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Government and interfaith leaders share commitment to fight COVID-19 and corruption

President Ramaphosa held a virtual meeting today, Wednesday, 02 September 2020, with interfaith leaders as part of ongoing consultation and collaboration between government and various sectors of society on South Africa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A number of Ministers and Deputy Ministers participated in the meeting where government updated interfaith leaders on progress in South Africa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and impressed the need for continued vigilance to avert a resurgence in the infection or mortality rate.

Interfaith leaders welcomed the measures adopted by government and the nation to date to save lives and enable greater economic activity.

Interfaith leaders updated government on how communities of faith are implementing the provisions of the national lockdown that apply to religious gatherings and pointed out several challenges arising from these restrictions.

Interfaith leaders also called for a further easing, under Level 2 of the national lockdown, of restrictions that apply to religious gatherings. The President undertook on behalf of government that the proposals made by the religious sector will be assessed by the National Coronavirus Command Council.

The meeting spanned a broad range of societal issues including the fight against corruption and the need for a return to ethical values as espoused in the Constitution and in the teachings of the interfaith community.

Government and the interfaith sector agreed to work together to achieve and sustain adherence to good values by all South Africans.

Discussion also touched on recent events in Eldorado Park, Johannesburg, surrounding the fatal shooting of Nathaniel Julies, a teenager with disability; economic recovery, and the need to address hunger experienced by large numbers of households.

The President outlined measures taken by government to address corruption and said the COVID-19 pandemic was a watershed for fighting corruption in all forms and all sectors of society.

Wrongdoing would not go unpunished, the President said.

The President expressed government’s appreciation for the spirit of partnership in which the interfaith community continues to work alongside government on issues confronting the nation.

Media enquiries: Tyrone Seale, Acting Spokesperson to the President at

Issued by: The Presidency

 Union Building