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A. Issues in the enviroment

1. Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS)

1.1. Cabinet welcomed the results of Statistics South Africa’s QLFS for the third quarter of 2022, which indicated that 204 000 jobs were gained between the second and third quarters of 2022. 

1.2. The QLFS also revealed that the total number of persons employed in the third quarter of 2022 was 15,8 million. 

1.3. This means that the official unemployment rate decreased by 1,0 percentage point from 33,9% in the second quarter to 32,9% in the third quarter of 2022. The unemployment rate according to the expanded definition of unemployment also decreased by 1,0 percentage point to 43,1% in the third quarter of 2022 compared to the second quarter of 2022. While this increase may be viewed as a drop in the ocean, it does show that the strategies to grow employment are starting to yield positive results. 

1.4. The largest jobs gain were recorded in manufacturing (123 000), followed by trade (82 000), construction (46 000), transport (33 000), and community and social services (27 000). Cabinet called on South Africans to continue to rally behind the country’s Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP) to ensure that as a country we keep the momentum of growing the economy and creating much-needed jobs.  

1.5. Cabinet acknowledges that the country has a long way to go and more work needs to be done to address the challenge of unemployment in the country. 

2. State Visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)

2.1. Cabinet welcomed the historic Presidential State Visit to the UK that took place from   22 to 23 November 2022. His Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa became the first Head of State to be hosted by the British monarch, His Majesty King Charles III, since his accession to the throne in September 2022. 

2.2. A Royal State Visit is the highest honour bestowed on a country by the UK to further promote bilateral relations and it also symbolises the importance the UK ascribes to its relations with a particular country.

2.3. The Presidential State Visit, which marked a continuation of the strong bilateral ties between South Africa and the UK, resulted in the launch of the next phase of the UK-South Africa Infrastructure Partnership. The partnership supports South Africa’s economic growth through major infrastructure developments and offers increased access to UK companies in projects worth up to £5.37 billion over the next three years. 

2.4. The visit focused on upgrading trade and investment levels between the two countries, and also on creating more opportunities in British markets for South African goods and commodities. During the UK-SA Business Forum, numerous business opportunities on offer were profiled to UK investors who pledged their continued engagement with South Africa.

2.5. South Africa and the UK  also signed Memorandums of Understanding on Cooperation in Science and Innovation as well as Health Cooperation that would focus on vaccine manufacturing, genome sequencing and climate change. 

2.6. Other outcomes from the visit included securing collaboration on infrastructure, clean technology and renewable energy sources. These opportunities hold the potential to unlock domestic trade, investment and boost job creation. 

3. Tshwane Automotive Special Economic Zone (TASEZ)

3.1. Cabinet welcomed the production of the next generation Ford Ranger by Ford Motor Company of South Africa (FMCSA), which saw a capital investment of R15.8 billion. 

3.2. This resulted in all 10 auto component manufacturing companies located in the TASEZ officially entering into full operation. The investment by the component manufacturers amounted to R3.62 billion and created 1 259 permanent jobs benefiting youth (76%) and women (32%). 

3.3. TASEZ was established as a special-purpose vehicle production zone with a mandate to create employment opportunities and promote economic participation for small, medium and micro enterprises in the region. Its first phase of development was aimed at creating additional infrastructure and capacity within the FMCSA supply chain to support South Africa to be one of the only three hubs in the world to produce the next-generation Ford Ranger.

4. National Digital and Future Skills Conference 

4.1. Cabinet welcomed the outcomes of the National Digital and Future Skills Conference held in Umhlanga, KwaZulu-Natal from 22 to 23 November 2022, to strengthen our nation’s advances in the area of digital and future skills in South Africa. 

4.2. Hosted by the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the conference aimed to, among others, strengthen partnerships in the area of digital and future skills in South Africa, create and stimulate interest in digital and future skills, and explore digital skills training opportunities available for youth presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

4.3. The conference forged partnerships between government, business, civil society, international development organisations and youth organisations to take our nation forward into the digital era. 

