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African Union Chairperson, President Ramaphosa, welcomes the signing of a permanent cease-fire between rival forces in Libya

His Excellency Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa and Chairperson of the African Union, welcomes the   announcement made in Geneva, Switzerland on 23 October 2020 regarding the signing of a complete country-wide and permanent cease-fire agreement between rival forces in Libya. 

President Ramaphosa stated, “We congratulate all signatories for agreeing to this groundbreaking permanent ceasefire agreement. The signing of this agreement is an important step towards Silencing the Guns in Africa. We further support the appeal by the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres for all stakeholders, regional and international actors to respect the provisions of the cease-fire agreement and ensure its implementation without delay in order to bring an end to this conflict. This includes ensuring the full and unconditional respect of the UN Security Council arms embargo”.
The ceasefire agreement, its enforcement and observation is a critical first step in creating conducive conditions for lasting peace. It paves the way for the resumption of the intra-Libyan dialogue, which is the only legitimate platform that can produce a durable Libyan-owned political solution.

The Chairperson of the AU stressed the need for external parties to respect for the UNSC arms embargo and called on them to refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of Libya. He also emphasised the importance of AU/UN collaboration in supporting the Libyan parties in search for a political solution.

President Ramaphosa concluded, “Guided by the spirit of fraternity, and the principles of solidarity and cooperation, the AU stands ready to accompany the Libyan people on this journey towards peace, national reconciliation and unity”.

Issued by: The Chairperson of the African Union

 Union Building