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Presidential consultation supports action to stimulate confidence, growth

President Cyril Ramaphosa has shared with South Africa’s business and labour leaders an outline of the economic stimulus package adopted by Cabinet to spark economic activity and secure confidence in sectors affected by regulatory uncertainty.
President Ramaphosa presented highlights of the stimulus package that will soon be announced publicly, to business and labour leaders during a consultative meeting on Friday, 14 September 2018, on economic recovery, investment and job creation.
The meeting in Pretoria was a preparatory dialogue ahead of the forthcoming Jobs Summit and Investment Conference.
The meeting was also attended by Deputy President David Mabuza, Ministers in the economic cluster, leaders of business formations, CEOs and leaders of the country’s major labour federations.
President Ramaphosa indicated that the stimulus package will reprioritise government spending, within the existing fiscal framework, towards activities that will stimulate economic activity.
The package will include a defined set of economic reforms covering issues such as mining, telecommunications, tourism and transport.
The meeting agreed that South Africa’s economic recovery demands urgent implementation of the stimulus package and promised growth-enhancing reforms.
The meeting also discussed proposals to establish an infrastructure development initiative that draws in private sector funding and delivery expertise.
The President welcomed the offer extended by business for the secondment of private sector professionals to government to improve implementation.
The meeting provided an opportunity for government, business and labour to exchange views on challenges facing the economy.
Delegates engaged frankly on constraints to growth and entrepreneurship, and issues affecting the lives of citizens, including safety and security.
Business and labour welcomed the measures being proposed to stimulate the economy, alleviate pressure on the poor and create and preserve jobs.
Social partners urged government to accelerate finalisation of the Mining Charter, spectrum policy and other instances of regulation that hold the potential to make the economy more efficient, agile and competitive.
In acknowledging these challenges, participants called on the nation to focus attention on the progress the country was making across many sectors and to become active in sustaining positivity.
Business and labour welcomed measures undertaken since the State of the Nation Address to promote investment, stabilise state-owned enterprises, tackle corruption and strengthen public institutions.
President Ramaphosa appealed to business to work with labour and government to prevent job losses.
The social partners have agreed to meet more regularly to strengthen economic collaboration and take shared responsibility for accelerating the country’s growth trajectory.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President, on 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

 Union Building