5. New Thuthuzela Care Centre in Limpopo

5.1. Cabinet welcomed the opening of the Thuthuzela Care Centre in the Dilokong Hospital at Dilokong Village in Driekop, Limpopo on Tuesday, 22 November 2022. The one-stop facility offers services in support of victims of gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF) and sexual crimes. 

5.2. The centre is the 62nd to be opened across the country and fulfils the commitment government made at the 2018 Presidential Summit Against GBVF to build more of such centres.

6. Auditor-General’s (AG) 2021/22 Consolidated General Report

6.1. Cabinet welcomed the 2021/22 Public Finance Management Act audit outcomes of the national and provincial government, which were released by AG Tsakani Maluleke on Wednesday, 23 November 2022 under the theme: “A culture of accountability will improve service delivery”.

6.2. Cabinet noted the gradual upward trend in the audit outcomes of national and provincial government but expressed concern that key service delivery portfolios continued to receive poor outcomes.

6.3. Based on the completed audits of 160 departments, 47 departments had improved and 12 had regressed. Similarly, of the 238 public entities with completed audits, 67 had improved and 34 had regressed.

6.4. Cabinet affirmed government’s commitment to taking corrective measures to address the root causes that lead to poor audit outcomes and remove weaknesses to achieve clean audits.

7. Safer Festive Season campaign

7.1. Government recently launched the 2022 Safer Festive Season campaign under the theme: “More boots on the ground towards enhanced police visibility.”

7.2. To ensure the well-being and safety of all residents and tourists in our country during the festive season and beyond, heightened police visibility will include intensified and integrated crime-prevention and crime-combating operations by the South African Police Service and other law-enforcement agencies. Cabinet calls on all people to work with law-enforcement authorities to keep our communities safe. 

7.3. As traffic volumes on our national roads increase, all road users are urged to be vigilant, and to obey traffic rules and regulations such as speed limits. Do not drive while under the influence of alcohol, always wear your seatbelt, keep a safe following distance and stop at a safe place to rest after at least every three hours of driving. Be courteous to other road users so that we can all reach our destinations safely. 

7.4. Cabinet urges everyone to take extra care this festive season to ensure their own safety and that of others, especially children, who must be supervised at all times. By exercising extreme care and responsible behaviour, we can guarantee an enjoyable time of celebration with family and friends.

8. South Africa Green Hydrogen Summit (SAGHS)

8.1. Cabinet welcomed the successful conclusion of the country’s inaugural SAGHS 2022 held in Cape Town from 28 to 30 November 2022, which showcased our nation’s offerings as a world-class green hydrogen production hub.

8.2. In creating the environment for the green hydrogen sector to flourish, government has developed a Hydrogen SA Strategy that taps into our nation’s endowment of renewable energy and platinum, a catalyst in the hydrogen electrolysis process, to position South Africa as a global leader in this new market. 

8.3. The green hydrogen economy is part of our work under the ERRP to explore new sources of economic growth that have the potential to revolutionise our economy and create new jobs.

9. Launch of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Institute of South Africa

9.1. Cabinet welcomed the collaboration between the DCDT, Tshwane University of Technology and the University of Johannesburg that resulted in the launch of the AI Institute of South at the Johannesburg Business School on Wednesday, 30 November 2022. 

9.2. The first-of-its-kind institute ushers a new era in South Africa’s digital transformation efforts. It will stimulate economic growth, address unemployment and create a positive social impact. The AI Institute will expand the teaching of robotics and coding currently being offered in public schools.

9.3. The institute is designed to ensure that government academia and industry work together in a unique partnership to apply their collective knowledge, expertise and experience to implement coordinated solutions to some of South Africa and Africa’s most critical and long-standing challenges, and to take the continent forward.

9.4. Government’s focus on digital skills includes creating platforms to support and promote the ability of youth, and small and medium enterprises, in particular start-ups, to develop digital content.

