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Cabinet met on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at Tuynhuys in Cape Town.

A. Issues in the Environment

1. Investment

1.1. Cabinet welcomes the successful inaugural Africa Investment Forum held from 7 to 9 November 2018 at the Sandton Convention Centre in Gauteng. African governments and businesses, international financial institutions and other development partners focused on making Africa the next global frontier in investment.

1.2. At the close of the conference 45 deals, worth US$32 billion, were concluded to benefit the continent. Of that, South Africa will benefit from US$6.8 billion in investment.

2. African Union (AU) Summit

2.1. Cabinet is encouraged by deliberations at the AU Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 17 and 18 November 2018, where President Cyril Ramaphosa participated. The Extraordinary Session deliberated on the ongoing reform processes which are intended to establish an effective, efficient and re-energized AU that is capable of achieving continental priorities and goals set out in Agenda 2063, which is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of Africa over the next 50 years.

2.2. The reform of the AU is an ongoing process, with some of its recommendations already implemented, particularly in relation to the commitment to have member states of the AU assume greater ownership of financing the organisation.  More countries continue to sign the African Continental Free Trade Agreement to ensure the Continent realises the continent-wide free-trade agreement.

3. Strategic Partnership with the European Union (EU)

3.1. Cabinet is pleased with the positive outcome of the 7th South Africa – EU Summit held on 15 November in Belgium. The outcomes and commitments made at the summit build on our unprecedented drive to place economic growth and job creation at the centre of South Africa’s national agenda.

3.2. South Africa is the only African country and one of the 10 countries globally that has a Strategic Partnership with the EU. The EU is South Africa’s largest trading partner and largest foreign investor as a bloc, representing 73.7% of total Foreign Direct Investment stocks in the country.

3.3. President Ramaphosa this week hosted the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on a State Visit to South Africa. Germany is one of the largest foreign investors in South Africa, with more than 600 German companies having subsidiaries or production in the country, sustaining about 100 000 jobs.

3.4. This State Visit resulted in the signing of trade and investment agreements between the two countries, and afforded both leaders an opportunity to discuss multilateral issues and cooperate closely as non-permanent members of the United Nations (UN) Security Council for a two-year term from 2019 to 2020.

4. Land reform

4.1. Cabinet noted that Parliament’s Joint Constitutional Review Committee adopted its report that is in favour of amending Section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. The amendment will make it possible for the State to expropriate land without compensation in the public interest. The committee’s report is expected to be tabled in the National Assembly for debate.

4.2. A public consultation process saw numerous organisations making submissions on the Bill and public hearings were held in all nine provinces. The Constitution has so far been amended 17 times through a consultative and inclusive process.

4.3. Government remains committed to a responsible land reform approach that is in the best interests of everyone. Cabinet affirms that government respects the rule of law and will, at all times, act in accordance with the Constitution.  

5. Constitutional Court judgement

5.1. Cabinet welcomes the Constitutional Court judgment which ruled that the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) which governs the awarding of mining rights, must be read concurrently with the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act, 1996 (Act 31 of 1996), which protects vulnerable land rights.

5.2. The victory of the Lesetlheng community in North West signals a start to the recognition of land rights of which South Africa’s historically oppressed people had been deprived for generations. Where mining impacts on settlements, families and communities, people directly affected by mining must consent to any changes affecting their land rights.

6. Audit outcomes

6.1. Cabinet welcomes and congratulates the government departments and entities that continues to consistently receive clean- audit outcomes.  This comes after the release by the Auditor General (AG) Kimi Makwetu of the Public Finance Management Audit Report of the 2017/18 financial year.

6.2. Cabinet is however concerned with the report that shows an overall deterioration in the audit results of some national and provincial government departments and their entities. The signing into law of the Public Audit Amendment Bill by President Ramaphosa, which will strengthen the work of the Office of the AG, will assist in holding accountable those that continue to have disregard for the governance framework.

6.3. Cabinet encourages all departments and entities to work on remedial interventions on all the issues flagged by the AG and to monitor progress regularly to address issues before the next audit cycle.  

7. Safety and Security

7.1. Cabinet pledges support to the National Safer Festive Season Campaign that was launched by Police Minister Bheki Cele under the theme “Operation Quiet Storm”.  

7.2. The campaign aims to make South Africa a safer place as we approach the year-end holiday season. The South African Police Service will conduct nationwide operations in every town, village and township until the end of January 2019. They will focus on visible policing, whilst conducting special crime awareness and prevention operations.

7.3. Cabinet appeals to all people in South Africa to continue cooperating with the police in keeping our communities safe. Parents and guardians are also advised to be extra vigilant in caring for their children during the upcoming festive season.   

7.4. Cabinet also pledges support to the 2018 Festive Season Road Safety campaign, launched by the Minister of Transport, Dr Blade Nzimande, in Limpopo at the weekend.

7.5. The launch coincided with the annual two-day Road Safety Summit and the UN’s World Day of Remembrance for victims of road crashes.  It is in the best interests of our well-being that we all play a part in ensuring a safer festive season by driving responsibly and obeying the rules of the road.

8. Maputo-Catembe Bridge

8.1. Cabinet congratulates the South African engineers involved in the historic development of the longest suspension bridge in Africa. The Maputo-Catembe Bridge was built by the China Road and Bridge Corporation and connects Maputo in Mozambique and KwaZulu-Natal.

8.2. President of Mozambique, Mr Filipe Nyusi, inaugurated the three-kilometre-long Maputo-Catembe Bridge, which was built over four years at a cost of US$785 million.

