an inclusive dialogue process. Cabinet looks forward to the deepening of bilateral political, economic and trade relations between South Africa with Cameroon.

19. Cabinet also congratulates the people of Brazil for holding a successful election which sees President-elect of the Federative Republic of Brazil, H.E. Jair Bolsonaro as the next Brazilian President. 

20. Cabinet extends good wishes to all the Hindu communities in South Africa who are celebrating Diwali or Deepavali. This is a religious occasion that celebrates the victory of good over evil, knowledge and wisdom over ignorance as well as the triumph of light over darkness. Let the divine light bless South Africa with peace, prosperity, happiness, success and fulfilment, as we all do our part to cement harmony and unity in our country’s cultural and religious diversity

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

21.    Re-appointment of Ms Nomfundo Maseti as Full-time Regulator Member, responsible for Piped-Gas regulation, to serve on the NERSA Board.  

22.    The following persons have been appointed to the Council for the Built Environment:

a.    Absalom Mosabeni Molobe (Chairperson);
b.    Ms Maphefo K Mogodi (Deputy Chairperson);
c.    Ms Zandile Yvonne Mathe;
d.    Dr Jenitha Badul;
e.    Ngwako Edward Hutamo;
f.    Noninzi Qina;
g.    Gert Hendrik Meyer;
h.    Jerry Leigh Magolius;
i.    Hendrik Ndlovu;
j.    Dr Keith Ivor Jacobs;
k.    Adv Boitumelo Tlhakung;
l.    Inge Maree Vieira;
m.    Sinenhlanhla Thuleleni Mthembu;
n.    Dr Prittish Dala
o.    Ulandi Exner
p.    Ms Florence Rabada;
q.    Ms Noluthando Hazel Molao; and
r.    Dr Claire Deacon.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson 
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet meeting of 21 November 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at Tuynhuys in Cape Town.

A. Issues in the Environment

1. Investment

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the successful inaugural Africa Investment Forum held from 7 to 9 November 2018 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Gauteng. African governments and businesses, international financial institutions and other development partners focused on making Africa the next global frontier in investment.

1.2. At the close of the conference 45 deals, worth US$32 billion, were concluded to benefit the continent. Of that, South Africa will benefit from US$6.8 billion in investment.

2. African Union (AU) Summit

2.1. Cabinet is encouraged by deliberations at the AU Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 17 and 18 November 2018, where President Cyril Ramaphosa participated. The Extraordinary Session deliberated on the ongoing reform processes which are intended to establish an effective, efficient and re-energized AU that is capable of achieving continental priorities and goals set out in Agenda 2063, which is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of Africa over the next 50 years.

2.2. The reform of the AU is an ongoing process, with some of its recommendations already implemented, particularly in relation to the commitment to have member states of the AU assume greater ownership of financing the organisation.  More countries continue to sign the African Continental Free Trade Agreement to ensure the Continent realises the continent-wide free-trade agreement.

3. Strategic Partnership with the European Union (EU)

3.1. Cabinet is pleased with the positive outcome of the 7th South Africa – EU Summit held on 15 November in Belgium. The outcomes and commitments made at the summit build on our unprecedented drive to place economic growth and job creation at the centre of South Africa’s national agenda.

3.2. South Africa is the only African country and one of the 10 countries globally that has a Strategic Partnership with the EU. The EU is South Africa’s largest trading partner and largest foreign investor as a bloc, representing 73.7% of total Foreign Direct Investment stocks in the country.

3.3. President Ramaphosa this week hosted the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on a State Visit to South Africa. Germany is one of the largest foreign investors in South Africa, with more than 600 German companies having subsidiaries or production in the country, sustaining about 100 000 jobs.

3.4. This State Visit resulted in the signing of trade and investment agreements between the two countries, and afforded both leaders an opportunity to discuss multilateral issues and cooperate closely as non-permanent members of the United Nations (UN) Security Council for a two-year term from 2019 to 2020.

4. Land reform

4.1. Cabinet noted that Parliament’s Joint Constitutional Review Committee adopted its report that is in favour of amending Section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. The amendment will make it possible for the State to expropriate land without compensation in the public interest. The committee’s report is expected to be tabled in the National Assembly for debate.

4.2. A public consultation process saw numerous organisations making submissions on the Bill and public hearings were held in all nine provinces. The Constitution has so far been amended 17 times through a consultative and inclusive process.