B.  Cabinet decisions

1. Research Report on the economic costs of disability for children with disabilities and persons with physical disabilities in South Africa

1.1. Cabinet considered and approved the Research Report that was commissioned by the Department for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (DWYPD), in partnership with the United Nations (UN) Development Programme (UNDP). The research provides information on disability-related costs on households with children with disabilities and adults with physical disabilities. 

1.2. The research insights provide evidence of cost estimates for, among others, the determination of social-security benefits subsidisation of services for persons with disabilities. This report complements the study also done by the UNDP between 2013 and 2015 on elements of the financial and economic costs of disability households in South Africa. The report will be published after it has been gazetted.

2. Rapid Evaluation of the implementation of government policy on preferential public procurement towards women, youth and persons with disabilities

2.1. Cabinet received an evaluation report that assessed the compliance rate by national and provincial departments on the preferential procurement application on businesses owned by women, youth and persons with disabilities. The evaluation covered the period from 2018 to 2021.

2.2. Data was collected from National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database (CSD) and respondents from departments to the questionnaires sent to them. The data did not, however, capture information from all the departments, but was sufficient enough to guide Cabinet on areas that need strengthening to ensure full compliance.

2.3. Cabinet approved all the intervention recommendations that will ensure government complies with the 40% procurement to women in particular. Some of the recommendations include the enhancement of the CSD software, and the training and awareness raising of accounting officers and Supply Chain Management practitioners in departments. The full report will be posted on the DWYPD’s website:

3. Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Decadal Plan 2022

3.1. Cabinet approved the 2022 STI Decadal Plan, which serves as an implementation guide of the 2019 White Paper on STI. Cabinet approved the draft plan in March 2021 and has since been enriched through further consultation with relevant stakeholders.

3.2. The plan has five thematic focus areas: (1) modernisation of agricultural, manufacturing and mining sectors; (2) exploitation of new sources of growth, particularly the digital and circular economy; (3) large research and innovation programmes in the areas of health and energy; (4) utilising STI to support a capable state and (5) addressing three societal grand challenges, namely climate change and environmental sustainability, the future of education, skills development and work, and the future of society.

3.3. The first Decadal Plan for 2008-2018, together with the 2002 National Research and Development Strategy, served as the basis of the current Decadal Plan. These plans advance the government’s approach to innovation in South Africa. The document will be made public through the Department of Science and Innovation’s (DSI) website:

4. National Strategy and Risk Assessment on Anti-Money Laundering, Counter Financing of Terrorism and Counter Financing of Proliferation (AML/CFT/CPF)

4.1. Cabinet approved the country’s National Strategy on AML/CFT/CPF, together with the National Risk Assessment. The strategy was developed as a response to the risk assessment prepared by all the relevant security and finance agencies.

4.2. The operationalisation of this strategy – which provides three high-level goals with 13 strategic objectives – will involve law-enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies, financial and non-financial institutions, and private-sector representatives, among others.

4.3. The implementation of the strategy will ensure the country strengthens its financial systems to support economic growth interventions by reducing levels of finance-related crimes.  The strategy also responds to some of the 40 recommendations made after South Africa was assessed by the Financial Action Task Force, an intergovernmental policymaking body that strives to combat terrorist financing and money laundering globally. The summarised two reports will be published on National Treasury’s website:

5. Green Hydrogen Commercialisation Strategy (GHCS)

5.1. Cabinet approved the publication of the GHCS for public comments. The strategy is aimed at ensuring that the country takes full advantage of the opportunities provided by green industrialisation. 

5.2. The GHCS will ensure South Africa becomes a major producer and exporter of green hydrogen. It contributes towards economic growth and supports the country’s just transition interventions towards the reduction of carbon emissions.

5.3. South Africa already has the Hydrogen Strategy and the Hydrogen Society Roadmap adopted by Cabinet in 2021. The rapidly growing green hydrogen market presents huge opportunities for South Africa.

