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1.1 Cabinet held a virtual Special Meeting on Tuesday, 19 January 2021 to discuss the progress report from the National Coronavirus Command Council. Cabinet was briefed on the rate of infections in the country and the surveillance work being conducted by the Department of Health, supported by the Ministerial Advisory Committee. Though still early, Cabinet appreciated the downward trend of infections across the provinces, with the exception of the Free State and Northern Cape.   

1.2 Cabinet thanks all South Africans who continue to play their part by adhering to the health protocols adopted to minimise infections, such as wearing masks at all times when in public, maintaining social distancing, washing their hands at all times with water and soap or using an alcohol-based sanitizer and avoiding gatherings.

2.1 Cabinet was also briefed on the national COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out Programme. The vaccination programme is the key intervention to mitigate the public health and economic impact of the COVID 19 pandemic. The roll out programme entails procurement, distribution, actual vaccination, monitoring, communication and mobilisation. 

2.2 Cabinet approved the setting up of the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on Vaccination to assist with the quick decision-making from all the relevant departments that contribute towards the smooth roll-out of the vaccination programme. The IMC, to be chaired by Deputy President David Mabuza, will meet weekly to receive reports and intervene in unlocking any challenges that may be encountered during the implementation. President Cyril Ramaphosa will chair its first inaugural meeting.

2.3 Members of the IMC are the Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize; Minister of Finance, Mr Tito Mboweni; Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma; Minister in The Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Mr Jackson Mthembu; Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Ms Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula; Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele; Minister of State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo; Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Dr Blade Nzimande; Minister of Public Enterprises, Mr Pravin Gordhan; Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi; Minister of Public Service and Administration, Mr Senzo Mchunu; Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Mr Ebrahim Patel; Minister of Social Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor. 

Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson 
Mobile: 083 501 0139

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