4.3. Government remains committed to a responsible land reform approach that is in the best interests of everyone. Cabinet affirms that government respects the rule of law and will, at all times, act in accordance with the Constitution.  

5. Constitutional Court judgement

5.1. Cabinet welcomes the Constitutional Court judgment which ruled that the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) which governs the awarding of mining rights, must be read concurrently with the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act, 1996 (Act 31 of 1996), which protects vulnerable land rights.

5.2. The victory of the Lesetlheng community in North West signals a start to the recognition of land rights of which South Africa’s historically oppressed people had been deprived for generations. Where mining impacts on settlements, families and communities, people directly affected by mining must consent to any changes affecting their land rights.

6. Audit outcomes

6.1. Cabinet welcomes and congratulates the government departments and entities that continues to consistently receive clean- audit outcomes.  This comes after the release by the Auditor General (AG) Kimi Makwetu of the Public Finance Management Audit Report of the 2017/18 financial year.

6.2. Cabinet is however concerned with the report that shows an overall deterioration in the audit results of some national and provincial government departments and their entities. The signing into law of the Public Audit Amendment Bill by President Ramaphosa, which will strengthen the work of the Office of the AG, will assist in holding accountable those that continue to have disregard for the governance framework.

6.3. Cabinet encourages all departments and entities to work on remedial interventions on all the issues flagged by the AG and to monitor progress regularly to address issues before the next audit cycle.  

7. Safety and Security

7.1. Cabinet pledges support to the National Safer Festive Season Campaign that was launched by Police Minister Bheki Cele under the theme “Operation Quiet Storm”.  

7.2. The campaign aims to make South Africa a safer place as we approach the year-end holiday season. The South African Police Service will conduct nationwide operations in every town, village and township until the end of January 2019. They will focus on visible policing, whilst conducting special crime awareness and prevention operations.

7.3. Cabinet appeals to all people in South Africa to continue cooperating with the police in keeping our communities safe. Parents and guardians are also advised to be extra vigilant in caring for their children during the upcoming festive season.   

7.4. Cabinet also pledges support to the 2018 Festive Season Road Safety campaign, launched by the Minister of Transport, Dr Blade Nzimande, in Limpopo at the weekend.

7.5. The launch coincided with the annual two-day Road Safety Summit and the UN’s World Day of Remembrance for victims of road crashes.  It is in the best interests of our well-being that we all play a part in ensuring a safer festive season by driving responsibly and obeying the rules of the road.

8. Maputo-Catembe Bridge

8.1. Cabinet congratulates the South African engineers involved in the historic development of the longest suspension bridge in Africa. The Maputo-Catembe Bridge was built by the China Road and Bridge Corporation and connects Maputo in Mozambique and KwaZulu-Natal.

8.2. President of Mozambique, Mr Filipe Nyusi, inaugurated the three-kilometre-long Maputo-Catembe Bridge, which was built over four years at a cost of US$785 million.

8.3. This development will stimulate trade and tourism between Mozambique and South Africa with travel time between Maputo to Kosi Bay in KwaZulu-Natal’s East Coast border post drastically reduced from six hours to 90 minutes.

B. Cabinet decisions

9. Programme of Action Briefing Week

9.1. Cabinet was apprised on the progress reports on the priority outcomes for the period starting 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2018. Departments working within the clusters to implement the 14 priority outcomes continue to achieve their respective deliverables. These outcomes are derived from the 2014-2019 Medium Term Strategic Framework and from the National Development Plan’s Vision 2030.

9.2. Cabinet has approved the action required to deal with the challenges affecting implementation. The reports are published on the DPME website (

10. Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP)

10.1. Cabinet approved the extension of the APDP from 2021 to 2035 with amendments  to support the South African Automotive Masterplan (SAAM).

10.2. The SAAM focuses on six areas: Local market optimisation; Regional market development; Localisation; Infrastructure development; Industry transformation, and Technology and associated skills development.

10.3. The amendments seek amongst others to encourage higher levels of local value addition to create more opportunities for additional employment. Monitoring and evaluation of the programme and related industry trends are further enhanced to ensure progress towards the SAAM vision and objectives.  

10.4. The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, will brief the media on these amendments on Friday, 23 November 2018.