6. State Litigation Strategy for 2021 – 2026 

6.1. Cabinet approved the State Litigation Strategy for 2021 – 2026. The strategy seeks to drive the transformation of the legal profession in a systematic manner. It guides on how the State will distribute legal work to legal practitioners; manage the costs of the litigation; guides the management of stakeholders; provides for the maximisation of the use of technology and systems.  

6.2. The strategy also addresses the development of human capacity management and development. It will be applicable to litigation services of the State from all spheres of government.

6.3. Cabinet also approved the two additional policies to support the implementation of this strategy. The Briefing and Outsourcing of State Legal work Policy will introduce an element of fairness and drive the transformational allocation of litigation services that cannot be performed internally. The Initiating, Defending and Opposing of Matters Policy will provide clarity on processes to be followed by client departments and the Office of Solicitor-General.

6.4. The two policies – together with the other policies that were approved by Cabinet in November 2021 and the Legal Sector Code – will support the implementation of this strategy. These documents will ensure a meaningful transformational intervention in the legal sector and also ensure the economies of scale in litigation matters that involve the State.

7. Management of State Litigation Contingent Liability Policy 

7.1.  Cabinet approved the State Litigation Contingent Liability Policy, which provides mechanisms to manage state litigation contingent liability. It provides for the creation of a central database and the reporting mechanism on the following-up of the cases in this database.

7.2. The policy provides for the mechanism to close dormant case files that were resulting in unreliable contingent liability figures in respect of accountability.

C. Bills

1. National Sport and Recreation Amendment Bill of 2022

1.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the National Sport and Recreation Amendment Bill of 2022 to Parliament for further processing. The Bill amends the National Sport and Recreation Act, of 1998 (Act 110 of 1998). The Bill has already been published for public consultation.

1.2. The Bill also amends certain definitions and amongst other interventions, it proposes the establishment of the Sports Arbitration Tribunal to resolve disputes between sport or recreation bodies. It outlines procedures to be followed for bidding for international events. The proposed amendments also empower the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture to make regulations for vulnerable groups to participate in sport and be protected from any form of sexual abuse or exploitation.

2. South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Bill of 2022

2.1. Cabinet approved the submission to Parliament of the SABC Bill of 2022 for processing. The Bill was published for public comment in June 2021. Once the Bill is passed into law by Parliament, the current Broadcasting Act, 1999 (Act 4 of 1999) will be repealed. 

2.2. The Bill amongst others proposes reducing the size of non-executive Board members from 12 to 11 and the executive members from three to two.  It revised the governance structure and funding model of the SABC.

3. Repeal of the Transkeian Penal Code Bill of 2022

3.1. Cabinet approved the submission to Parliament of the Repeal of the Transkeian Penal Code Bill of 2022 for further processing. The Bill repeals the Transkeian Penal Code, 1983 (Act 9 of 1983) which codified criminal law in the former Transkei (now Eastern Cape). 

3.2. The proposed Bill extends the current application of common laws to the former Republic of Transkei in line with our unitary system of the country’s judicial system.  

3.3. The Transkeian Penal Code is in conflict with the current common criminal law that regulates the same subject matter in different parts of the country. This repeal will remove the continued existence of apartheid-era legislation in the areas that were formerly known as the Republic of Transkei and provide the transitional arrangements on matters dealt with by this code.

4. Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill of 2022

4.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill of 2022 to Parliament for further processing. The Bill amends Section 6 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 to recognise South African Sign Language as one of the official languages.

4.2. In May 2022, Cabinet approved the publication and giving of notice to this Bill, which together with the notice were subsequently gazetted in July 2022.

5. Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Bill of 2022

5.1. Cabinet approved the publishing of this Bill for public comments. It repeals the Sexual Offences Act (previously Immorality Act), 1957 (Act 23 of 1957). It also repeals Section 11 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offenses and Related Matters) Amendment Act, 2007 (Act 32 of 2007) to decriminalise the sale and purchase of adult sexual services.