8.3. This development will stimulate trade and tourism between Mozambique and South Africa with travel time between Maputo to Kosi Bay in KwaZulu-Natal’s East Coast border post drastically reduced from six hours to 90 minutes.

B. Cabinet decisions

9. Programme of Action Briefing Week

9.1. Cabinet was apprised on the progress reports on the priority outcomes for the period starting 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2018. Departments working within the clusters to implement the 14 priority outcomes continue to achieve their respective deliverables. These outcomes are derived from the 2014-2019 Medium Term Strategic Framework and from the National Development Plan’s Vision 2030.

9.2. Cabinet has approved the action required to deal with the challenges affecting implementation. The reports are published on the DPME website (

10. Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP)

10.1. Cabinet approved the extension of the APDP from 2021 to 2035 with amendments  to support the South African Automotive Masterplan (SAAM).

10.2. The SAAM focuses on six areas: Local market optimisation; Regional market development; Localisation; Infrastructure development; Industry transformation, and Technology and associated skills development.

10.3. The amendments seek amongst others to encourage higher levels of local value addition to create more opportunities for additional employment. Monitoring and evaluation of the programme and related industry trends are further enhanced to ensure progress towards the SAAM vision and objectives.  

10.4. The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, will brief the media on these amendments on Friday, 23 November 2018.

C. Bills

11. Cabinet approved for the Public Audit Excess Bill of 2018 to be introduced in Parliament. The Bill provides for the Auditor General to take remedial action to ensure that losses suffered by the State are, where possible, recovered and to refer certain suspected material irregularities for investigation. The Bill further seeks to empower the AG to perform international audit work and conduct performance audits, and align the AG’s governance arrangements to current best practice.

D. Upcoming events

12. 100 #WomenOfFortitude

Following a period of nominations, the 100 #WomenOfFortitude will be unveiled at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on 22 November 2018. The Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Nelson Mandela Centenary and Centenary of Albertina Sisulu announced on the 11 October 2018 the #WomenOfFortitude campaign as one of the Mama Sisulu Centenary activities.

The #WomenOfFortitude campaign is a movement of 100 women to drive the conversation of how women today can sustain the legacy of Mama Sisulu.

13. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

The Department of Women is coordinating and consolidating government's calendar of events for the 16 Days of Activism against GBV Campaign from 25 November to 10 December 2018. Members of the National Executive as well as provincial and local government leaders will undertake portfolio/sector-specific events throughout the country through community-engagement initiatives. Detailed government programmes can be accessed from  

Cabinet urges all South Africans to use this platform and participate in a government event nearest to them. Civil society and other women's organisations are encouraged to populate their calendars of events for the period.

All South Africans are urged to work together to heed the call to #HearMeToo, by listening to the plight of women, and taking action to end the scourge of all forms of violence against women.

E. Ccongratulations

14. Cabinet congratulates all local sporting heroes who are flying the South African flag high. The achievements of those who excelled in their respective sporting fields, was acknowledged at the recent 2018 Sports Award ceremony.

14.1. South Africa’s Caster Semenya bagged double gold by winning the coveted Sports Star of the Year award along with the Sportswoman of the Year Award.

14.2. South African swimming sensation Chad le Clos won the Sportsman of the Year Award.

14.3. Mdodozi Ntutu won the Sportsman of the Year with Disability Award.

14.4. Anrune Liebenberg won the Sportswoman of the Year with Disability Award.

14.5. Banyana Banyana won the prestigious Team of the Year Award.  Banyana Banyana won its first Women’s Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) against Nigeria.

14.6.  Bafana Bafana drew 1-1 in the AFCON qualifier match with Nigeria.

14.7. The South African Rugby team is commended for their performances and we wish them well for their upcoming match against Wales on 24 November 2018.

Cabinet calls on South Africans to continue to rally behind the country’s sports women and men.

15. Cabinet also congratulates:

15.1. Science and Technology Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, who has been nominated to serve in the World Economic Forum Council on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which consists of government, civil society and academics.

This will help countries globally to respond and take advantage of opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

15.2. Finance Minister Tito Mboweni on his appointment to the Board of Trustees of the AU Peace Fund, which will finance mediation and preventative diplomacy activities, institutional capacity requirements, and peace support operations in Africa. As a member of the Board of Trustees, Minister Mboweni will contribute towards the strategic coherence and enhanced governance, financial and administrative oversight of the Peace Fund.  The appointment of the trustees of the AU’s Peace Fund is a key step in the implementation of the financing of the AU’s agenda, which is part of the ongoing institutional reform process.

15.3. Higher Education and Training Minister Naledi Pandor, who will be conferred with the French National Order of the Legion of Honour Award on Friday, 30 November 2018. The award is in recognition of her lifelong remarkable achievements and efforts in nurturing and furthering the cooperation between France and South Africa in the field of Science and Technology. The ceremony will be held in at the residence of the French Ambassador to South Africa in Pretoria.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

16. Provincial heads of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation:

16.1. Free State: Brigadier Kubandran Moodley; and

16.2. North West: Major General Dumisani Patrick Mbotho.

17. Reappointment of Adv Makhosini Solomon Msibi as the CEO of the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC).

18. Reappointment of Mr Thulani Matiki Norman Kgomo as non-executive member of the RTMC Board.

19. Reappointment of Ms Daphline Harridene Charlotte-Ann Ewertse as non-executive member of the RTMC Board.

20. Appointment of Adv Sandile Nogxina as Non-Executive Director and Chairperson of the Airport Company South Africa Board.

Ms Phumla Williams – Acting Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell: 083 501 0139

 Union Building