C. Bills

11. Cabinet approved for the Public Audit Excess Bill of 2018 to be introduced in Parliament. The Bill provides for the Auditor General to take remedial action to ensure that losses suffered by the State are, where possible, recovered and to refer certain suspected material irregularities for investigation. The Bill further seeks to empower the AG to perform international audit work and conduct performance audits, and align the AG’s governance arrangements to current best practice.

D. Upcoming events

12. 100 #WomenOfFortitude

Following a period of nominations, the 100 #WomenOfFortitude will be unveiled at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on 22 November 2018. The Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Nelson Mandela Centenary and Centenary of Albertina Sisulu announced on the 11 October 2018 the #WomenOfFortitude campaign as one of the Mama Sisulu Centenary activities.

The #WomenOfFortitude campaign is a movement of 100 women to drive the conversation of how women today can sustain the legacy of Mama Sisulu.

13. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

The Department of Women is coordinating and consolidating government's calendar of events for the 16 Days of Activism against GBV Campaign from 25 November to 10 December 2018. Members of the National Executive as well as provincial and local government leaders will undertake portfolio/sector-specific events throughout the country through community-engagement initiatives. Detailed government programmes can be accessed from  

Cabinet urges all South Africans to use this platform and participate in a government event nearest to them. Civil society and other women's organisations are encouraged to populate their calendars of events for the period.

All South Africans are urged to work together to heed the call to #HearMeToo, by listening to the plight of women, and taking action to end the scourge of all forms of violence against women.

E. Ccongratulations

14. Cabinet congratulates all local sporting heroes who are flying the South African flag high. The achievements of those who excelled in their respective sporting fields, was acknowledged at the recent 2018 Sports Award ceremony.

14.1. South Africa’s Caster Semenya bagged double gold by winning the coveted Sports Star of the Year award along with the Sportswoman of the Year Award.

14.2. South African swimming sensation Chad le Clos won the Sportsman of the Year Award.

14.3. Mdodozi Ntutu won the Sportsman of the Year with Disability Award.

14.4. Anrune Liebenberg won the Sportswoman of the Year with Disability Award.

14.5. Banyana Banyana won the prestigious Team of the Year Award.  Banyana Banyana won its first Women’s Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) against Nigeria.

14.6.  Bafana Bafana drew 1-1 in the AFCON qualifier match with Nigeria.

14.7. The South African Rugby team is commended for their performances and we wish them well for their upcoming match against Wales on 24 November 2018.

Cabinet calls on South Africans to continue to rally behind the country’s sports women and men.

15. Cabinet also congratulates:

15.1. Science and Technology Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, who has been nominated to serve in the World Economic Forum Council on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which consists of government, civil society and academics.

This will help countries globally to respond and take advantage of opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

15.2. Finance Minister Tito Mboweni on his appointment to the Board of Trustees of the AU Peace Fund, which will finance mediation and preventative diplomacy activities, institutional capacity requirements, and peace support operations in Africa. As a member of the Board of Trustees, Minister Mboweni will contribute towards the strategic coherence and enhanced governance, financial and administrative oversight of the Peace Fund.  The appointment of the trustees of the AU’s Peace Fund is a key step in the implementation of the financing of the AU’s agenda, which is part of the ongoing institutional reform process.

15.3. Higher Education and Training Minister Naledi Pandor, who will be conferred with the French National Order of the Legion of Honour Award on Friday, 30 November 2018. The award is in recognition of her lifelong remarkable achievements and efforts in nurturing and furthering the cooperation between France and South Africa in the field of Science and Technology. The ceremony will be held in at the residence of the French Ambassador to South Africa in Pretoria.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

16. Provincial heads of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation:

16.1. Free State: Brigadier Kubandran Moodley; and

16.2. North West: Major General Dumisani Patrick Mbotho.

17. Reappointment of Adv Makhosini Solomon Msibi as the CEO of the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC).

18. Reappointment of Mr Thulani Matiki Norman Kgomo as non-executive member of the RTMC Board.

19. Reappointment of Ms Daphline Harridene Charlotte-Ann Ewertse as non-executive member of the RTMC Board.

20. Appointment of Adv Sandile Nogxina as Non-Executive Director and Chairperson of the Airport Company South Africa Board.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

Statement on the Cabinet meeting of 5 December 2018

Cabinet met on Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at Tuynhuys in Cape Town

A. Issues in the environment

1. Economic growth

Cabinet welcomes the 2.2% growth in the South African economy during the third quarter, which is helping move the country out of a technical recession. The growth figures were driven by increases in the agricultural sector (6.5%), financial sector (2.3%); manufacturing sector (7.5%) and wholesale and retail trade sales (3.2%). The growth figures signal a rebound in the economy and together with initiatives from the Jobs Summit and South African Investment Conference, will continue to improve.