5.2. The proposals of this Bill respond to the list of interventions proposed in Pillar 3 (Protection, Safety and Justice) of the National Strategic Plan on GBVF, which enjoins the criminal justice system to provide protection, safety and justice for survivors of GBVF, and to effectively hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. Once passed into law, it will amongst others protect sex workers against abuse and exploitation.

6. South African Post Office (SAPO) Amendment Bill  

6.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the SAPO Amendment Bill to Parliament for further processing. The Bill, which was approved for public consultation early this year, amends the SAPO Act, 2011 (Act 22 of 2011).

6.2. The proposed amendments seek to enable the SAPO to adapt to the technological developments in the courier-service space and expand its mandate. The changes are in line with the National Integrated Information and Communications Technology Policy White Paper of 2016.

D. Upcoming events

1. 2022 World Science Forum (WSF) 

1.1. South Africa will, through the DSI, host the WSF at the Cape Town International Convention Centre Cape from 6 to 9 December 2022 under the theme: “Science for Social Justice”. 

1.2. The forum is one of the leading global platforms that encourage dialogue on the role science should play in society. It is an initiative of global science organisations that also include the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. 

1.3. Renowned thought leaders will be debating various topics that include science for human dignity; science for climate justice, science diplomacy for multilateralism, and science for Africa and the world.   

1.4. A number of side and satellite events will take place concurrently, and some of them will be hosted by the General Assembly of the African Academy of Sciences, a Pan-African organisation whose vision is to transform lives on the African continent through science.

2. World AIDS Day 

2.1. South Africa will join the world in observing and participating in activities to mark the annual World AIDS Day on 1 December 2022 under the theme: “Equalise and Integrate to End AIDS”. The national commemoration event that will be held at the Dr Petrus Molemela Stadium in Bloemfontein in the Free State will be used to remind everyone to be responsible by getting to know their health status so as to make informed life decisions. 

2.2. The commemoration comes as South Africa prepares to begin piloting the injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) early next year, which is recommended by the World Health Organisation. The PrEP injection, to be taken every other month, could prevent as many as 52 000 new HIV infections. 

3. Reconciliation Day  

3.1. On Friday, 16 December 2022, the nation will celebrate Reconciliation Day to reaffirm our commitment to unity and nation-building. Each year we have an opportunity to reach out to one another to deal with our past, reconcile and build a new nation going forward. 

3.2. Our journey since the advent of freedom and democracy in 1994 has decisively shown that we are stronger as a nation when we are united. Our goal as South Africans should be to promote inclusive nation-building and social cohesion. 

3.3. Together we can build a better tomorrow for all by striving to ensure a nation that encourages dialogue, fosters social cohesion, embraces nation-building and celebrates its diverse culture.

3.4. Cabinet calls on everyone to work together as a nation, and harness our collective strengths to build a united and prosperous South Africa.

4. National Active Ageing Programme 

4.1. The Department of Social Development will host the National Active Ageing Programme in Germiston, Gauteng from 5 to 7 December 2022. The programme brings all nine provinces together and is aimed at promoting the independent and healthy lifestyle of older persons to ensure that they actively participate in their communities. 

4.2. The National Active Ageing Programme will open with a national dialogue to allow older persons to engage on pertinent matters affecting them. This will be followed by the Golden Games where older persons will showcase their athletic abilities. 

4.3. The Older Persons Act, 2006 (Act 13 of 2006) emphasises the importance of the protection and promotion of the rights, dignity, status, integrity, safety, security and well-being of older persons. In this regard, Cabinet calls upon all communities to care, respect and support older persons, especially against abuse, ill-treatment, neglect and GBV. 

E.  Messages


1. Cabinet extended its congratulations and well-wishes to: 

- Prize winners of the 2022 SADC Media Awards. Mr Sandile Stevenson Ndlovu from the Sunday Times for first prize in the photographic category, Ms Zinhle Makhosazane Mugabe from SABC for the second prize in the TV category and  Ms Melinda Shaw from the Poultry Bulletin Magazine for third prize in the Print category.


