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Opening remarks by President Ramaphosa to the Presidential Climate Commission meeting

Fellow Commissioners, 
I am sorry that I am unable to join this meeting of the Presidential Climate Commission. 
This meeting will be discussing several issues that are critical for the future of our country, our economy and our people.
We have been warned about the physical effects of climate change, and this has been tragically demonstrated by the recent floods in KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and North West. 
The floods have shown how rapidly extreme weather events can cause massive loss of life and widespread destruction. 
We live in one of the most affected regions in the world, which is warming faster than the global average. 
Scientists predict that we will experience less rainfall in the west of the country and more severe storms and floods in the east of the country. 
Apart from the tragic human consequences, the damage to human settlements and our economic infrastructure has been massive. 
As we rebuild, we must reflect on our country’s preparedness and response to such disasters. 
Can we improve our early warning systems so that communities and authorities are better able to respond in time? 
Is our disaster management capability fit for purpose? 
And in building back our infrastructure and human settlements, how can we make them more resilient to such disasters in future? 
I am looking forward to the Commission’s reflections on these issues. 
At this meeting, the Commission will be considering a framework for the just transition. 
This framework sets out a shared vision for the just transition in South Africa, principles to guide the transition and essential interventions to give effect to the transition. 
I have been impressed by the deep evidence base that has been established in developing this framework, as well as the commitment by the Commissioners to genuine engagement with communities and affected stakeholders.
A just transition needs to be our point of departure when dealing with climate change. 
Poor people, the unemployed, workers and rural communities are most vulnerable as our economy transitions to a low carbon future. 
We have to find ways to protect jobs and empower workers and communities as our country carefully navigates the shift away from fossil fuels. 
I have been very encouraged by the research coming out of the Commission which shows that more jobs will be created in low-carbon industries than will be lost in fossil fuel industries, but we need to now practically demonstrate how this will be done. 
All of the stakeholders represented on this Commission have a role to play in this just transition. 
Government must create the enabling regulatory framework and ensure steady increase in demand for renewable, low-carbon technologies. 
Business must drive the innovation and investment in low carbon technologies, at the same time as shouldering their responsibilities for environmental and social issues. 
Labour must continue the fight for decent work and protecting jobs, at the same time as ensuring productivity improvements in line with rising wages. 
And civil society must continue to champion the social and environmental agenda, and hold stakeholders to account for the promises they make. 
This meeting will be receiving an update on the Just Energy Transition Partnership. 
Since the deal was announced we have been able to constitute a negotiating team to put together the complex elements of the deal so that we can kickstart a just and affordable energy transition. 
The deal should benefit all South Africans. 
Upgrading the grid and ramping up renewable energy production will make electricity cheaper and more dependable. 
Repurposing and repowering our existing coal plants will create new livelihoods for workers and communities most impacted in the change.
It will also lower our CO2 emissions, which is essential for us to contribute towards keeping global warming below 1.5C.
And we will open new markets for the supply of our clean energy minerals, like platinum, vanadium, cobalt, copper, manganese and lithium. 
I expect the Commission to continue to exercise oversight over this partnership, and to ensure that the final deal delivers on its promise. 
We need to make sure that this partnership succeeds – for our people, for our climate, and for our future economic competitiveness. 
I wish you well in your deliberations. 
I thank you.

 Union Building