Cabinet also joins South Africans in welcoming this month’s drop in the fuel price which comes as a relief, especially as we move into a holiday period. All sectors of society are urged to build on the positive momentum during the third quarter to help place the South African economy on a new growth trajectory.

2. National Minimum Wage (NMW)

Cabinet also welcomes the signing of the NMW Bill into law by President Cyril Ramaphosa. The Bill sets a historic precedent in the protection of low-earning workers and reduction of inequality in society. The first NMW will raise the earnings of an estimated six million South African low-earning workers. There will be a phase-in period for farm workers, forestry workers and domestic workers. Whilst this NMW will not end income inequality, Cabinet believes it will go a long way to breaking the back of rising inequality and persistent poverty.

3. Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing Studies (TWIMS)

Cabinet welcomes the launch of the newly established R56-million TWIMS. The institute will boost South Africa’s manufacturing sector, develop world-class capabilities and drive African industrialisation. It will also accelerate the building of a manufacturing culture that the country needs to drive its domestic demands and create more jobs.

It is an independent and not-for-profit initiative established through grant funding from the Toyota South Africa Education Trust. It has been established in partnership with the University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science to deliver a Master of Business Administration degree specialising in manufacturing.

4. Social Economy

Cabinet notes the successful Symposium on the Social Economy held by government in partnership with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Government of Flanders on Friday, 30 November 2018. The symposium was led by the Economic Development Department and supported by the Department of Small Business Development.

The Social Economy comprises enterprises and initiatives directed at achieving social-policy objectives such as creating jobs, mainstreaming excluded groups, and bringing goods and services to rural communities. It has the potential of supporting economic inclusion and creating thousands of additional jobs. The symposium brought together social entrepreneurs, policymakers, researchers and non-governmental organisations, and will help in the development of a Green Paper on the Social Economy during 2019.

5. Voter registration

In preparation for the 2019 elections, Cabinet calls on South Africans to exercise their right as responsible citizens by ensuring they have a green bar-coded ID book, smart ID card or temporary identity certificate and are registered to vote in their districts. The Independent Electoral Commission will hold a voter-registration weekend on 26 and 27 January 2019 and South Africans are encouraged to use the opportunity to register to vote or verify their registration status. Cabinet appeals to those who have applied for Smart IDs to collect their documents at their respective Department of Home Affairs (DHA) branches.

6. National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP)

Cabinet applauds President Ramaphosa’s appointment of Advocate Shamila Batohi as the new NDPP. This follows the President’s consideration of five nominees shortlisted by an advisory panel. The appointment brings stability to the leadership of the National Prosecuting Authority and emboldens the country’s fight against crime and corruption. Cabinet extends its appreciation to Energy Minister Jeff Radebe and the panel for their contribution to this historic process of appointment.  

7. Limpopo health professionals

Cabinet strongly condemns attacks on doctors in hospitals around Limpopo. Health professionals and health facilities serve communities, especially vulnerable members who facilities to get assistance. Attacking those who are meant to save lives is a criminal offence and will not be tolerated. The Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, is leading a multidisciplinary task team – comprising police intelligence agents, detective services, public order policing, private security authorities and DHA officials – to review the security systems at public healthcare facilities. Cabinet calls on the community to work with law-enforcement agencies to ensure that perpetrators of this heinous crimes are arrested and convicted.
8. Safer holidays

Cabinet appeals to all South Africans to keep safe during the December holidays. Road users are urged to adhere to the traffic rules, and not to drive recklessly and negligently, especially under the influence. Pedestrians are also urged to remain cautious on the road. The Justice, Crime Prevention and Security (JCPS) Cluster has intensified anti-crime and safety operations countrywide. The DHA’s has increased its capacity in ports of entry to ensure it is able to respond to the expected increase of travellers over the festive period. It also plans to extend operating hours at busy ports of entry, covering pre-festive season movements, the festive season period and the re-opening of schools.