2. Cabinet extended its condolences to the friends and families of:

- Mr John Henry Ernstzen (82), a veteran trade unionist and political activist who also served in the Public Service as an advisor to the then Minister of Public Service and Administration, Dr Zola Skweyiya. He later served on the Public Service Commission as Deputy Chairperson and also on the Judicial Service Commission.

- Vho-Rashaka Frank Ratshitanga (89), an anti-apartheid activist who endured a number of Security Branch harassments. As a published author, some of his many poetry books were prescribed for high school. After 1994, he served in the Limpopo Legislature. He was a recipient of the Order of the Baobab in Bronze for “his selfless dedication to the struggle against injustice and his active commitment to the development of South Africa”.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and security clearance.

1. Ms Funani Josephine Malatsi as Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Cooperative Governance. 

2. Dr Marcia Mabel Socikwa as Deputy Director-General (DDG): University Education at the Department of Higher Education and Training. 

3. Dr Lisolomzi Assaph Fikizolo as DDG: Oceans and Coasts at the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. 

4. Ms Boipuso Mmasediba Modise as DDG: Economic Policy at National Treasury.  

5. Dr Kefiloe Doris Masiteng as Secretary of Planning in the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. 

6. Ms Jodi-Lynne Scholtz as Commissioner of the National Lotteries Commission. 

7. Dr Phakamani Buthelezi as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Overberg Water Board (Contract renewal). 

8. Dr Bongani Andy Mabaso as CEO of the State Information Technology Agency.

9. Dr Gibson Mashilo Simon Boloka as CEO of the Film and Publication Board.

10. Mr Mandisi Nkuhlu as CEO of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation. 

Cabinet concurred with the following appointments:

1. Social Housing Regulatory Authority:

a. Mr Sandile Luthuli (Chief Executive Authority).

2. Board of South African National Roads Agency Limited: 

a. Mr Themba Barrange Mhambi (Chairperson – reappointment);

b. Mr Robert Alderman Haswell (reappointment);

c. Mr Thamsanqa Piet Matosa (reappointment);

d. Ms Refilwe Buthelezi; and

e. Ms Noluphumzo Leonora Noxaka.

3. Non-executive directors: Air Traffic and Navigation Services:

a. Mr Zola Majavu (Chairperson);

b. Mr Khulile Sympathy Boqwana;

c. Ms Nomathemba Kubheka (reappointment);

d. Maj-Gen Nhlanhla Lucky Ngema (reappointment);

e. Mr Christiaan Rudolph Burger (reappointment);

f. Dr Malindi Joy Neluheni;

g. Mr Muhammed Ameen Ebrahim Amod;

h. Mr Siyabonga Gcina Kudumela;

i. Ms Precious Nompumelelo Sibiya; and

j. Ms Princess Mngoma.

4. Board of South African Nuclear Energy Corporation: 

a. Mr David Nicholls (Chairperson – reappointment);

b. Mr Leshoene Joseph Shayi (reappointment);

c. Ms Senamile Masango (reappointment);

d. Ms Elsie Monale (reappointment);

e. Mr Charles Leornad Mavuso;

f. Mr Hilton Darryl Lazarus;

g. Mr Ashley Latchu;

h. Dr Mosidi Makgae;

i. Mr Suren Maharaj; and

j. Ms Bessie Makgopa (Alternative member – reappointment).

5. Strategic Fuel Fund Board:

a. Mr Sipho Mkhize (Chairperson);

b. Mr Mmete Petrus Fusi;

c. Ms Nosizwe Nokwe-Macamo;

d. Ms Mary-Jane Morifi;

e. Ms Samela Titus-Nabe (reappointment); and

f. Mr Sechaba Thole (reappointment).

