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Deputy President Mashatile officiates at the South Africa National Human Development Report official launch

Deputy President Paul Mashatile will on Tuesday, 25 July 2023, attend and officiate at the South Africa National Human Development (SANHDR) Report 2022 launch in Pretoria, Gauteng Province.

The Deputy President is attending the launch at the invitation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in South Africa and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).

The Deputy President’s attendance is in line with his delegated task as the Chairperson of the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC), established to build the human resource development base required to ensure a prosperous and inclusive South African society and economy.

The theme of the report is "Harnessing the Employability of South Africa's Youth". The report examines youth unemployment from a human development perspective, with an emphasis on the impact on their earning potential, business growth, social cohesion, and public resources.

The report further acknowledges that youth unemployment is a critical development challenge in South Africa and addressing it, simultaneously targets poverty and income inequality.

It is expected that the launch event will shed light on youth unemployment, highlight its consequences and present policy recommendations for fostering inclusive and sustainable growth in South Africa.

Deputy President Mashatile will be accompanied by Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma.

Details of the launch are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, 25 July 2023
Time: 15h00 (Media to arrive at 14h00 
Venue: ISibalo House, Koch Street, Salvokop, Pretoria
Members of the media covering the event are requested to confirm their attendance, for accreditation purposes, with Ms Linah Ledwaba on 066 240 7635 (The Presidency) and Ntokozo Mahlangu 060 533 6760 (UNDP) by 24 July 2023 at 16h00.

Enquiries: Mr Vukani Mde, Spokesperson to the Deputy President on 081 307 9233

Issued by: The Presidency

 Union Building