9. Fifth anniversary of the passing of Madiba

Cabinet joins South Africans in commemorating the fifth anniversary of the passing of our first democratically elected President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, who passed on 5 December 2013. President Ramaphosa declared 2018 as the Year marking Mandela’s centenary. His legacy has been celebrated throughout the year by South Africans in their various formations, the most recent being the Global Citizens Mandela 100 Festival held over the past weekend. Cabinet calls on all to stay true to Madiba’s ideals, including his unwavering commitment to justice, equality and non-racialism.

10. Global Citizen Festival Mandela 100

Cabinet thanks all participants of the Global Citizen Festival Mandela 100 held in Johannesburg on Sunday, 2 December 2018. The festival formed part of the national commemorative events to celebrate the centenary of Tata Nelson Mandela and was transmitted in over 180 countries. It brought together thousands of global citizens, activists, world leaders, musicians and influencers to advance the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN) in honour of Mandela’s memory. Cabinet extends its sympathy to all those who were violated by criminal elements that preyed on them whilst leaving the stadium. It strongly condemns these criminal acts and calls on law-enforcement agencies to bring offenders to book.

11. World AIDS Day

South Africa marked World AIDS Day on 1 December under the theme: “Cheka Impilo. Know Your Status.” Cabinet appreciates government’s multidimensional HIV and AIDS programme that has taken decisive steps to bring an end to the epidemic. The programme has realised an additional uptake of two million people to the antiretroviral treatment programme.

South Africa has more than 4,2 million people on treatment, making it one of the world’s biggest treatment programmes. The HIV and AIDS campaign continues to make inroads towards changing behaviour, medical treatment and social de-stigmatisation. Cabinet is steadfast in its call on South Africans to get tested so they can know their HIV status, which will help them make informed decisions on preventative measures, treatment, care and support.

12. UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities

South Africa joined the global community in observing the annual UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities on Monday, 3 December.

Government remains committed to the inclusion and protection of persons with disabilities through dedicated programmes and interventions to ensure access to equal opportunities, as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996.

B. Cabinet decisions

13. Nkomazi Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

Cabinet ratified a decision of the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, to designate the SEZ and to grant a SEZ Licence to the Mpumalanga Provincial Government’s Department of Economic Development and Tourism.

The Nkomazi SEZ will be positioned as an “Agro-Processing Hub” using green energy. It will be supported by mixed services such as warehousing and logistics. This forms part of is the Maputo Development Corridor project, which is a major trade corridor which connects Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga with Maputo in Mozambique. It comprises, among other things, roads, ports and railways.

It will contribute towards accelerating growth, attract foreign and domestic direct investment, expand the manufacturing sector and create employment in the region.

14. Cabinet has approved the signing of the rollover Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the United Kingdom (UK) once the last outstanding technical issues are resolved and the internal administrative issues are finalised.  Cabinet also approved the submission in Parliament  for ratification, the Agreement  establishing the EPA between Southern African Customs  Union and Mozambique and the UK

15. Cabinet approved the publication of the streamlined White Paper on Home Affairs for public comment. The White Paper argues that for South Africa to fully realise the potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the DHA must play a critical enabling role in citizen empowerment, inclusive development, efficient government and national security. It is also based on the DHA having sole mandate for the management of official identity and status, international migration, and asylum seekers and refugees. The White Paper proposes measures to reduce the fraudulent bank transactions and realise savings due to increased inefficiencies.

16. Cabinet approved the submission of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Copyright Treaty (WCT) of 1996 to Parliament for accession. This is a multilateral agreement and a special agreement under the Berne Convention that deals with the protection of the work and rights of their authors in the digital environment. Acceding to the WCT also benefits the South African creative industry, specifically authors of literary and artistic works. The WCT is in the best interest of South Africa as it ensures that the country’s copyright law will keep pace with technological change. This will afford important protection against piracy for rights holders in the areas of computer programmes and databases.

17. Cabinet approved the submission of the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 1996, to Parliament for accession. This is a multilateral agreement which deals with the rights of performers and producers of phonograms, specifically in the digital environment. This treaty will protect people or organisations that add substantial creative, technical or organisational skill in the process of bringing work to the public and enhance revenue to benefit them.