6. Board of the Isimangaliso Wetland Park Authority: 

a. Mr Israel Mabhudu Tembe (Chairperson – reappointment);

b. Ms Thulile Memory Sosibo (Deputy Chairperson);

c. Mr Peter Christopher Small (reappointment);

d. Mr Gonesagren Ganesh Nair (reappointment);

e. Ms Maureen Sibusisiwe Ngcobo;

f. Ms Nombuso Mlambo;

g. Mr Boy Daniel Ngobeni; and

h. Mr Bongani Mzwakhe Mhlongo.

7. Members of the Council for the Built Environment:

a. Ms Holovisa Amelia Mtshali (Chairperson – reappointment)

b. Ms Vangile Petronella Nene;

c. Mr Anele Mahlawe;

d. Ms Elizabeth Faith Nyaka;

e. Ms Tinyiko Laurel Palesa Shipalana;

f. Ms Mandisa Princess Pepeta-Daki;

g. Dr Sitsabo Dlamini (reappointment);

h. Mr Thembinkosi Cedric Madikane;

i. Ms Molefi Kubuzie;

j. Mr Christopher Kobla Gavor;

k. Mr Ngwako Edward Hutamo (reappointment);

l. Mr Chris Steynberg;

m. Mr Ashley Latchu (reappointment);

n. Ms Ditaba Maraka (reappointment);

o. Ms Sinehlanhla Mthembu (reappointment);

p. Ms Salome Mabilane;

q. Ms Snowy Makhudu;

r. Dr Khangwelo Desmond Musetsho;

s. Ms Modiehi Elisa Molebatsi;

t. Mr Craig Silva;

u. Mr Tshepo Albia Monakedi; and

v. Ms Seemole Angela Mohopo.

8. Board of Magalies Water: 

a. Dr Keneilwe Sebego (Chairperson – reappointment);

b. Ms Yvonne Malebo Motolong (Deputy Chairperson);

c. Mr Stanley Ngobeni;

d. Ms Yongama Pamla;

e. Ms Priscilla Nomsa Mashaba;

f.  Dr Mosidi Makgae;

g. Mr Muzuvukile Wiseman Mkhize;

h. Ms Tebogo Magogodi Elizabeth Malaka (reappointment);

i. Mr Rudolph Martin Le Roux; and

j. Mr Itumeleng Mosala.

9. Commissioners of the Water Regulator Commission:

a. Ms Davishinee Padayachee;

b. Ms Mampiti Matsabu;

c. Ms Nolubabalo Sondlo;

d. Ms Karen van der Merwe;

e. Mr Rolfe Eberhard;

f.  Dr Binganidzo Muchara;

g. Mr John Alexander Conolly;

h. Ms Karen Breytenbach;

i. Mr Junior Potloane;

j. Mr Itumeleng Brian Modiba; and

k. Ms Ntombokuqala Nokulunga Mnqeta.

10.  Non-executive directors of the Development Bank of Southern Africa Board:

a.  Ms Martie Jansen van Rensburg (reappointment);

b. Ms Dinao Lerutla;

c. Ms Tasneem Essop;

d. Mr Kenneth Brown; and

e. Mr Ebrahim Rasool.

11. South African Maritime Safety Authority Board:

a.  Mr Tau Morwe (Deputy Chairperson).

12. Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa Board members:

a. Ms Sibongile Luthuli; and

b. Adv Johnny Motlogelwa.

13. Board of the Petroleum Agency South Africa: 

a. Mr Satish Roopa (Chairperson);

b. Ms Carmen Mpelwane;

c. Dr Salome Chiloane-Nwabueze; and

d. Mr Xolile Sizani.

14. Board of the Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority: 

a. Ms Precious Nompumelelo Sibiya (Chairperson);

b. Mr Gerald Dumas (Deputy Chairperson); 

c. Mr Gregory Nigel Joseph White; 

d. Ms Zelda Ncedekile-Tshabalala;

e. Ms Vidhu Nardev Vedalankar;

f. Mr Neo Mooketsi Tladinyane;

g. Ms Mmanare Evelyn Mamabolo;

h. Mr Patrick Roy Mnisi; and

i. Mr Pule Johannes Mofokeng.


Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Cell: 083 501 0139

 Union Building