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Presidency releases third progress report on implementation of the Presidential Employment Stimulus

The Presidency has today released its third progress report on implementation of the Presidential Employment Stimulus, which was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his address to a joint sitting of Parliament on 15 October 2020.

The Presidential Employment Stimulus is the most rapid expansion of public employment programmes in South Africa’s history, in response to   the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The stimulus supports both traditional public employment programmes, such as through the   natural resource management programmes of the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries and the Welisizwe Rural Bridges  Programme, and innovative forms of livelihood support, such as through income support for practitioners in the early childhood development  (ECD) sector.

As this progress report shows, the stimulus had made substantial progress towards reaching its overall target by 28 February 2021, with several programmes in the final stages of applications and awards. A final progress report for Phase I of the stimulus will be released once data for March 2021 is available.

Key highlights of the February progress report include:

• The number of opportunities supported increased by 159,909 between January and February 2021, to total of 593,076. This includes both jobs created or retained and livelihoods supported, for all programmes that are currently in implementation.

• Over 25,000 applications from ECD facilities were received in February 2021, for support grants to 125,000 ECD workers. 140 civil society organisations assisted with the application process and are conducting site verifications for unregistered centres. The Department of Social Development is currently processing these applications.

• The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development has now issued over 35,000 vouchers for production inputs to farmers and is on track to meet its overall target. 

Design work is currently underway for Phase II of the employment stimulus, which has been allocated R11 billion in the 2021/22 financial year. This will continue the important support that the stimulus has provided to individuals and communities across South Africa.

To read the Full Report, CLICK HERE...

Media enquiries: Tyrone Seale, Acting Spokesperson to the President at
Issued by: The Presidency

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