18. Cabinet approved the submission of the Beijing Treaty to Parliament for accession. This is a multilateral agreement, which regulates copyright for audio-visual performances and expands the audio-visual performers’ rights. It recognises audio-visual performers’ intellectual property right in their audio-visual work and creates economic benefit for them. It also provides audio-visual performers with moral rights in respect of their work and recognises audio-visual performers’ rights in the digital environment. 

19. Cabinet approved for the establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) to lead the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) second generation periodic review. It will be conducted after the 2019 General Elections.  The IMC will be supported by the approved establishment of the APRM National Governing Council. This APRM review process provides member states a space for national dialogue on governance and socio-economic indicators and an opportunity to build consensus on the way forward.

20. Cabinet approved for South Africa to sign the Convention to establish, under international law, an intergovernmental organisation called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Observatory, which will be responsible for the construction and operational phases of the global SKA radio telescope project, to be located in South Africa and Australia. The signing of the convention will be crucial in providing the global partnership with the appropriate governance mechanisms, which will ensure successful delivery of the project. South Africa will also be able to leverage foreign inward investment, as well as skills and infrastructure development benefits associated with the SKA project.

21. Cabinet approved the One-Stop Border Post (OSBP) National Framework for implementation. This provides guidance towards the speedy establishment of OSBPs between South Africa and its neighboring countries. The OSBP will enhance trade facilitation without compromising national security or revenue collection through the efficient movement of goods, persons and services between South Africa and the adjoining states of Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. It will also result in the region realising a faster border clearance and limited duplication of border agency interventions, which in turn improves trade competitiveness and movement of person by cutting down on cost and time.

22. Cabinet approved that the National Treasury and Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) will coordinate South Africa’s preparation for the national risk assessment and upcoming mutual evaluation process which commences in mid-April 2019. The mutual evaluation is a peer-review process conducted by international experts from other member countries of the intergovernmental body, the Financial Action Task Force, to assess the effectiveness of the anti-money laundering (AML) and combating of terrorist financing (CFT) system in South Africa. The outcomes of the process will assist in strengthening the integrity of the South African financial system by identifying steps to be taken to address any weaknesses in our AML/CFT system.

23. Cabinet approved the recommendations presented to the Department of Basic Education by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. The recommendations flow from the Impact evaluation of the Early Grade Reading Study after two years of interventions. The DBE initiated the Early Grade Reading Study in collaboration with various universities. This is a large-scale educational impact evaluation which aims to build evidence about what works to improve the teaching and learning of early grade reading in African languages in the country. The Report will be posted on the DPME website.

24. Cabinet approved the Policy Framework on National Museums. The aim is to transform the management and operations of museums in terms of access, redress, equity, nation-building and social cohesion. The policy proposes the clustering of museums into new management structures to achieve economies of scale by reducing the number of councils.It also provides for the grading of all the museums according to qualities, scope and significance to enable equitable funding allocations.

25. Cabinet approved the National Guide for the Appointment of Persons to Boards and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of State-owned and State-controlled institutions. The guide provides national principles and good-practice guidelines to promote uniformity in the appointment of persons. It responds to the Presidential Review Committee on State-owned entities to promote transparency, accountability and good governance practices in all organs of state.

26. Cabinet approved the 6th progress report by the Inter-Ministerial Task Team on North West. Cabinet is pleased that visible progress has been made in stabilising the provincial departments in North West and the provision of basic services has been prioritised. The intervention has cleared over 90% of the accruals to suppliers enabling the improved supply of medicine and equipment. Four of the five operating theatres at Mafikeng hospital have been returned to functionality. A number of the funded vacant posts in the respective departments have been filled. A process to address the backlog infrastructure maintenance has been put in place and the law enforcement agencies continue to make progress in bringing those who were involved in corruption to account.

27. Working with the North West leadership the appointed Administrators continue to make progress in setting in place good governance processes.  The NCOP visited the North West in October and have tabled their report endorsing the  National government intervention in the Province.

28. Cabinet approved  the hosting of the following events:

  • The Fourth Annual Meetings of the New Development Bank (NDB), during the first quarter of 2019. The NDB was established by the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) bloc to mobilise resources to support infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS countries, and other emerging markets and developing countries.
  • The 17th Ordinary Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) in June/July 2019. AMCEN is a permanent forum where African Ministers of the Environment deliberate and decide on environmental issues of relevance to the Continent. South Africa assumes its chairship from 2019 to 2021.

C. Bills

29. Cabinet approved publication of the Revised Expropriation Bill for public comment. The revised bill adds a section that provides explicit circumstances under which land expropriation in the public interest may be without compensation. The section strengthen the earlier Expropriation Bill that was withdrawn from the parliament process. The Bill will assist in accelerating the land reform programme whilst within the framework of the constitutional principles.

30. Cabinet approved for the publication of the Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill of 2018 for public comment. This forms part of government’s reform of the financial sector regulation towards a Twin Peaks model and follows the enactment of the Financial Sector Regulation Act, 2017 (Act 9 of 2017) which, amongst others, aims to ensure better market conduct and the treatment of customers in the financial sector. Market conduct regulation aims to prevent and manage when prevention is not successful, the poor outcomes that arise from financial institutions conducting their business in ways that are unfair to customers or undermines the integrity of financial markets and confidence in the financial system.

The Bill will strengthen customer protection by putting in place a single comprehensive market conduct law. This will result in the consistent application of customer-protection principles across the financial sector. It provides for a single, activity-based approach to licensing all financial institutions, and ensuring full regulatory coverage and supervision.

This will allow the newly established Financial Sector Conduct Authority to better meet its mandate of protecting financial customers by ensuring fair treatment. The Bill, which will apply to all financial institutions, also supports transformation of the financial sector through implementation of the Financial Sector Code issued under the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act 53 of 2003) by requiring that policies be introduced to comply with the code and also supervising implementation of those policies.

31. Cabinet approved for the introduction of the Financial Matters Amendment Bill of 2018 in Parliament.

The amendments relate to the:

a)  Insolvency Act of 1963, to strengthen the regulation of over-the-counter derivative market, in line with G20 commitments;
b)  Military Pensions Act of 1976, to address discriminatory provisions;
c)  Banks Act of 1990, to allow for qualifying state-owned companies to apply for banking licences;
d)  Government Employment Pension Law of 1996, to change the clean break principle in the case of divorce, ensuring that members’ pension pay outs to former spouses on divorce are not converted to a debt obligation; and
e)  Auditing Profession Act of 2005, to address challenges and limitations that the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors faces in discharging its regulatory and oversight responsibilities.

D. Upcoming events

32. National Minimum Wage (NMW) announcement

President Ramaphosa will announce the NMW at an event to be held at Kliptown in Soweto on Friday, 7 December 2018. The NMW will immediately benefit more than six million workers and help address the level of inequality and poverty in South Africa. This landmark proclamation will extend our social net to the most vulnerable people.

33. International Anti-Corruption Day

In commemoration of the UN’s International Anti-Corruption Day on Sunday, 9 December 2018, Cabinet reaffirms the country’s fight against corruption in both the private and public sectors. The JCPS Cluster has prioritised the fight against this scourge in line with government’s zero-tolerance stance towards corruption. Corruption is a societal problem that must be fought by everyone as it hinders socio-economic development and increases poverty by diverting resources away from where they are most needed.  

34. International Human Rights Day

South Africa will join the international community in observing International Human Rights Day on Monday, 10 December 2018. The day marks the anniversary of the UN General Assembly's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Government continues to ensure that all South Africans enjoy all human rights such as the rights to life, equality and human dignity. Every citizen has a responsibility to ensure that human rights and dignity in our nation is protected.  

35. Global Commission on the Future of Work

The report from the Global Commission on the Future of Work will be launched on 22 January 2019. It was established by the ILO in 2017 to assess the rapid transformation taking place in the global economy and world of work, and identify the key challenges and recommendations. This High-Level Global Commission is co-chaired by President Ramaphosa together with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven of the Kingdom of Sweden.

E. Messages

36. Condolences

Cabinet joins President Ramaphosa in expressing sadness at the passing of Struggle stalwart and former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Mr Mendi Msimang, on Monday, 3 December 2018, following a long illness. Cabinet extends condolences to the family, friends, comrades and associates of Mr Msimang. Mr Msimang has been accorded a Special Official Funeral category 1 which entails elements of military ceremonial honour in line with the policy on State and Provincial official funerals.

37. Congratulations

37.1 Cabinet congratulates Banyana Banyana on reaching the final of the 2018 Africa Women’s Cup of Nations. By doing so they have automatically qualified for next year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup in France.

37.2 Cabinet commends Dr Lindiwe Sidali, who made history by becoming the first African female cardiothoracic surgeon in the country.

F.    Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

38. Independent Development Corporation

Mr Tshokolo Nchocho as CEO on a five year contract.

39. South African Weather Service Board members:

a. Ms Nana Magomola (Chairperson);
b. Dr Phillip David Dexter (Deputy Chairperson);
c. Mr David Lefutso;
d. Adv Derek Jeffrey Block;
e. Ms Sowbakiam Mudly-Padayachie;
f. Dr Mphekgo Patrick Maila;
g. Ms Feziwe Yolanda Renqe;
h. Mr Itani Phaduli;
i. Dr Owen Peter Muller Horwood;
j. Ms Kelebogile Shirley Moroka-Mosia;
k. Mr Jerry Lengoasa (CEO); and
l. Dr Tsakani Ngomane (Departmental DG representative).

40. Adv Sandile Nogxina as Non-Executive Director and Chairperson of the Airports Company South Africa Board.

41. South African Statistics Council:

a. Mr Ian Assam - reappointed;
b. Mr Faldie Esau - reappointed;
c. Dr Jacky Galpin - reappointed;
d. Mr Ettienne le Roux - reappointed;
e. Dr Ariane Neethling - reappointed;
f. Dr Thabi Leoka;
g. Ms Reshoketswe Mokobane;
h. Mr Thapelo Molahloe;
i. Ms Blanche Motsosi;
j. Ms Nompumelelo Nzimande;
k. Mr Wandile Sihlobo;
l. Ms Vuyelwa Mantyi (Eastern Cape representative);
m. Ms Zeenat Ishmail (Western Cape representative);
n. Mr Kuberin Packirisamy (Northern Cape representative);
o. Mr Thulani Bhengu (KwaZulu-Natal representative);
p. Mr Thuso Ramaema (Free State representative);
q. Dr David Everatt (Chairperson and Gauteng representative);
r. Prof Andries Monyeki (North West representative);
s. Dr Nomuso Mlondo (Mpumalanga representative); and
t. Dr Modjadji Malahlela (Limpopo representative).

42. Defence Force Service Commission:

a. Dr Siphelele Zulu;
b. Dr Ziyaad Essop;
c. Adv Nokuzola Gloria Khumalo; and
d. Mr Ian Hugh Robertson.

43. South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Board:

a. Dr Robert Adam;
b. Dr Ramatsemela Masango;
c. Mr Aadil Patel;
d. Mr Bishen Singh;
e. Ms Pulane Kingston;
f.  Ms Mathlodi Ngwenya;
g. Mr Jabulani Ndlovu; and
h. Ms Pulane Molokwane.

44. Board of Mhlathuze Water:

a. Ms Thabi Agatha Shange (Chairperson);
b. Mr Silas Zwalakhe Hlophe (Deputy Chairperson);
c. Dr Purshottamma Sivanarain Reddy;
d. Mrs Nica M Gevers;
e. Dr Mosidi Makgae;
f.  Mr Musa Moses Xulu;
g. Mr Bonginkosi Vincent Mshengu;
h. Mrs Amita Badul;
i.  Ms Nothando Nonkululeko Mkhize;
j. Ms Gloria Dumisile Biyela; and
k. Mr Petros Mzothule Zikalala.

45. CEOs for Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs):

a. Bank SETA - Mr Trevor Rammitlwa;
b. Food and Beverages SETA - Ms Nokuthula Selamolela;
c. Fibre Processing and Manufacturing SETA - Ms Felleng Yende;
d. Insurance SETA - Ms Nadia Starr;
e. Services SETA - Ms Amanda Buzo-Gqoboka;
f. Agriculture SETA - Mr Zenzele Gilbert Myeza;
g. Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority - Mr Mike Khathutshelo Ramukumba;
h. Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports SETA - Ms Keitumetse Lebaka;
i. Education, Training and Development Practices SETA - Ms Nombulelo Nxesi;
j. Finance and Accounting SETA - Ms Ayanda Pearl Zinhle Mafuleka;
k. Health and Welfare SETA - Ms Elaine Brass;
l. Public Services SETA - Ms Bontle Portia Lerumo; and
m. Wholesale and Retail SETA - Mr Blessing Tom Mkhwanazi.

Ms Phumla Williams - Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

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